Whizbang Dustyboots
Gnometown Hero
((If you fail your defense roll, roll a d4 for damage and also a DR 12 Toughness test or lose d8 HP, bypassing armor, to the venom on its pinchers.))
((Yes, and yes.))((Can he use his luck dice to resist any of that damage???
Are we all rolling vs an attack?))
Pirate Borg said:DEVIL'S LUCK
- Deal max dmg. with 1 attack
- Reroll any die roll
- Lower one test's DR by 4
- Lower dmg dealt to you by d6
- Neutralize a Crit or Fumble
After resting at least six hours, roll class’s designated die (d2 for Landlubbers) and regain that much Luck.
((It just says 1d2. He’s a brute))((Devil's Luck should be on your character sheet. If it's not, I'll tell you what to roll by class.))
((Roll a 1d2. That's how many you have.))((It just says 1d2. He’s a brute))