Podcast #270: Restricting Character Options

Peter and Jessica talk about restricting character creation options to fit a campaign.

This week, Peter and Jessica talk about restricting character creation options. In the news, Pathfinder 2e playtest survey results, new Vaesen and Dragonbane books from Free League, Planescape previews, and more!


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Hosts: Russ “Morrus” Morrissey, Peter Coffey, and Jessica Hancock

Editing and post-production: Darryl Mott

Theme Song: Steve Arnott

Malach the Maleficent played by Darren Morrissey

Check out all the media content from EN World at http://enliverpg.com

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Darryl Mott

Darryl Mott


In a skit on Saturday Night Live a few decades ago, a character, stated he liked haiku's because the limitations of poetry, set him free. The same is for setting limitations for character options. If you have every option available, what makes the setting unique?

Not every option fits every setting. There was blogger who went by ABIII, when he ran a game, one player always ran a ninja, no matter what the setting was. Funny for the story, but irritating for the GM.

Imho, a GM has the right and obligation to make restrictions for his setting.

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