PHB2: Melee Weapon Mastery - am I missing something?


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Currently looking for a feat to take, and this just looks too damn good.

Requirements: +8 BAB, proficiency, weapon focus, weapon specialization. Can be taken as a fighter feat.
Gives: +2 to hit and damage with all weapons of same attack type (slash/bash/piercing) and stacks with everything else.

Compare to Greater Weapon Focus (+1 to hit with specific weapon, Fighter level 8) and Greater Weapon Specialization (+2 to damage with specific weapon, Fighter level 8) and it seems VERY strong. Now, if you read it one particular way, the +2 to hit and damage only apply to weapons that you have proficiency, weapon focus, and weapon specialization in, but it's still VERY strong IMO, so much that it looks a lot like a "must have" for my character which sets off alarm bells.

Am I reading this wrong?

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I think everyone goes through the same train of thought - nope, you're not reading it wrong. It's an incredible feat, and it makes a 4 level dip into fighter worth it for most (well, lots of, not Warblades heh) melee fighters.

Howzabout that you need to take weapon focus and weapon specialization for it to work?

Really, it's just a feat that rewards fighters... and, more importantly, allows characters to branch out just a bit. I'm always annoyed at how in D&D nowadays, you start off with a longsword, and you keep buying longswords.

God forbid you ever pick up a greatsword, because you lose your entire longsword featchain in the process.

Heh, Wik, that annoys me too - I miss the good 'ole Diablo 2 days where when my paladin picked up a kickarse axe, I'd use it, then find a better sword - so I'd use that.

There should be a feat that gives +1 to all weapon attacks, does not stack with weapon focus, so you don't get stuck with something unless you're a fighter that trains with it forever (specialization).

I like the Weapon Groups variant in UA myself give to Weapon Focus/Specialization more utility. It lets those feats apply to a favored weapon type: not just longswords but also greatsword, falchion, scimitar, and bastard sword -- weapons that are arguably part of the longsword family.

Vargo said:
Am I reading this wrong?
No, but it's probably written wrong. :) Read the table entry. It implies that the feat is supposed to let you apply your weapon-specific feats to a category of weapons, rather than giving you +2/+2 to the whole category on top of the weapon-specific ones.

Mike Mearls said as much. :)

Not sure why it got changed somewhere along the way.

While you're completely reading it correctly and the "text trumps table" rule is clear, this is one of those not-so-rare situations in which it feels like the standard WotC editing team (of one retarded 6-yr old who is also blind) missed this glaring error somehow (somewhat similar to the other scores of mistakes in this and every other supplement book WotC publishes). I honestly do not believe they intended to list a feat with benefits that are better than 2 other "standard" fighter feats put together that each have greater prereqs (greater weapon focus and greater weapon spec.). It seems much more likely that they intended the feat to do as the table says: give you the benefit of your weapon focus and weapon spec. feats with all weapons of the same damage type. That seems much more like what the feat is worth and what it costs. As it stands, it's a mega over-the-top power boost for almost no cost, and a no-brainer for any one with 4 levels of fighter. Clearly, getting the benefit of 3 feats for the price of 1 is a bit much.

However, until their errata never comes out (the 6 yr old is sleeping, don't wake him), the letter of the law is on your side. I say cheese it up!

Hmm, I'd forgotten that weapon specialization requires 4 levels of fighter. That's cool, my Dwarven Fighter 4/Rogue 13 is pretty happy where he is, other than his abysmal AC.

I don't think that it stacks with Weapon Focus and Specialization; unless it states it specifically. I believe that it was intended to spread out your Specialization and Focus to other similar weapons.

Even then it fails; mastery gives +2 hit, +2 damage. Focus + Specialisation gives +1 hit, +2 damage. Its already better. Not allowing it to stack makes greater weapon focus completely useless.

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