I crit!
It is also a decent summary of the top level bits of this chaos.
It also is scathing in so many ways. A Sample below.
However go read it in it's entirety. It is light on words really but so very heavy otherwise. That last paragraph is especially harsh.
Oh and go see the comic.
Ogle - Penny Arcade
It also is scathing in so many ways. A Sample below.
The practical, predictable result of this chaos is that open systems are coming out of the woodwork, from supergroup collabs like Kobold Press, Chaosium, Green Ronin, and Paizo, to RPG powerhouse MCDM. I'm shocked, startled, and mystified that there hasn't been an announcement from Critical Role slash Darrington Press, who has the most to lose, and whose legendary exploits the new OGL seems custom made to curtail.
However go read it in it's entirety. It is light on words really but so very heavy otherwise. That last paragraph is especially harsh.
Ogle - Penny Arcade
Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.
Oh and go see the comic.
Ogle - Penny Arcade