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PH1: The Darque Demense (Bront judging)


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Phoenix8008 said:
"Hmmm. 800 gold, each. Pretty hefty sum for Lucias the tightwad. He must REALLY want this place so he can burn it down or something. Because you've got to know that he doesn't want (or need) this place to live in. He's got a better place of his own already. Not to mention wanting to erase any record of his cousin who has been a 'stain' on his family's reputation. Ah, that must be it..." the voice muses. "I bet he expects to loot this place before burning it down and make back whatever he paid you. And he could do it too. There's enough here I'm sure to pay you more than Lucias is offering, and I'm not just talking about money. Allahastor was a wizard after all, and his spellbook is laying right here in the top room of the tower...

it continues "I'm sure I could top his price, but I'd have to look around a bit to make sure exactly what I have to offer. You could sweeten the pot a little though if you would take care of a couple minor problems for me though. You see, not every thing in this house has been set in place on purpose for the sole benefit of keeping people out. A few things have just sort of gotten out of hand since Allahastor's death. If you would help me out by removing these couple pests, I'd be in debt to you myself. I would even tell you what awaits you in those areas so you could better prepare. For instance, in the kitchen (which is in the ground level room of the tower) there are several large rats that have taken over and in the room above that a shocker lizard has broken free of the cage that contained it and has been wrecking the laboratory. Also, it you come to the second floor from the tower side, it will be much easier to deal with "Fluffy". If you insist on going up these stairs, I'd advise only letting one person step off the stairs until Fluffy is dealt with."

"So, what do ya say to my offer so far?"
the voice asks in anticipation.

"Hmm...certainly the offer of the spellbook is tempting. I take it Lucias doesn't believe in renting out spare properties?

Also, you speak of 'this place' as though you weren't part of it. What are you, exactly? A huanting? Bound elemental?

And who in the name of Yog-Sothoth is 'Fluffy'?"

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Deus Ex Machina

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Eleria cocks her head to one side and squints her eye as she contemplates, as if trying to get a closer look at the house, even though she knows that it would not aid her in revealing the source of the taunting voice.

“I must admit that your offer is most intriguing, house. Though, how am I to know that I can trust you and that you are not just leading us on, hmmm? Why should we believe that our employer simply wants to take possession of this house in order to destroy it? You said so yourself; we may be doing you a service!”

She looks around at the others, as if questioning their position in the whole affair before committing the group to any course of action. Her arms are folded across her chest in an assertive stance, as she awaits the response.

Sense Motive = 15

OOC: Oops! I hope I didn’t break the game. ^_^


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Abdul said:
"Hmm...certainly the offer of the spellbook is tempting. I take it Lucias doesn't believe in renting out spare properties?

Also, you speak of 'this place' as though you weren't part of it. What are you, exactly? A huanting? Bound elemental?

And who in the name of Yog-Sothoth is 'Fluffy'?"
"In truth, I was not necesarily offering the spellbook in total. Though some access might be part of the bargain, if one is made. As for what I am, well you are correct that I am not the house. Though it has been enjoyable letting you labor under the misunderstanding. Though it may cause further mistrust, I will hold off on proclaiming myself as of yet. If you will remove the rats and the shocker lizard, then once you pass Fluffy (another surprise, but not a dangerous one if you come from the tower side) you shall find the way opened upon the roof to enter and meet me face to face."

Eleria said:
“I must admit that your offer is most intriguing, house. Though, how am I to know that I can trust you and that you are not just leading us on, hmmm? Why should we believe that our employer simply wants to take possession of this house in order to destroy it? You said so yourself; we may be doing you a service!”
"In the end, I cannot give you proof to gain your trust. You shall give it or not. But I can tell you that I saw such thoughts in Lucias' mind when he stood before the locked front door. Again though, this would be my word against his and not proof. I admit to my bias as I do have some stake in what happens to this house. I will explain more when or if we meet. And yes, by removing the rats and lizard yo would be doing me a service. But had I not told you of them, you still may have encountered them and destroyed them regardless. So you may help me in that small manner, and if we come to an arrangement, then that help with be taken into consideration. If we do not reach an agreement, then you shall have bested more foes and gained in strength by the act. Do as thou wilt, come up these stairs now, or return to the dining room and enter there into the kitchen in the tower. We shall speak again later."

[sblock=Eleria]Your sense motive isn't high enough to discern anything at this time.[/sblock]OOC: No worries, game not broken. :D This was a possibility I planned for, though not quite this soon I thought. But then again, when have the PC's ever done what the DM plans for or expects? :eek:
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Deus Ex Machina

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“This places us in a precarious position, you see. For we have a contract with our employer to clear this house and return to him what he seeks. Whilst you say that his motives are sinister, as they may well be, it would still appear that his inheritance would make him the rightful owner of this house; something that gives him the right to do as he pleases. For surely, if you were Allahastor himself, or the rightful owner, you would’ve ended this foolish charade a long time ago. Would you not?”

She pauses for an answer.

“Nonetheless, we will do as you ask and remove these rats and lizard. When we have done this, we shall come to you for answers; and you had best be prepared with an explanation that is better than the one you have offered to date.”

She turns to the others.

“Let us follow this course of action. It serves us no purpose to work against him and, whilst I am somewhat sceptical, there may be more to this situation that what appears to be the case. Agreed?”

With that said, Eleria draws her rapier and heads towards the house.


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[sblock=OOC]Bumpola! So, does the lack of responses indicate agreement with Eleria to head into the dining room and thus to the kitchen door? Don't wanna be seen as railroading. You really do have the option of going up the main stairs if you want to. Not gonna spoil things either way. Just let me know one way or the other for sure and I'll move along to the next scene whichever it is. Hope everybody wasn't waiting on me. :confused: :uhoh: [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Well, we have two people saying they will follow wherever. Eleria already pretty much agreed to go after the rats and the lizard above it in the tower. And Abdul said he was ready to kill the rats. So I think that's enough leaders going that direction that the others will follow. No point in waiting for the sporadicness to stop. If the thread just languishes here nobody will know who's waiting for who and it'll freeze. So I'll post here to open up the next scene of going into the kitchen and getting stuff started there and we will just deal with the combat going a little slow.[/sblock]Conversation with the voice done, the party moves back into the house through the front door. Nothing seems to have changed since you left before. The white cat comes walking down the stairs towards you as you shut the door behind you. It meows a few times then begins to purr as it rubs against Abdul's legs, crossing back and forth to rub each side against his legs.

Walking past the staircase with an upwards glance and a few thoughts wondering about "Fluffy", the party re-enters the dining room. The silence is broken only by your own footsteps and the purring of the cat. Walking past the table and chairs, the party assembles in front of the wooden door in the curved tower wall. Elthic quickly determins that the door is not even locked. Turning the handle, the door pulls open to reveal a kitchen swarming with giant rats. They cover the table in the center of the room and the floor between the table and a stove near the door. What appears to be a pantry door in the northern end of the room has a large hole gnawed through it leaving the top half of the door still closed in its frame. You can see some movement in the darkness of that hole fortelling more of the large rodents to come. At the sound of the door opening all the beady eyes turn towards you and the whiskered snouts sniff the air before turning to attack the party with chittering cries of hunger...

Round 1- Order of battle and conditions
-Eleria (AC: 16, HP: 7/7) >has 3 healing potions
-Elthic (AC:15, HP: 9/9), >has 4 healing potions
-Xir (AC: 19, HP:12/12) -1 Str, >has 4 potions of healing
-Abdul (AC:12, HP:5/5) -1 Dex, >has 6 healing potions
-Dire Rat #1 (0 damage)
-Dire Rat #2 (0 damage)
-Dire Rat #3 (0 damage)
-Dire Rat #4 (0 damage)
-Dire Rat #5 (0 damage)
-Dire Rat #6 (0 damage)

[sblock=OOC]Stonegod: The -1 to Xir's STR isn't enough to affect his attack or damage rolls so all his regular bonuses will apply.
Everybody: I think I have the right number of potions for everyone. If you have something different, let me know and we'll hash it out till we agree. Reduced the ability score damage by one for each of the three that got poisoned. Eleria is now free and clear of the effects. Xir is no longer affected much, but he's still a tad bit weaker. Abdul is slowed down just enough to reduce his AC by 1 still. After next resting, all these effects will be cleared. Of course by then you might all be diseased... :] [/sblock]


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