For those questioning the bonus: it is unnamed. It stacks with everything.
For those who believe this feat is actually just the "right" amount of boost, and WF/WS/GWF/GWS are just underpowered: I have to say I disagree. Weapon Focus - a mere +1 to your attack - is a very plain, very uninspiring feat, it's true - and it may seem dinky next to some of the fluff that's been thrown out in recent supplements. But the truth is, +1 to your attack is HUGE. It really, really is HUGE. That's +1 to every attack you ever make, ever. That's +1 to disarms, sunders, full attacks, single attacks, cleaves, critical confirmations... Sure, +1 doesn't seem like much, but over the course of an encounter, or a level, or a campaign: THAT ADDS UP. And for a two-handed fighter with PA, that +1 to attack can also be a +2 to damage. +2 to damage on every hit, every cleave, doubled for every crit... Believe me, the numbers add up and they add up quickly. Weapon Focus is a no-brainer feat because it really is that good: +1 to every attack you ever make REALLY IS powerful. If you don't believe it, look to every other D&D mechanic: +1 to saves, +1 to AC, +1 to weapon attack/damage... All of these things are big because that's the point of D&D: a higher number is better. Even a higher number that's only higher by one is still
higher, and it will
always be better. This is why
bless is such a great level 1 cleric spell and why bards are actually useful. +1 is GREAT!
Constrast that with +2 to attack, +2 to damage. That's
rediculous. That's also a +6 to damage for a two-handed PAer, which is even MORE outrageous. The benefit of having +2 to EVERY attack and +2 to EVERY damage over the course of a long campaign is amazing. Clearly, this is broken; clearly, this is much too powerful.
That's why I say "get it while you can" because if anyone at WotC cared about quality it'd be out in a heartbeat.
Edit: The MWM(bludgeoning) + MWM(piercing) + morningstar tactic is PRICELESS! What a wonderful abuse of a broken rule!