Snowy said:Please continue the goodness, so I can see how good high level games run.
(any suggestions for some other 3.5 high level storyhours would be nice from the rest of you guys, just to fill the aching gap in my stroryhour needs)
PC is a very busy kitty. Folks need to remember that this story hour is a fun distraction...but it's second-fiddle to the actual game which it documents. PC updates much more regularly than some and less than others....and I think the story hour's success has made it more stressful to 'get it right'. PC will update when he has time and when he can stare down the huge pile of tapes that he uses to jog his memory for actual sessions.
By the way, if you're looking for a high-level game, my .sig mentions several. My story hour chronicles the rise of characters from 1st level to their current position at 25th. Sagiro's story hour does the same (although not quite as high levels, but they're getting there), Sepulchrave's story hour is a work of gosh-darned art, IMHO, showcasing what the genre is capable of. Destan's Story Hour is just plain good, I don't care what level you're at.
And these are just a few of the really great story hours available to you. There are lots and lots of them, and many of them are simply excellent. When in doubt, sample randomly until you find one that hooks you. Different story hours have different appeals; Destan's prose is fantastic and vivid; Sepulchrave's setting and concepts are humbling to behold; Piratecat's story hour portrays the pure fun of D&D and showcases a fantastic game and it's DM and players. Different flavors of Awesome. Try them all.