Felon said:
So, IYO, fighters SHOULD outdamage paladins, their fellow warrior class. But if another class (like a little wizard with his d4 hit dice) outdamages a fighter, that's something broken that needs fixing? You reject the notion of "level ground" in one instance, but not another? That's a compelling arguement I'd love to hear.
Yeah, I think fighters should consistenly outdamage paladins. Not all the time, but most of the time. IME, Paladins are only used when a player roles GREAT ability scores, due to the fact that paladins need high scores in many abilities to be effective. Couple that with their high saves and other abilities, and I think it's more than fair to say that fighters should at least outdamage them most of the time. Feel free to disagree.
I'm not sure how you made the next conclusion. I never said anything about the wizard being broken or needing fixing. Using the core rule books only, in my opinion, benefits the spell casters more than the fighters (as far as relative power levels go). That doesn't mean I think the wizard or cleric is broken...I just think they are more powerful overall than fighters. I think using some of the other rule books helps to make the fighters more competitive with the spell casters, especially at higher levels. In short, I think feats like the one we are debating about bring more balance to the game. That's just 1 person's opinion.
I have personal experience using this feat from about level 15 (when I picked up the PHB2) to about level 22 or 23, and no one in our group complained about me being more powerful than them. The wizards and clerics were still as effective as ever, and so was the paladin (especially once I showed him the charging smite ability in the PHB2). In fact, charging smite is one case where the paladin would consistently outdamage me. The main reason of complaint by the paladin was that at high levels, I had an Ax that I could throw and do massive damage with, and he was afraid

to charge in alone with his greatsword. The player never once used a ranged weapon in our entire campaign I think. So, typically, I was laying waste to enemies at range while he was waiting around for them to engage us. I'm sure someone else could have tweaked a paladin to be more effective than this player.
For those that are complaining about the brokeness of this feat, solely based on reading the description, I say that you should use it in game before judging it. Happy gaming.