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Playing the crazed wizard of the party


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Might I suggest Ronald Regan's South East Asia Stragedy from the 1980s?

Let's you fight him.

In order to prevent Iraq from being overrun my millitant Islamist from Iran (who were responding to Saddam's invasion of Iran with unarmed martyer bergaides made up of 10 year old boys armed with sticks using the stradey of making the Iraqi machine gunners run out of ammo) and thus inspiring other militant Islamist groups, the US provided Iraq with troop movement intel, target coordinates from sat recon, and upgrades to their Scud targeting systems. This ( along with the US destroying the entire Iranian navy after it starting harrassing oil shipments) resulted in the destruction of enough of the Iranian forces to cause a stalemate, and the nearly total destruction of some sections of the Iranian capital. This forced the Ayatolla to declare an end to the conflict, contained Iran, weakened Iraq, and kept the oil flowing (as well as payed back Iran for the embassy hosteges, the guns for hostages deal, and got them interested in buying weapons to fund the contras.....all and all a win for the 'good' guys).*

If possible, arrange for all of your enemies to meet at the same place on hostile terms.

and don't foget, thar be spell books in dem dar ships!

*(for more details on US SE Asia policy during the Reagan Era, please see Rocky III...ah, I mean RAMBO III, but Sty beats up on Russkies in both....)

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Warlord Ralts said:
The ships are 6 days away. By asking 1 bird to look at 1 ship, and come back, we found out that there are 12 ships coming in.
Things are looking bad for the home team.
You guys really need to start turning and subverting the guys coming in on those ships. You need more allies and more of a population. Having a seaworthy ship or two could be pretty useful too, it would allow you to scout the coastline and locate other areas of interest.

Likewise while the resupply island might be good to burn, looting it could work quite well, you could do with more food, weapons. . .building materials. . .

Is it possible to bring the enemy aground some distance from your camp site? If you can shipwreck them more then a few days march away, you could parlay with them. OTOH if you scattered the fleet you could target one ship at a time, and maybe sieze or subvert a few.

Old Gumphrey

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While this is a good story and I was entertained, I'm not buying it as a true-to-life recount of a live D&D game. As Hyp mentioned, Dispel Magic has a max range of 420 feet at 11th, if properly metamagicked. Even with a meta rod of enlarge and widened dispel magic used as an area dispel, its still only 460 feet. No dice on that 500 foot drop.

The only way you can quicken a fireball at that level is by using a metamagic rod that costs over half your base GP that was never mentioned...unless Saduul gained 2 levels between the first and second posts granting access to 7th level slots?


First Post
Old Gumphrey said:
While this is a good story and I was entertained, I'm not buying it as a true-to-life recount of a live D&D game. As Hyp mentioned, Dispel Magic has a max range of 420 feet at 11th, if properly metamagicked. Even with a meta rod of enlarge and widened dispel magic used as an area dispel, its still only 460 feet. No dice on that 500 foot drop.

The only way you can quicken a fireball at that level is by using a metamagic rod that costs over half your base GP that was never mentioned...unless Saduul gained 2 levels between the first and second posts granting access to 7th level slots?
Having gamed with Ralts on a few occasions I can tell you his games are interesting and strange enough he'd never have to pass off fiction as gaming. I've actually been in games he's run where teh fiction based on the game was less interesting and strange than the game itself. :)

As far as the limitations on Dispell Magic and Fireball and whatnot, they have a considerable amount of magic rules at their disposal from Crimson Contracts, Arcane Strife, and similar works that haven't hit full publication yet. Many of Ralts' games tend to serve double-duty as Playtest sessions, although given that he's not DMing this game, it may not be serving as playtest group and could simply be using the additional magic rules the Brood have written.

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