Piratecat's Updated Story Hour! (update 4/03 and 4/06)

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Piratecat said:
The update will probably be finished tomorrow and posted Friday. Today is a whole lot of work and finishing reorganizing the server drive database; I had tried to do prize distribution tracking people in Excel, and that didn't work worth a damn. I need to finish that process before I post an update. Like I didn't already have enough motivation!

Can we see a snippet of that update? Pretty please? Not the whole thing or the spoils of war spreadsheet (though I really want to see that), but just a couple of lines of DoD goodness?

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Piratecat said:
Sneaky, huh? I'm on Guardian right now, but have no qualms about changing servers to play with EN Worlders.

The update will probably be finished tomorrow and posted Friday. Today is a whole lot of work and finishing reorganizing the server drive database; I had tried to do prize distribution tracking people in Excel, and that didn't work worth a damn. I need to finish that process before I post an update. Like I didn't already have enough motivation!

Ok, we realy need to have P-kitty post a date when he makes these little promices, otherwise there will be much sorrow and gnashing of teeth when people discover that he wasn't refering to the same week he posted.

PS: P-kitty, have you made the move from Guardian yet?


Prodigal Member
Jackylhunter said:
Hmmm, I wonder what the Elder Brain is up to right now? (hint, hint)...=)
Dawn is now a paladin brain, and is off riding the range on his faithful mount.

And Mara is riding on Dawn.


yet another appreciative lurker.

piratecats UPDATED Storyhour.

The names becoming a little untrue.

Please continue the goodness, so I can see how good high level games run.

(any suggestions for some other 3.5 high level storyhours would be nice from the rest of you guys, just to fill the aching gap in my stroryhour needs)


The tingling means it’s working!
Snowy said:
(any suggestions for some other 3.5 high level storyhours would be nice from the rest of you guys, just to fill the aching gap in my stroryhour needs)

I wholeheartedly recommend The Liberation of Tenh and Sagiro's Story Hour. Both are masterfully written, with terrific characters.

Do yourself a big favor and read them from the very beginning (1st level characters). It makes the later Epic* goodness that much better.


* Sagiro's story, at this point, is Epic in scope but not quite in character level.


PC, there´s been a couple or three threads discussing if psions are overpowered or not. I have my limited experience and opinions (that they are certainly powerful and there are problematic powers, but on the grand scheme psionics is about balanced)

So, after having a high level 3.5 psion played, what would you say about it? I´ve perused the thread, but found nothing about it.


First Post
Someone said:
PC, there´s been a couple or three threads discussing if psions are overpowered or not. I have my limited experience and opinions (that they are certainly powerful and there are problematic powers, but on the grand scheme psionics is about balanced)

So, after having a high level 3.5 psion played, what would you say about it? I´ve perused the thread, but found nothing about it.

Here's the story with the 3.5 Psion. It might be overpowered. It might not. But I play a Psion in this game, and PC plays a Psi Warrior in my game. If he starts messing with the Psion power levels, he knows there will be repercussions. Mutually Assured Nerfing.

I don't nerf him, he doesn't nerf me, we're both happy.

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