PHB II Feat: Crossbow Sniper (Aproved)


This feat allows 1/2 of dex bonus to be used as a damage bonus when using a form of crossbow in which the character has weapon focus. It also increases sneak attack/skirmish range to 60' with that type of crossbow.
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
You still need to flank from that distance, and I believe that firing through any sort of cover negates sneak attack as well, so I have no initial problems with this. The half Dex thing is not a game breaker. Anyone see anything I'm not?


Mostly irrelevant, but:

You cannot flank with a ranged weapon... though there may be some obscure ways to get around this, such as the "Master of the Order of the Bow" epic prestige class. Ranged sneak attacks are all about finding a way to negate dex bonus, such as by being invisible. Skirmish is easier from range, though it has its own host of limitations, and also does less damage.

The cool thing about this feat is that it takes anotherwise suboptimal choice (crossbow v longbow) and makes it appealing to some characters. Pretty feat intensive though... between this, weapon focus, and rapid reload (not a prerequsite, but an essential feat if you're concentrating on crossbow) you had better be serious about your dedication to the particular weapon!

Knight Otu

First Post
The feat is up on the WotC site as a preview, by the way.
I don't think that this feat is in any way game-breaking (looks around nervously expecting Rystil to remember a Combo of Death involving this feat).


The man with the probe
Actualy, it's still not quite as good as someone simply taking weapon proficiency: Longbow once they get a second attack, or even earlier, since they need the move action to reload.


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