Podcast #288: Planestrider's Journal for Level Up: Advanced 5e

Morrus, PJ, and Jessica talk about the Planestrider’s Journal for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition

This week, Morrus, PJ, and Jessica talk about the Planestrider’s Journal for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition. In the news, Tomb Raider RPG from Evil Hat coming in 2025, Shadow of the Weird Wizard released, Free League announced a new edition of Coriolis, and more! Plus a brand new sketch about a bard with an unconventional instrument choice.


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Tomb Raider RPG Coming from Evil Hat in 2025 https://www.enworld.org/threads/tomb-raider-licensed-rpg-announced-by-evil-hat-publishing.702773/

Shadow of the Weird Wizard released https://www.enworld.org/threads/shadow-of-the-weird-wizard-is-finally-here.702747/

Not DnD – Shadow of the Weird Wizard
Sinuous Sentinels for A5E by Purple Martin Games DriveThruRPG

Coriolis: The Great Dark from Free League https://www.enworld.org/threads/free-league-announces-coriolis-the-great-dark.702737/

Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion on Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/545820095/savage-worlds-sci-fi-companion

Secrets of the Selkies for A5E from Speaks & Spells Publishing DriveThruRPG

Evil Genius Games: An Open Letter to the TTRPG Community Evil Genius Games

MaricopaCon XI Tabletop Game Con in Phoenix, Arizona on Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jasony/maricopacon-xi-tabletop-game-con-family-friends-and-fun

AireCon March 14-17, 2024 in Harrogate, UK RPGs — AireCon

EN World Events and Releases https://www.enworld.org/events/

Rascal TTRPG news Rascal News


Planestrider’s Guide for Level Up Advanced 5th Edition

Sign up for notifications when the Kickstarter goes live https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/enworld/planestriders-journal

Planestrider’s Guide announcement on EN World https://www.enworld.org/threads/planestriders-journal-a-new-cosmology-for-5e-a5e.702613/

Preview of the introduction to Planestrider’s Guide https://www.enworld.org/threads/looking-inside-the-planestrider’s-journal.702656/

The list of the new planes https://www.enworld.org/threads/a-list-of-planes-in-planestriders-journal.702707/

A look at the 17 new archetypes https://www.enworld.org/threads/list-of-planestrider-archetypes.702764/

Find more previews as they come on the official Level Up: Advanced 5e website Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition (A5E)


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Hosts: Russ “Morrus” Morrissey, Peter Coffey, and Jessica Hancock

Editing and post-production: Darryl Mott

Theme Song: Steve Arnott

Malach the Maleficent played by Darren Morrissey

Check out all the media content from EN World at http://enliverpg.com

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