D&D 5E Player Hit Points

Players should determine hit points via:

  • Average hit points. Always.

    Votes: 42 33.9%
  • Rolling straight up. If you roll bad, you roll bad.

    Votes: 17 13.7%
  • A percentage (70% of max, 80%, what have you).

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • Let the player choose (between rolling or average).

    Votes: 48 38.7%
  • Something else.

    Votes: 15 12.1%

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My role-playing group has it where we don't roll for hit points beyond 1st level. Instead we just add the same amount of hit points our characters got at 1st level to our previous hit point total at each level up.


I don't think we ever rolled for HP. I remember way back reading something along the lines of "If your fighter rolls poorly every time they level up, they'll just stay in back firing arrows." We thought it was stupid, I want to play a a front line fighter, not brave, brave Sir McScaredyPants hiding in the back. I used to do roll average or better, but switched to averages a couple of editions ago.

I don't want a random PC (same goes for ability scores) I want to play the character I envision. Even if that means playing Sir McScaredyPants.

I like how WWN does it. Always roll all your HD at every level. If you roll lowers HP than your previous level, you get your previous level’s HP+1.

At first level, you can end up with only 1hp but over time, it averages out or, if you roll luckily on a given level, you can have lots of hp.

I wonder how it would work in 5e.

Specifically for 5e I max first 2 levels then it's a table vote to take average or roll. I find the ability to recover HP more important than the max after the first few levels anyways.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I like how WWN does it. Always roll all your HD at every level. If you roll lowers HP than your previous level, you get your previous level’s HP+1.

At first level, you can end up with only 1hp but over time, it averages out or, if you roll luckily on a given level, you can have lots of hp.

I wonder how it would work in 5e.
I'd prefer to do it that way too.

Voidrunner's Codex

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