Planestrider's Journal

Level Up (A5E) Planestrider's Journal: A New Cosmology for 5E & A5E!


Well, that was fun
Staff member

Coming to Kickstarter next month is a brand new hardcover book from EN Publishing which contains 30 new planes, a ton of player options, and a plane spanning adventure for 7th-level characters!

Sail the astral seas and explore the cosmos in this essential hardcover for D&D 5E and Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition!

This book presents a fantastical new cosmology. Explore the Astral Seas, the elemental planes of Caeloon, Jiese, Mavisha, and Urim, and dozens of outer planes from from Ambitio's desolate beauty to the endless ocean of Aquestio, and the shadowy passage of the Bleak Gate. Corzcunath dazzles with its vivid colors and exotic resources, while the icy expanse of Cryos challenges the warmth of life itself. Each plane is a universe unto itself, teeming with adventure, peril, and the promise of the extraordinary. Discover worlds where the surreal becomes real, and where every step taken is a step into the vast unknown.

Plus player options, rules for planar travel and webships, new monsters, and an exclusive new adventure as your PCs discover there's more to discover than just their own world!
  • 30 fantastic planes
  • 17 archetypes (subclasses)
  • 14 feats
  • 12 magic items
  • 8 planefaring ships
  • 13 spells
  • 57 monsters
  • 11 exploration challenges
  • And a planestriding adventure for 7th-level characters!




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I might be out of the loop but whatever happened to the Voidrunner’s Codex?

Then I looked closely at the name for this book and wonder if it’s the same content retooled to a more fantastical vibe rather than sci-fi?

I might be out of the loop but whatever happened to the Voidrunner’s Codex?

Then I looked closely at the name for this book and wonder if it’s the same content retooled to a more fantastical vibe rather than sci-fi?
They are separate books. Voidrunner's is currently scheduled to come out later this year I think.

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