d12 | Regular | High Alert |
1 | nothing | nothing |
2 | nothing | nothing |
3 | nothing | nothing |
4 | nothing | nothing |
5 | nothing | foreshadowing |
6 | foreshadowing | foreshadowing |
7 | foreshadowing | event |
8 | event | event |
9 | event | encounter |
10 | event | encounter |
11 | encounter | encounter |
12 | encounter | encounter |
Can you expand on this, I am not sure what you mean.I've just been mulling the Paizo variants. I'll plug the free archetype. I find the classes too skimpy and multi-classing too confining. I think free archetype opens things up.
I've just been mulling the Paizo variants. I'll plug the free archetype. I find the classes too skimpy and multi-classing too confining. I think free archetype opens things up.
Free Archetype is a variant that gives every character extra feats to take an archetype and customize it. From what I understand, it’s a very popular variant.Can you expand on this, I am not sure what you mean.
Free Archetype is a variant that gives every character extra feats to take an archetype and customize it. From what I understand, it’s a very popular variant.
While I probably wouldn’t go as far as allowing any archetype, I’m inclined to allow martial characters to take a fighting style archetype at first level. If you want to be an e.g., dual-wielding barbarian, you can take Dual-Weapon Warrior and have at it. That addresses an issue some have where martial characters are siloed into their own feat trees, and if you want to play a particular concept, you better hope Paizo created class feats to support it. Giving martial characters a martial archetype for free obviates that problem.