Hi, my name is Otto Rice, and I'm a scribe for the Daily Gazette. My liege lord, the great paladin Jeronimo Kent, has asked me to interview you. Please answer each question honestly and thoroughly, for Jeronimo will not be happy if you dodge the questions or are not completely forthright.
1. What is your full name, including your family name? What are all your nicknames? Who gave them to you?
2. Jeronimo has given his pledge that he will not kill you or punish you for honesty. Choose one and only one of the following nine words you are most closely aligned with: Crusader, Destroyer, Giver, Stealer, Traditionalist, Erratic, Revolter, Dominator, or Undecided.
3. What is the name of the person who first taught you to read and write when you were a kid?
4. What is your favorite natural animal? Why?
5. What do you desire more than anything else?
6. What would you give up your life for? If the answer isn't the same as to the previous question, why not?
7. How many times a week do you bathe? Do you use a washtub?
8. If your life story were to be made into an epic poem, what "catchy line" would be the phrase you speak most often?
9. What is the inspirational rallying cry that you yell out loud when charging into an important battle?
10. What is your favorite dessert? Why? What is your favorite beverage? Why?
11. What is your favorite melee weapon? Why? What is your favorite ranged weapon? Why?
12. Provide the name of somebody who cares about you. Why do they care about you?
13. What is your favorite color? Why?
14. Your upcoming epic adventure may be dangerous. What do you think is going to happen to you? What do you fear the most?
15. Most of the goods sold in a general store are designed for right handed people. Are you right or left-handed?
16. You meet an old rival. Not a hated enemy, merely an important rival in a field close to your heart. You have improved yourself since your last meeting and are now sure of your superiority. How would you handle the meeting? In what field were you rivals?
17. What kind of music do you like? Describe your favorite song or melody.
18. If you could change any one thing about the multiverse, what would it be?
19. When using "florobain sap" from the colgar plant to brush your teeth, do you squeeze the leafy container or roll it up?
20. Describe your favorite place. Why is it your favorite?
21. What kinds of things would you do to relax if you took a two week vacation to the Bahamut Islands?
22. So far in your young life, what accomplishment are you the most proud of?
23. What item or possesion are you the most proud of?
24. What kinds of things do you expect your future companion adventurers to give to you for a birthday present?
25. What makes a person attractive? Do you fit that description?
26. Which famous female swordfighter do you like the most; Anna Koboldkova, Serena Willowispims, or Jennifer Couatlati?
27. If you could have a greater diety answer any one single question, what would it be?
28. Have you had the chicken pox yet? How often do you catch the common housecold?
29. In general, how do you feel about dwarves? elves? gnomes? halflings? halforcs? halfelves?
30. In general, how do you feel about the followers of Pelor? followers of Heironeous? followers of St.Cuthbert? followers of Fharlanghn? followers of Obad-Hai? followers of Ehlonna? followers of Olidammara? followers of Kord? followers of Boccob? followers of Wee Jas?
31. If you have children someday, would you want them to pursue the same career as you? Why or why not?
32. If you are spellcaster, pronounce the exact activation phrase for each of your spells. If you are not a spellcaster, how do you feel about the popular trend for athletes and gladiators to use muscle-enhancing alchemy to greatly enhance their bodies beyond their natural biological capacity?
33. Name your worst vice or bad habit, the one that you can't avoid doing no matter how hard you have tried.
34. Name last event that made you cry? Why?
35. Describe the scene or design of a painting or tapestry you would like to have put on the wall in the living room of your future home.
36. If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
37. Tell me a short joke, the kind of joke that would usually make you laugh.
38. Who would come to bail you out of jail if you were arrested?
39. What is the average air speed velocity of an unlaiden swallow?
40. What do you want written on your tombstone?