Paizo Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Video Game Kickstarter Live

The Kickstarter for the new Pathfinder video game is now live and rocketing towards funding (it made $100K in the first hour or so). It describes itself as "A new isometric single-player RPG set in the Pathfinder universe – an indirect sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker." It's based on Pathfinder 1st Edition, with an added "strategic layer" of gameplay allowing you to lead armies. For $28 you...

The Kickstarter for the new Pathfinder video game is now live and rocketing towards funding (it made $100K in the first hour or so). It describes itself as "A new isometric single-player RPG set in the Pathfinder universe – an indirect sequel to Pathfinder: Kingmaker."

It's based on Pathfinder 1st Edition, with an added "strategic layer" of gameplay allowing you to lead armies. For $28 you get a digital copy of the game. Like its predecessor, Kingmaker, this is made by the Russian studio Owlcat Games. The previous Kickstarter made nearly a million dollars.

In this game, you also choose one of six mythic paths (angel, lich, trickster, aeon, demon, or azata), one of ten races, and one of 21 classes (each with five archetypes).


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Gold Dragon and the Swarm-That-Walks Mythic Paths achieved.

Next up one of three races will be in the game depending upon backer votes, Ratfolk, Kitsune, or Catfolk. I'm torn between Kitsune and Catfolk.


People seem to think that the next stretch goal after the current one will be somekind of Enhanced or Flying Animal Companions.


And the animal companion customization was also funded.
Next strech goal is the Skald class (Fighter/Bard hybrid?)

Also, Pathfinder 2 now has more backing than Kingmaker had and still has 29 days to go.

Owlcat also started out to send out mails about some of the companions you can get in Pathfinder 2

"Lann the Man"
A mongrel, meaning the mutated offspring of the first crusaders, thanks to the effects the Worldwound had on them". A dry witted archer

They also hinted that meeting old companions from Kingmaker is a possibilities.


Its getting close to the Skald, but looks like the Kickstarter is slowly loosing steam which is not surprising after the initial rush.
I hope the get to the 1 million mark for symbolic reasons which I am fairly certain they will reach with more than 20 days to go. There will likely also be another small spike in pledges ones the project is officially funded and people can use PayPal to pledge.

For the backers here, what race do you intend to choose?

I guess I go ratfolk, simply because they are a Starfinder core race and thus have the biggest background.
Kitsune don't really fit because of their asian touch and catfolk, I don't know. Do they actually play a role in Pathfinder or are they just "there" somewhere and never referenced?

I am kinda surprised they didn't offer lizardmen after them getting such a big writeup in Pathfinder 2 and meeting them already in Kingmaker. Maybe it was because they already had models for them and they wanted to offer completely new races as goal so to not cheap out if lizardmen were chosen?


You'd think the Catfolk would be heavily drawn to the Osirian Pantheon given the Vat headed deities, but Catfolk aren't given enough details in my opinion, and I'm not satisified with their mechanics.

Kitsune are flavourful and great mechanics and they do have a few population centres on the Inner Sea region, so they will be getting my vote (but I feel bad for Catfolk, although there is a chance BG3 will have Catfolk, aka Tabaxi).

Ratfolks popularity I just don't get.

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