I have a player who wants to be a suave hero, seen as honorable and brave, but who is actually really deft at poisons -- both on blades and in goblets.
What are some good ways to let him lean into this fantasy? Yes, there's basic poison that just gives people disadvantage if they fail saves, but are there any good mechanics for a PC making his own poisons? I kinda would like to have a scene every few sessions where he has the chance to get some useful ingredient for poison, to build up a stockpile of options to help him deal with particular types of foes.
Some 20 years ago I had a game where a PC joined a drow assassin's guild and learned a technique to turn his own blood to poison, so he could always have something lethal simply by cutting himself. But back in the 3e days that just meant forcing Fortitude saves to avoid Dexterity damage. Is there a good suite of poison options in 5e, beyond the basic stuff in the PHB?
Any ideas? Experience of having PC poisoners among your own games?
What are some good ways to let him lean into this fantasy? Yes, there's basic poison that just gives people disadvantage if they fail saves, but are there any good mechanics for a PC making his own poisons? I kinda would like to have a scene every few sessions where he has the chance to get some useful ingredient for poison, to build up a stockpile of options to help him deal with particular types of foes.
Some 20 years ago I had a game where a PC joined a drow assassin's guild and learned a technique to turn his own blood to poison, so he could always have something lethal simply by cutting himself. But back in the 3e days that just meant forcing Fortitude saves to avoid Dexterity damage. Is there a good suite of poison options in 5e, beyond the basic stuff in the PHB?
Any ideas? Experience of having PC poisoners among your own games?