so then why
don't they put realistic numbers then? If it makes no difference to in-game (except encumbrance), why not just put in the real values and stop this insanity?
Someone in the other thread wrote that a longsword being 5 "pounds" in the PHB is due to the fact that someone with 18 strength being only able to carry a certain number of them...thus the extra "weight" is a fudged hack on top of the carrying rules to account for carrying many of them.
But this in my mind, in no way compensates for the added difficulty in lugging around bags of stuff, i.e. the "knapsack problem". I know, I'm a computer's a BS cop-out to assign a numerical stat and conflate it with weight. It's much easier to pack a stack of swords or a quiver of arrows than one sword, an axe, a polearm, a suit of plate, etc.
What would you rather carry with a friend, a coffin with a corpse in it? Or a corpse itself, directly. What do you think would be easier...? 10 swords all wrapped up in a bundle swung on your back is imminently more do-able than 5 in your hands, while you're doing other stuff. The weight is just that, the weight.
If we want rules to make emcumbrance more realistic, then we/they can add an optional module. But let's keep the weights real. Don't tell me a throwing axe is 7 pounds when it is in fact, one. That's an unforgivable error of an order of magnitude.