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Piratecat's Updated Story Hour! (update 4/03 and 4/06)

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Both the players and I as the DM made a few rules mistakes in this fight; none of us realized that blade barrier took a full round to cast, and I - well, you'll see tomorrow in the next update. But we decided at the end that the mistakes cancelled themselves out. It's the tradeoff for not letting the game get bogged down in constant rules discussions. :D

Later tonight, I'll append a quick glimpse of the layout at the start of this battle.


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Thwop-thwop-thwop-thwop! Moved by magic, the blade barrier almost severs one of Tao’s legs. Nolin only escapes damage by dropping flat to the ground and crawling for his life. Velendo himself doesn’t have a prayer of ducking out of the spell effect, but the spell resistance he prayed for at the beginning of combat saves his life when it barely manages to hold against his own spell. Next to him, Cruciel’s wings lift her above the spinning and flashing blades.

Standing in the middle of the spinning blades, Velendo tries not to panic. “That was a freaking miracle!” he spits. Somewhat pettily he casts miracle right back, using the spell to spoof a dominate on Oobubbl, the kuo-toa whip fighting Malachite. Feeling the bodyguard’s mental reserves tumbling under the onslaught of the powerful spell, Velendo activates his boots of flying and rises above the blade barrier. He’s surprised when Oobubbl doesn’t immediately respond to mental commands, and arcane sight immediately shows the reason: a protection from good inhibiting the domination. Velendo curses, and Cruciel throws him a surprised look.

Oobubbl has already fastened his pincher staff around Malachite’s neck, and is busily trying to rip the paladin’s head off. In response, Malachite forces himself closer to the kuo-toa. The polearm slides through Oobubbl’s slippery grasp as Malachite extends a hand. “Karthos, to me!” The intelligent sword does its best, but is still stuck to the shield. Malachite manages to get close enough to grasp the hilt, though, and he plants one foot on Oobubbl’s belly as he wrenches his weapon free.

The monitor Klububble uses Galthia’s corpse as a stepping stone and leaps up towards Mara. He smacks her with a quivering fin and tries to kill her instantly by stopping her heart, but she resists the attack. He can’t stun her, either, but manages to badly hurt her with powerful hit after hit. Behind him, Priggle slips into place, but the kuo-toa discounts the deep gnome as a lesser threat.

That’s a bad mistake. Priggle flanks and attacks, his gnomish pick biting deeply into the kuo-toa’s flesh. Mara also raises her own weapon to smite the monitor, pure sunlight flashing as Lightbinder snaps bone and sears flesh. Klububble has nowhere easy to escape to, and Mara hits him a full four times. Her last swing catches his slime-coated head with a powerful blow, and and the kuo-toa wheezes a final breath before collapsing to the ground at Priggle’s feet. Spasms indicate that he isn’t fully dead.

“I’ll finish him off,” Priggle tells Mara. “Are you okay?” He eyes her many injuries.

“I’ll live,” Mara says grimly, and wheels her white steed around to face the rest of the battle.

Meanwhile, Agar tries to get a line of sight on the Sea King. “Darn it!” he yells. “Tao, I want to maze him, but I can’t see him with all those thorns in the way!” Inspiration strikes. “Proty, teleport us over to that corner.” Agar points, and his familiar spasms with tentacular glee. Using one of the spells that the alienist has previously imbued, Proty teleports them both - only to fall prey to the disconcerting energies that permeate the underdark. They end up thirty feet off-target, and still unable to see the Sea King. Agar instead targets the only visible enemy, and hurls acid orbs at Oobubbl. Drops of acid spatter Malachite, but the kuo-toa takes the brunt of the impact and the acid begins consuming his flesh.

“Agar, no!” shouts Velendo over the mind link. “He’s dominated!”

The halfling snorts. “Err… oh. Doesn’t look it, but okay. Next time tell me?” Oobubbl is nauseated from the acid, and Malachite pulls back as the kuo-toa throws up on his boots.

“Thanks, Agar. Where’s Blel-Plibbit?”

“I can’t see him either,” thinks Nolin as he rolls free of the spinning blade barrier. The bard flies over to Priggle, trying to get line of sight behind the thorns. “I have no idea what he’s doing back there. Tao, can you drop the wall of thorns?” Nolin pulls out a delicate instrument that he hasn’t used in some time and begins to play a jaunty little tune. From behind him comes the crack of a chain lightning and many crossbows as Splinder and the conscious dwarves, along with Stone Bear and Burr-Lipp, hold off arriving reinforcements.

Tao shrugs off the horrible pain in her legs and nods yes to Nolin’s question. “Ready?” She reaches into the divine magic and untangles it from reality. The thorns vanish, and up on the palace steps Blel-Plibbit once again faces the Defenders. “Crap. Does he look healthier than he did a minute ago, or is it just me?” Tao charges him with her sword out, but she isn’t fast enough; the kuo-toa king has been waiting. He calls, Blibdoolpoolp answers, and the outer skin of most of the Defenders pops and bursts as everyone suddenly become hyper-saturated with seawater. The pain is horrible.

To be continued…

Tune in Wednesday to hear Blel-Plibbit say "Urgglgl!"
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Note: his horrid wilting does the opposite and super-hydrates people, causing them to bloat and swell. Same amount of damage, slightly different effect, more flavor.

My rules mistake here was not knowing that monks can only make one stun attack per round in 3e. Klububble's attack went something like "quivering fin - stunning fin - stunning fin - stunning fin - stunning fin - stunning fin. Mara, make six fortitude saves, will you? first one really counts." And she made all six, bless her. Let's hear it for divine grace and a high charisma.

Incidentally, Velendo was REALLY glad he had cast spell resistance. It made the difference between a massive damage save and taking no damage at all.

At the point where this entry ends, Blel-Plibbit is still in decent shape. He had shield other up with a tough kuo-toa hiding behind the palace doors, and another kuo-toa was standing next to that one continually casting healing spells on it. Nevertheless, his cronies are falling like gaffed fish. He better do something clever to keep out of direct combat, eh?
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First Post
Piratecat said:
Nevertheless, his cronies are falling like gaffed fish. He
better do something clever to keep out of direct combat, eh?

Nah. I think he needs to shake his groove fin. Dance, my fishy, dance!


No Trouble at All

Hey, don't discount the value of a Devoted Defender standing next to your primary cleric and all-round asskicker. My players have one of them and the "swap places and take the damage" ability is very nice. After all, who is gonna bring your lead cleric from the dead? Okay, actually the defenders probably have that covered.

Incredible fight. How long did it take in real time? Was everyone (players) metally exhausted at the end? My players are heading into a massive campaign conclusion fight, and as GM I'm somewhat concerned about combat fatigue...

Wonderful use of Miracle goes without saying. I think that the creative flavor-modifications of the textbook spells is a great choice. I like your Horrid Wilting better than the book version, I think - particularly as a Water-domain power. As an Evil-domain power maybe the instant mummification fits better.



All in all, the day took three sessions and was split up into three related fights: one session with the lobsters, up to the point where Galthia went down (which doesn't apply to the Dead Pool; that's only relevant to the battle against the Ivory King); we're part way through the second session as of this last update, against Blel-Plibbit; and another vicious fight in the third session, when they tried to learn the secrets of the glass pool. At least one of the spellcasters had one spell left when all was said and done. One! It was a long day for adventuring. :D

Plane Sailing, we're all looking forward to the new version of Blade Barrier. Oh, yes. Haven't made the change yet, though. We decided that switching mid-adventure would be a bad idea, so we'd wait until the Defenders were back topside.


Out in the plaza, all of the dwarves who are still alive are back on their feet. They slowly close ranks to protect their injured as kuo-toa reinforcements begin to move in. “I’m not sure how much longer we can hold the damn gogglers back,” warns Splinder. “More are coming in all the time. Crap, there’s another bunch flanking us from… scratch that.” Splinder sounds relieved. “Monitor Thoobel’s caught up with us, and he’s brought friends to help.” Insane kuo-toa run forward and plunge into the combat on the side of the Defenders, ripping and tearing with their fins until they can steal a pincher staff from a fallen foe. Along with Stone Bear and the dwarves, a battleline is established and temporarily held.

Tao leaks seawater and blood from painful wounds as she vaults up the palace steps, and is shocked to feel herself run face-first into what feels like an invisible wall of pure hatred and disdain. It’s as if Blel-Plibbit has focused every bit of scorn that he has for other creatures into a powerful mental barrier. Tao has seen things like this before, though, and knows what to do. She pits her own willpower against the repulsive spell, battering back the kuo-toa’s hatred with her own faith in herself and her cause.

The divine agent’s faith turns out to be the stronger, and just like that Tao’s through. She closes the last of the distance and buries her long sword in the surprised Sea King’s side. Blel-Plibbit’s massive jaws part in a furious snarl, strands of saliva and blood flying as he screams in anger and pain. Tao looks past his mouthful of needle-sharp teeth into the protruding eyes above, and sees in them the fear of a cornered animal.

Malachite charges up the stairs as well, his focused will completely ignoring the repulsion. Karthos flashes and glows as it hammers into Blel-Plibbit’s defenses. Mara pauses to shatter the repulsion effect with a dispel evil, and then she closes to attack as well.

Velendo eyes both parts of the conflict and shakes his head as he decides to help both. From his pocket he fishes out a talisman that will let him heal Tao from a distance. Then he uses his boots of flying to soar above Oolbubbl, casting dispel evil and dispersing the aura of protection from good that protected the badly injured whip from domination. The whip’s bulging eyes glaze over as it bends to Velendo’s indominatable will.

“Hold back those other kuo-toa!” commands Velendo, and Oolbubbl is forced to do so enthusiastically. A little corner of its mind screams in horror, but no one is able to hear it. Before the whip has a chance to even move, it is caught in the end of a lightning bolt cast from within the palace, and it drops into darkness.

“Darn it!” complains Velendo. He looks up at the palace, and sees that a line of clerical kuo-toa standing behind the Sea King were the ones who unleashed the lightning. It had crackled through a number of Defenders, but no one else had dropped.

“Now your souls are forfeit,” burbles Blel-Plibbit as darkness crackles around the edges of his webbed fingers. He looms over the line of divine warriors and takes a step back to complete a powerful spell. Nolin thinks differently. The bard has just finished a catchy little tune, and Mara has already dispelled the repulsion, so he swoops in to tap the Sea King with the faerie-made bow of his fiddle Fairesong.

At first nothing happens, but then tiny golden fey spring into existence around the massive kuo-toa. They begin to sing irresistibly as they swoop back and forth, and Blel-Plibbit’s leg begins to twitch. The kuo-toa stutters and loses his place as he tries to mouth the words to his dark prayer. His whole body jitters, and to the surprise of almost everyone present the mighty king of the kuo-toa begins to rhythmically leap up and down.

“Nolin, what did you just do?” asks Mara in consternation.

Nolin looks smug. “Otto’s Irrestible Dance. An old gift from the Queen of Faerie. Shake it, fish-boy!”

Mara blinks. “I think he’s capering.”

Malachite nods. “And that’s definitely a prance. Yup, capering AND prancing. Very nice. Remind me again why you don’t do this more often?”

Nolin looks a little embarrassed, then smiles with relief as a mass heal from Velendo takes effect behind him. “Forgetfulness, and it can only be used a few times a year. But oh, it’s so satisfying. Makes you want to throw him some coins.”

“I can see why.” Malachite studies the look of horror in the ineffably evil Sea King’s eyes, admires the fast little jig that the creature is doing, then brings up his sunblade. “Let’s finish this.” While Agar and Nolin kill off the lesser whips with fireballs and chain lightning, the other Defenders surround Blel-Plibbit to strike again and again and again. Blel-Plibbit does his best to dance around their blows, but he hasn’t got a chance. Malachite almost finishes him with an immensely powerful blow to the neck, and it’s actually the diminuitive Priggle who finishes off Blel-Plibbit by burying his pick in the kuo-toa’s black heart.

Even after death, Nolin’s magic is strong enough to make the fish-king’s limbs twitch and wiggle in time to some unheard tune. “Nice shot, Malachite!” someone compliments the radiant knight.

“Yes, that was beautiful!”

Dejectedly, Priggle pulls his pick from the dead body and sighs. Typical, really.

* * *

The group rushes from the palace with Blel-Plibbit’s body, and the attacking kuo-toa draw away in horror and confusion. Agar tries to search several of the fallen bodies, but doesn’t find anything of interest; annoyed, he casts fate’s generous bargain to sharpen his mind, and immediately notices a half-dozen details that he had been too distracted to see before. Protection from evil spells are cast on everyone, and the badly injured Agar is healed by Velendo. Unfortunately, Priggle gets his hand stuck on Oobubbl’s sticky shield, and Tao rips off a layer of skin when trying to free him. Of course, Priggle doesn’t need his hands anyways, so there’s no reason anyone should care.

Mara looks at Galthia’s shrunken corpse and bows her head in sorrow. She slings what’s left of his body over Luminor’s back and goes over to cast circle of healing on the dwarves. A handful of them are fully dead, the rest still badly injured. As her magic takes effect, Stone Bear notices Galthia’s corpse twitch slightly.

“Is it supposed to do that? His spirit is still within.”

Velendo swings his head around, still conscious of the fact that they’re standing horribly exposed in the kuo-toa plaza. “Do what?” He examines Galthia’s body and sees that the corpse’s sunken eyes are solid green stone.

“No,” he says blinking in confusion. “I think it’s fair to say that it isn’t supposed to do that.” And as he stares down at the corpse, Monitor Thoobel approaches, eyeing the royal crown and scepter that lie at Nolin’s feet.

To be continued…

Next week: A new king, another new king, walking statues, snapping claws, hidden art, peeping fingerlings, mysterious revelations, shattered chains and vanishing assassins! Heads will roll….
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And Nolin calls out for the....


Swing your partner left-fin-right,
Back through the Underdark's endless night
Goggle-eye left and a do-si-do,
Bow to the King and away we go!
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Hey, want to offer me some help? If you aren't an active player in my game, please head over here! I have a mini-project to benefit my players, and many heads are better than one.



Another fin hits, and another, each tearing through once-strong defenses to shattered the weakened body beneath. Snapping and horrible pain, and then… peace. For Galthia, everything goes black.

He opens his eyes to find himself in a circular chamber constructed from green stone. The are no doors, no windows, no furnishings. In the center of the chamber floats Galthia’s master, levitating with legs crossed and face peaceful.

Galthia quickly runs his hands across joints that were broken mere seconds ago. He looks up his master, who he has not seen since he departed the monastery in Limbo so many months ago.

“M.. master?”

The old githzerai does not open his eyes. Instead he bobs in thin air, serene. “Where are you?”

Galthia can unfortunately remember the liquefying spell and the assault of Klububble. “Dead.”

The Master makes a thin hissing noise. “Idiot. Is this the serene oneness of which we have been promised? Where are you?”

Still confused and disoriented from his death, Galthia answers without thinking. “Limbo.” His Master says nothing for a moment, scorning Galthia’s answer with silence instead of words.

“Do not guess. You have not spent decades of training in our hidden monastery to ‘guess.’ KNOW. Where are you?

The monk’s brows narrow. His order understands – beyond mere faith, beyond hope – that if a person truly wants something that they can achieve it. This is the mantra of the Acolytes of the Fist, and everything from their philosophies to their fighting styles have been built upon this fundamental belief. Galthia looks at the walls, focuses his will, and the answer is suddenly obvious.

“I am in the stone that was given to me by earth prophet Silissa, the elemental weird.”

The old man gives what might pass for a smile, his long gray mustache twitching. When he opens his eyes, they are the same color as the agate walls. “You are. This is a place that your soul might bide for a time, before it passes on or returns to your body.”

“It honors me that you are here with me.”

“I am no more real here than my speech. We have done Silissa’s folk a boon in the years that have past us, and now she pays the debt. Time will erode these walls, and perhaps you will pass on to the stillness, but she foresaw this moment and chose to offer you sanctuary for a time.”

They sit in silence for a time, Galthia keenly aware that his heart is not beating. The old man studies the younger monk. “You have your own debt to repay. It is not a debt of kindness.”

Galthia meets the stony gaze with equanimity. He says nothing, but takes the ceremonial listening posture.

“Ahead of you is a city of illithids. Many were our sons who went there in a rrakma, when the way was opened to them by your companion Nolin Benholm. None of our sons returned. And yet the the illithids were largely destroyed or chased from that place, for the damage that the rrakma did was grievous indeed. Eight of those that went on that journey were from our monastery; one was your friend.”

Galthia nods.

“I believe that some of our children are still there, alive and used as slaves. They have not been released to the Stillness. You will pass near or through that place. Do what you must to secure their release, in body or spirit.”

Galthia nods again, and places one fist atop the other. “I shall.” He also begins to float, and time uncountable passes. Galthia examines his life and death, counts his blessings and sins, and waits for what comes next.

* * *

“Quick! Someone heal him!” Velendo is cradling what is left of the monk’s head in one of his hands. “Mara, how did you miss his eyes?” The beautiful radiant knight shrugs uncomfortably.

“Fine details isn’t my specialty.” Behind her, Nolin smothers a chuckle. As healing energy courses into the obviously dead Galthia, his skin nevertheless begins to regrow.

“It’s working! Let’s get him conscious!” Velendo casts a powerful prayer, and new yellowish skin knits itself out of faith and nothingness. Still injured, Galthia opens his eyes, which have returned to their normal grey. “Heh. I thought we lost you.”

“You did.” Galthia tries to sit up, begins coughing spasmodically, and coughs out a greenish pebble onto the plaza’s pavement. The rock crumbles. “Silissa’s gift saved me. What happened?” Galthia is both briefed and healed.

Nolin breaks into the conversation. “We have a few interesting things. Magical shields and armor. The royal Crown and Sceptre, various stones and trinkets, all sorts of stuff. We still have to get over to the Glass Pool, and there’s a whole lot of kuo-toa between it and us right now. I think they’re being held back by Thoobel at the moment. If they turn on us, though, we’re royally screwed.”

Thoobel approaches, back straight and wide fins flapping proudly against the pavement. He is bloody from his vicious fight against Blel-plibbit’s reinforcements, but he doesn’t seem to feel the pain. Both bulging eyes gleam with manic joy. “We have done it!” He slaps Malachite hard enough on the back to make his teeth rattle, and reaches down to pat one of the fingerlings in Stone Bear’s pocket. The tall kuo-toa raises his voice, so it can be heard by all the kuo-toa present.

“My people!” Thoobel’s croak echoes across the plaza. “The pretender is destroyed, killed by these upworlders who have acted as the hooks of divine justice!”

“If he turns on us,” mutters Velendo, “I’m sealing us off from them with a sovereign wall. He better not betray us.”

Thoobel continues. “Now I am the one who is blessed by the Sea Mother! And thus I crown myself as King of Glubyal, King of all the sons of the mighty Sea Mother. I invoke her blessing, for I ascend to rule you!” And as he makes the announcement, Thoobel lowers the massive Crown of Tides onto his slimy brow, and then lifts Blel-Plibbit’s massive spear over his head with both hands. The massed gogglers cheer for a few moments in an odd and resounding croak, but it abruptly quiets from the direction of the crowd closest to the Glass Pool. The kuo-toa massed in that direction suddenly part, pressing themselves flat against the pavement in abject submissiveness. Something must be coming, but nothing can be seen.

“What is it?” asks Tao. “There's nothing there.”

“Hang on,” answers Agar, who has cast true seeing. “Let me focus my vision onto the ethereal, and… holy cow!”

The halfling blinks in disbelief. He had become accustomed to the plainness of Glubyal, the lack of any decorations at all. When seen through the ethereal, the place is alive with color and decoration! Tall and graceful strands of misty seaweed dance in extra-planar tides, and alien kinetic sculptures designed to move and dance in the ether’s flow are everywhere he looks. An extraplanar fish swims by, fighting the still-strong ethereal winds. Even the palace’s walls are heavily decorated when viewed this way. They must see into more than one plane, realizes the halfling. They walk through their art all the time. When we first came in and saw that human statue of the warrior hanging in mid-air, it must have been supported by something ethereal. Wow.

Then the little alienist’s eyes bulge, because he sees what is striding through the midst of the kuo-toa. A polished malachite statue twenty feet tall, half naked woman and half lobster. An avatar of Blibdoolpoolp herself, or a divine servant, or just an animated statue? Agar isn't sure, but it's fully on the ethereal plane. Agar whispers what he sees to the others. Stone Bear’s views the animated statue through his spirit sight, and shakes his head with dismay.

“That’s no mere statue, folks. Whatever she is, she’s possessed with power.” The statue slowly makes her way towards them, kuo-toa flattening themselves to the ground as She passes.

Velendo gulps. “I’ve got my wall ready, just in case. Stay firm. This is Thoobel’s show, and She’s probably coming to approve him. Or something.”

Thoobel sees the form of his Goddess coming, and he nearly swoons in religious ecstacy. “Beloved Sea Mother! I have done your bidding, and I await you! Bless me, Queen of Tides!” The huge ethereal statue of Blibdoolpoolp silently pauses before Thoobel, towering above her servant. The massed kuo-toa around them raise their croaking voices in some sort of hymn, and Thoobel throws back his arms in supplication to his Goddess. As Agar and Stone Bear watch, Blibdoolpoolp’s statue reaches one massive claw down towards Monitor Thoobel, to touch him and raise him above the others, to confirm his place as king of the kuo-toa.

To all of the Defenders watching Thoobel, it’s as if his head jumps from his neck in eagerness. Only those who can see into the ethereal can view the stone claw opening, fastening around the Monitor’s neck, and squeezing. Gray fluid fountains from the stump of his neck, and Thoobel’s body smacks against the pavement like a week-old fish. The singing kuo-toa all groan simultaneously, an eerie howl that echoes through the plaza.

“Holy crap!” exclaims Nolin.

“I guess he wasn’t the favored one after all,” muses Stone Bear. “Watch out, everyone; she’s turning towards us.”

Velendo raises his hoarse and tired voice. “Great Sea Mother…” he begins.

Unseen by the cleric, Blibdoolpoolp’s statue reaches down.

To be continued…
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