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PC refusing to play a higher level character to start...


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starkad said:

Which is what I am doing in a way I suppose. I will note I have killed him twice so far. I hedged on killing him once because I was in a bad mood and didn't want to listen to him whine. :p

You didn't kill him. The monsters killed his character. There is a big distinction. When you are DMing, if it is in the monster's best interests to slay his character, by all means, do not have them pull punches. That would be unfair to the other players.

Besides, just because his character is a PC does not mean that the other PCs must protect him and have him tagging along. If I were in that group, I'd play a NG wizard and charm his character. Then I'd say, "I'd like it if you'd stay in town, since we have to go slay a dragon now. You'd just get in the way. This is for your own good, since you aren't experienced enough to play with the big boys."

Remember, it's not just your choice that the person is playing, it's also all the players' decision as well. Talk it over with them as well; see what they think.

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Uhm... make him play a 1st level frost giant? Seriously, this guy looks like an "overroleplayer". He's got all the symptoms:
making drama out of petty things,
refusing to play high-level characters,
assuming that game rules have to be disregarded if they hinder his concept of "roleplaying".

Try to explain him that "proper" (as in, non disruptive and more true to the term) roleplaying involves:
having the character behave realistically, which also means not making big drama out of petty things and most certainly not during combat;
being able to play characters of any level - when someone tells me that you can do good roleplaying only with weak characters, I have to question his skills;
not whining when something unexpected happens to your character. IRL, you're not immortal and in charge of everything, and neither is your character. If you want that kind of control, go write a novel instead.

Beyond that, I frankly don't know what to do. Curing overroleplayers is even tougher than curing munchkins. I sometimes feel they believe that actual playing is somewhat below them.


First Post
I don't know that I would classify him as 'rude'. He's been disruptive, but not abusive. He's kept pretty 'even keel' in his methods. At no time have voices been raised.

I will admit it is a form of blackmail.. And seeing it in that light makes me wonder why I let it go on this long.

And making problems for the center of attention? Right on the mark, even if they are superficial problems. Good way of saying it.

I haev talked to the group, and they simply say "That's so-and-so, I'm used to it. He'll leave when we play Spycraft, so why bother?" And that burns me to no end. I constantly get frustrated with this guy.. He takes literally 3-5 minutes to do his action, stretching combat out interminably. I've gone so far as to invoke the dreaded; "Combat rounds are 6 seconds, stop metagaming."

Most of my other players contemplate their actions well before their turn, and modify them as needed.. This guy literally takes the cake. You should see him when we play Starfarer's of Cataan... He'll take 10-15 minutes for his turn sometimes. Ugh.

This is also the guy that wants to rest after every signle garl darn fight.. And actually complains when the group wants to push on for a challenge... THEY didn't waste all their spells on one silly fight. And they'ev dubbed him "Buff Boy".

Good advice guys.. Thanks. Definitely keep it coming if you have more. I think I have a tentative course of action right now, though... Which is good, considering we play tonight.


I was going to say something substantive, but everyone here already beat me to it.

Starkad, you're in Woburn. There's a ton of gamers in the greater Boston area. If he decides to be a child and leave, you can certainly replace him without too much trouble.


First Post
Piratecat said:
I was going to say something substantive, but everyone here already beat me to it.

Starkad, you're in Woburn. There's a ton of gamers in the greater Boston area. If he decides to be a child and leave, you can certainly replace him without too much trouble.

Yeah, true I guess.. We've tried some new people with disastrous consequences... God that was a nightmare. I've used bostongamers to date, had 3 good hits, 2 horrible.. Where do you find them mostly, PC?

It'll be relatively moot on November 19, though. We get an oldtime player back (His wife and he had a baby back in February-ish), who will be a HUGE boost. Add to that we got a new player (rules lawyer, but fairly lowkey for one, to which I was amazed...the guy is like having the core books right at your fingertips), and I guess we're all set. I just hate being rude to folks is all, and stomping on someone isn't my style.. And it will look like that when I do it (when, not if... I've made up my mind).

First off I consider blatant threats between people who are supposed to be friends to be rude and abusive.

Second, I would suggest you bring a stop watch to the next gaming session. Tell everyone that combat it taking too long so you are adding a rule. Everyone gets no more than 15 seconds to decide what they are going to do in a 6 second combat round. If a player does not explain their full action before 15 seconds is up then they do only as much as they said. If doing that much is not possible then they delay till the next round. If you do this you need to be firm. Firm with him and firm with the other players.

Third, get him back in game a bit. Ask the other players to be a tough elf and call him a pussy when he wants to rest after every battle. When he wants to camp after every battle it is not players that should have a problem with this it should be their characters.

starkad said:
I don't know that I would classify him as 'rude'. He's been disruptive, but not abusive. He's kept pretty 'even keel' in his methods. At no time have voices been raised.

I will admit it is a form of blackmail.. And seeing it in that light makes me wonder why I let it go on this long.

And making problems for the center of attention? Right on the mark, even if they are superficial problems. Good way of saying it.

I haev talked to the group, and they simply say "That's so-and-so, I'm used to it. He'll leave when we play Spycraft, so why bother?" And that burns me to no end. I constantly get frustrated with this guy.. He takes literally 3-5 minutes to do his action, stretching combat out interminably. I've gone so far as to invoke the dreaded; "Combat rounds are 6 seconds, stop metagaming."

Most of my other players contemplate their actions well before their turn, and modify them as needed.. This guy literally takes the cake. You should see him when we play Starfarer's of Cataan... He'll take 10-15 minutes for his turn sometimes. Ugh.

This is also the guy that wants to rest after every signle garl darn fight.. And actually complains when the group wants to push on for a challenge... THEY didn't waste all their spells on one silly fight. And they'ev dubbed him "Buff Boy".

Good advice guys.. Thanks. Definitely keep it coming if you have more. I think I have a tentative course of action right now, though... Which is good, considering we play tonight.


First Post
DocMoriartty said:
First off I consider blatant threats between people who are supposed to be friends to be rude and abusive.

Second, I would suggest you bring a stop watch to the next gaming session. Tell everyone that combat it taking too long so you are adding a rule. Everyone gets no more than 15 seconds to decide what they are going to do in a 6 second combat round. If a player does not explain their full action before 15 seconds is up then they do only as much as they said. If doing that much is not possible then they delay till the next round. If you do this you need to be firm. Firm with him and firm with the other players.

Third, get him back in game a bit. Ask the other players to be a tough elf and call him a pussy when he wants to rest after every battle. When he wants to camp after every battle it is not players that should have a problem with this it should be their characters.

1) Point taken.

2) Good idea... Just need to grab a stopwatch now.

3) Oh you'd laugh your butt off at some of the busting of the balls that goes on from them to him... That's part of the problem with the drama, he feeds right into it, and it continues for 10-20 minutes at a shot. I try to step in, but my players get riled when I interrupt 'role-playing'... They're pretty cool about it though. They know when it needs to end.


Bard 7/Mod (ret) 10/Mgr 3
starkad said:

I just hate being rude to folks is all, and stomping on someone isn't my style.. And it will look like that when I do it (when, not if... I've made up my mind).

I understand where you're coming from, but think of the other players who are being inconvenienced by this nincompoop. You have them to think about to, as well as the health of your overall game and group.

Piratecat's players have related the story of a former player whom the group liked very much, but caused too many problems in the game; he eventually left the group. PC's game is still going strong after ten years, proving the strength of his game and his group, and I dare you to find someone on this planet who would call Piratecat rude.

You're doing the right thing. Life's too short.


About half my group has the same problem as your player, starkad.

When pushed, they usually don't have a problem making characters with ECL. Like the aforementioned "1st level frost giant" idea. Here's the best ECL Calculator that I've been able to find.

ECL typically works better for fighter-types. It's tough on the spellcasters unless you pick a race with its own spellcasting abilities per HD.


First Post
Eridanis said:

and I dare you to find someone on this planet who would call Piratecat rude.

Piratecat is rude. Neener neener.

Don't mind me, just being a smartass.

Back to the subject. I have had games ruined because the DM tried to keep a lousy player just because we didn't have a lot of players. Let him walk.


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