pneumatik's WotBS 2 - The Indomitable Fire Forest of Innenotdar


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“We are alive, we are no undead! We come from outside the forest,” Lytha calls out to them in sylvan.

“They refer to us as reanimates... maybe they think we are undead?”

The elf then pulls out her crossbow and loads it, in case the fight continues.

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First Post
Flowing adroitly around his foe, Arshen steps up alongside his elven ally to prevent him from being surrounded as he presses the front line forwards. As he steps past he flicks one hand out and jabs his fingers into a pressure point in the winged man's neck.

OOC: 5' step to W18 if it is vacant after Liiros's turn; otherwise never mind, no movement.

Stunning fist on s2: 1d20+7=25, damage 1d8+3=4 and the enemy must make a DC 14 Fort save or be stunned for 1 round.

[sblock=Quick Stats]HP:33/33

AC: 15*, Touch 14*, Flat-footed 13
* - +1 vs. S2, +4 vs. attacks of opportunity provoked by movement

Speed: 40'

Fortitude: +7
Reflex: +7*
Will: +7**

*- Evasion
**- +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects

Unarmed Strike +7 melee (1d8+3, 20/x2)
Unarmed Strike +5/+5 melee (1d8 +3, 20/x2)

Shuriken +5 ranged (1d2+3, 20/x2)
Shuriken +3/+3 ranged (1d2+3, 20/x2)

Stunning Fist 3/4 /day



The 8th Evil Sage
Round 3

Shaylir steps forward and readies her sling. Fritz barks and yips at the newcomers from around his master's ankles.

Liiros barrels into one of the winged men. The man puts up strong but insufficient resistance and stumbles backwards into one of his companions and falls to the ground. As he moves past Arshen the monk snaps a jab at him but misses. Liiros follows-up and presses the attack!

“We are alive, we are no undead! We come from outside the forest,” Lytha calls out in sylvan.

"She's brought in help," one of the winged men shouts in reply. "Kill them all!"

Arshen chops the winged man in front of him in the neck with the side of his hand, stunning him. He drops the shield and shortspear he's holding.

Hollister takes aim with his crossbow but can't find a clear shot.

The winged man on the ground {S6} stabs his spear at Liiros. His attack is excellent, despite being prone, and Liiros' attack has him wrong-footed, so the spearpoint jabs into Liiros' calf for five damage.

The winged man {S5} standing over the prone one also stabs at Liiros. This time the spearpoint goes between two of his ribs for five damage.

A third winged man {S1} steps forward and also stabs at Liiros. And he also connects, impaling the spear in Liiros' shoulder for seven damage.

Up on the bridge the two winged men continue to work on the door with the butts of their spears. The heat of the surrounding forest fire must not have been kind to the door because it doesn't look like it'll be able to hold out much longer.

"Dammit. Liiros, hang on!" Torrent asks Osprem to heal Liiros and then moves up and touches his torso injury, healing him for 13 hit points.

Now the party gets to strike.

[sblock=OOC]HolyMan, I'm not sure what your concern is. And it may get complicated if you're talking about spells from different classes. So let's take it to the OOC thread.

Seriously, I have no idea what Hollister would do with a crossbow this turn.

S5 and S6 are in the space labeled "5/6".


  • white river bridge tower fight - rnd 3.jpg
    white river bridge tower fight - rnd 3.jpg
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Thy wounds are healed!
Shaylir moves slowly towards the combat twirling her sling over her head as she moves. When she reaches a good spot she let's the river stone fly.

It archs up over the river towards the tower and then hits one of the winged attackers in the back of the head.

"Ha!" she shouts at the winged fairy. "That should show you! Leave her alone!"

[sblock=Actions] Move 20 feet forward along the edge of the river to AA-17. Standard action - attack S4 (over 50' -2 will apply) [/sblock]

HP: 26/26
AC: 19
Init: +3
Fort: +7
Reflex: +5
Will: +8(+9)

Sling = +7 to hit, (+3 dex, +2 BAB, +1 size, +1 morale, +1 item, -1 stone); 1d2 dmg; range: 50'

0- Create Water (2/2), Guidance, Detect Magic,
1- Shillelagh, Stand the Heat, Cure Light Wounds - 1d8+4
2- Resist Energy, Restoration, lesser, Cure Light Wounds - 1d8+4

0- Mending, Resistance, Read Magic
1- Bless, Protection from Evil, Cure Light Wounds(d)- 1d8+2

Pearl of power (1st lvl): unused
Turn undead: 4/4
Speak with Animals: 1/1
Vow of Healing: 4/4 [/sblock]
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First Post

Lytha moves closer and shouts back. “Why don't you rather kill your winged fellow guys here!” concentrating her gaze on the one who spoke as her mind forcefully projects this thought into his.

OOC: 30 ft. towards them. Suggestion at S1. Will DC 16 to resist the suggestion to kill his fellows rather than us.

Little fairy? I thought they were more like human-sized...


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] I'm not sure we weren't givin a size that I se but I think they are small due to the damage rolls they are making. Spear d6 = small version[/sblock]


The 8th Evil Sage
[sblock=enemies are medium]The winged humanoids are medium. The are wielding shortspears, which are one-handed and do 1d6 damage when medium sized. Spears are two-handed and do 1d6 when small and 1d8 when medium.

It seems needlessly confusing to me.[/sblock]


First Post
Squire Liiros Tivaniel of the Aquilline Cross

"NNnnnggh! You'll pay for that, one by one!" Liiros grits out in the Sylvan tongue. "You will suffer the consequences for assaulting Knights of the Aquilline Cross.......and ganging up on a lone woman is especially cowardly and unforgiveable! What has she done to deserve your ire?!" he continues, while drawing his longsword and taking a swing at the enemy he knocked back a moment ago, but his ribs still ache despite the healing and his blade doesn't reach quite as far as he'd intended before flinching with pain.

Then, glancing back at his comrades, Liiros calls out in Common "Don't worry about me unless I fall! Stop the men on the bridge!"

[sblock=OOC]Now would be a good time to Hollister to bust out some fire-spells against the bridge-guys, maybe, if they aren't significantly shielded against fire damage right now.....

But anyway, Liiros still has plenty of healing mojo of his own right now. He'll be fine for another turn or two probably, and his AC is back up to 19 since he's not charging this round.

Liiros gets +1 to attack and damage rolls on his turn through Steely Resolve and Furious Counterstrike.

Liiros is granted Mountain Hammer (technically it's granted at the end of his previous turn).
1d5=3, 1d5=5, 1d5=3, 1d5=5, 1d5=1, 1d5=4, 1d5=4, 1d5=2

He proceeds to draw his longsword and use his Mountain Hammer strike on the winged man he struck last round. I did not include any bonus for attacking a prone target, since I'm not sure if he stood up (I assume not? If so, then add +4 to Liiros' attack roll).......... But InvisibleCastle decided to kick me in the shin with absolutely terrible rolls...... A 10 to-hit for 9 damage (or 14 to-hit if target's still prone).
1d20+7+1=10, 1d8+2+1+2d6=9

Liiros' Status:
HP 28 / 32
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18
Active Stance: Iron Guard's Glare
Granted Maneuvers: Charging Minotaur*EXPENDED, Crusader's Strike, Shield Block, Mountain Hammer*EXPENDED
Ready Maneuvers: Crusader's Strike (2), Shield Block (4), Charging Minotaur (1), Stone Bones (5), Mountain Hammer (3)
* Maneuvers are numbered alphabetically for rolling granted inspiration
Other Class Features: Furious Counterstrike (1-9: +1; 10-14: +2), Steely Resolve 10, Indomitable Soul, Zealous Surge 1/day[/sblock]


First Post
Hollister moves up behind his companions, letting the nose of his crossbow drop. Taking heed of Liiros' words, the mage whispers and incantation. Raising his hand, he sends twin darts of bluish-white energy streaking through the air toward the bridge.

AC: 16, HP: 21/21
Mage Armor in effect, duration 3 hours

Move to AB17, cast Magic Missile. Two missiles for (1d4+1 damage each) against S4.

[sblock=Spells Prepared]Spells per Day
- Level 0: 4+1
- Level 1: 4+1
- Level 2: 4+1

Spells Prepared
- Level 0: Detect Magic x2, Light, Mage Hand + (d) Flare
- Level 1: Mage Armor x2, Magic Missile, Grease + (d) Burning Hands
- Level 2: Web, Glitterdust x2, Knock + (d) Scorching Ray[/sblock]


First Post
Arshen presses his advantage against his stunned foe with two quick strikes, but puzzlingly enough completely fails to connect.
[sblock=OOC]Full attack with Flurry of Blows on S2: 1d20+5=7, 1d20+5=9 double miss even though the guy is flat-footed, even if he's wearing no armour. :hmm:[/sblock]
[sblock=Quick Stats]HP:33/33

AC: 15*, Touch 14*, Flat-footed 13
* - +1 vs. S2, +4 vs. attacks of opportunity provoked by movement

Speed: 40'

Fortitude: +7
Reflex: +7*
Will: +7**

*- Evasion
**- +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects

Unarmed Strike +7 melee (1d8+3, 20/x2)
Unarmed Strike +5/+5 melee (1d8 +3, 20/x2)

Shuriken +5 ranged (1d2+3, 20/x2)
Shuriken +3/+3 ranged (1d2+3, 20/x2)

Stunning Fist 3/4 /day


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