Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder's Mwangi Expanse Contents Page

Paizo has shared the contents page of its African-inspired setting book, The Mwangi Expanse, which was released yesterday. "South of a forbidding range of mountain peaks lies a land of boundless resources and untold opportunity. The Mwangi Expanse has been home to an untold diversity of cultures and peoples since time immemorial, hosting powerful, isolated city states that have often paid...

Paizo has shared the contents page of its African-inspired setting book, The Mwangi Expanse, which was released yesterday.

"South of a forbidding range of mountain peaks lies a land of boundless resources and untold opportunity. The Mwangi Expanse has been home to an untold diversity of cultures and peoples since time immemorial, hosting powerful, isolated city states that have often paid little attention to their neighbors. Yet the turning tides of fortune have begun to usher in changes that are rippling across the world. As a band of scholars from an ancient university venture north to aid a disaster-torn Avistan. A revolution-forged nation seeks powerful allies against foreign aggression. An undead god, once a symbol of hope to his declining nation, now grows jealous enough to turn on his self-proclaimed kin. Whether you are a diplomat seeking leverage from the most difficult of positions, a spy seeking the subtlest hint of danger from your surroundings, a guardian hoping to protect your home and people, or a warrior striking back at tyrants both native and foreign, this guide to the Mwangi Expanse offers you the ultimate resource to explore a realm of magic, monsters, and intrigue!"



Paizo also mentions some early errata for the book --

We fixed the errors in the PDF versions but didn’t spot them in time to alter the printed books. Gripplis have the wrong ancestry bonuses in the printed copies. As a result, they lack the correct ability score boosts (Dexterity, Wisdom, and a Free boost, plus their Strength penalty). The ancestry also has a line noting “others probably assume [gripplis] are savage, simple-minded, or both.” It was meant as a note that such assumptions were flawed but didn’t convey enough context to be appropriate in any sense. Moreover, that language specifically violates our own guidelines on how we talk about people. Our developers and editors know to remove those words on sight to avoid situations like this. However, due to a process issue, this was flagged during production but not actually removed. We’ve instituted new procedures to prevent words like this from ever making it to print.

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Well shucks. This book got put into Roll20 day one (after they said they weren't going to be adding Lost Omens books). Meanwhile they're still missing Adventure Paths like Abomination Vaults.
I'm happy for anyone who wants to use this book, but I really wish those APs were on there.

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Well shucks. This book got put into Roll20 day one (after they said they weren't going to be adding Lost Omens books). Meanwhile they're still missing Adventure Paths like Abomination Vaults.
I'm happy for anyone who wants to use this book, but I really wish those APs were on there.
If PF2e is your game, you are really better off using Foundry and importing the AP PDFs or using Fantasy Grounds since they have much better support for PF2e than roll20 does.


Well shucks. This book got put into Roll20 day one (after they said they weren't going to be adding Lost Omens books). Meanwhile they're still missing Adventure Paths like Abomination Vaults.
I'm happy for anyone who wants to use this book, but I really wish those APs were on there.
I heard they are apparently planning to adapt Strength of Thousands(and more lost omen books) after all.


If PF2e is your game, you are really better off using Foundry and importing the AP PDFs or using Fantasy Grounds since they have much better support for PF2e than roll20 does.
FG is one I've tried before, and it's a no-go for me.
I'm familiar enough with Roll20, and Foundry just seems a little wonky and tricky to use (since I'm already familiar with Roll20).
The issue becomes do I take hours to prep each session on Roll20 or take weeks/months to learn Foundry (and ask players to do the same)? It's sort of a no-win situation (that is, unless Roll20 would just add the content I need.)
I'm pretty much resigned that I would only use Foundry for PF2 (it's certainly worse than Roll20 for D&D 5e). And since I'm running only a single PF2 game (as opposed to two weekly 5e games), and I do not plan to run another PF2 campaign after this one wraps up.


On sidenote, wow Anadi got already changed on FAQ errata page

"Page 103: The Anadi Change Shape ability should allow a different set of actions in spider form to allow more manipulate actions than it currently does. Change it to say "You change into your human or spider shape. Each shape has a specific, persistent appearance. In your human shape, you can’t use unarmed attacks granted by your ancestry. You aren’t flat footed when climbing in your spider shape. However, in your spider shape you can’t use weapons, shields, or other held items of any sort, and you are limited in what actions you can take that have the manipulate trait. The only manipulate actions you can take are to Cast a Spell with somatic components, weave silk or webbing, or simple Interact actions such as opening an unlocked door. Your spider legs can't perform actions that require fingers or significant manual dexterity, including any action that would require a check to accomplish. The GM might determine other manipulate actions are appropriate for your spider legs"

On sidenote, wow Anadi got already changed on FAQ errata page

"Page 103: The Anadi Change Shape ability should allow a different set of actions in spider form to allow more manipulate actions than it currently does. Change it to say "You change into your human or spider shape. Each shape has a specific, persistent appearance. In your human shape, you can’t use unarmed attacks granted by your ancestry. You aren’t flat footed when climbing in your spider shape. However, in your spider shape you can’t use weapons, shields, or other held items of any sort, and you are limited in what actions you can take that have the manipulate trait. The only manipulate actions you can take are to Cast a Spell with somatic components, weave silk or webbing, or simple Interact actions such as opening an unlocked door. Your spider legs can't perform actions that require fingers or significant manual dexterity, including any action that would require a check to accomplish. The GM might determine other manipulate actions are appropriate for your spider legs"

Yeah, that makes the form workable. Still think they should have a climb speed, but it makes the Spider form a solid option, especially given their ancestry feats largely upgrade it.


FG is one I've tried before, and it's a no-go for me.
I'm familiar enough with Roll20, and Foundry just seems a little wonky and tricky to use (since I'm already familiar with Roll20).
The issue becomes do I take hours to prep each session on Roll20 or take weeks/months to learn Foundry (and ask players to do the same)? It's sort of a no-win situation (that is, unless Roll20 would just add the content I need.)
I'm pretty much resigned that I would only use Foundry for PF2 (it's certainly worse than Roll20 for D&D 5e). And since I'm running only a single PF2 game (as opposed to two weekly 5e games), and I do not plan to run another PF2 campaign after this one wraps up.
Honestly Foundry is easy to use. And it is better for use for 5e as well. This is from a player and GM side. Give it a shot! Both are incredibly well supported systems for it.


I just remember when people were super hyped for Astral and Fantasy Grounds <_<

I didn't even like Foundry that much when I tested it out, sure it did have some neat features, but it kinda felt like another "engineers designed the UI" sites


I personally love how each city actually lists on the right hand side a key, images with a word each, of what sort of goods a player is to get from there. That is so useful you have no idea.

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