Level Up (A5E) Looking Inside The Planestrider’s Journal

Coming to Kickstarter very soon (click here to be notified) is the Planestrider’s Journal—an entire new cosmology for Level Up: A5E and 5E. Here’s a quick look at the introduction penned by the intrepid Captain Cobalt of the Pirate’s Pride.

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This gorgeous hardcover is crammed with material. From player options like archetypes, feats, and spells, planar vehicles like the legendary Fatenaught or the Valhal Longships, nearly 60 new monsters including the planar arachnids which prowl the Astral Seas, new magic items, equipment, and exploration challenges, 30 incredible planes each with their own properties, and the Saga of Surrem, a planehopping adventure for 7th-level characters, the Planestrider’s Journal will take your characters to wondrous new realms!



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Not my D&D, but maybe worth a reading copy as an idea mine. I like cosmology books and have a soft spot for magic world-hopping ships that I blame on TSR Spelljammer and Chaosium's Rogue Mistress in equal parts.

I do wonder how that spider is actually holding that book up with its pointy little pedipalps, though. Books made for humanoids do not seem a good match for that thing's physiology at all. :)

Not my D&D, but maybe worth a reading copy as an idea mine. I like cosmology books and have a soft spot for magic world-hopping ships that I blame on TSR Spelljammer and Chaosium's Rogue Mistress in equal parts.

I do wonder how that spider is actually holding that book up with its pointy little pedipalps, though. Books made for humanoids do not seem a good match for that thing's physiology at all. :)
I don't think the Fatespinner is holding the book with it's pedipalps. It could be using magic such as Mage Hand to hold the book to one of it's many pairs of eyes. ;)

I don't think the Fatespinner is holding the book with it's pedipalps. It could be using magic such as Mage Hand to hold the book to one of it's many pairs of eyes. ;)
One wonders, would a mage "hand" casting get that thing an actual hand with opposable thumb and digits, or what amounts to a pointy stick? Maybe a pair of pointy sticks. That could work. If I can eat with chopsticks, a spider can probably do lots pf stuff with a pair of floating magical pedipalps. :)

Could be worse, regardless. At least it's not a Gloranthan morokanth. "I'm saving up for a thumb. Maybe even two someday if I make it big as an adventurer."

What exactly is a Gloranthan Morokanth? Inquiring sages want to know. ;)
Not a Runequest fan, I'm guessing. :)

Glorantha is the name of the game's setting, and morokantha are, well, I can't say it any better than this tumblr post does. Mild obscenity warning, but otherwise both accurate and amusing.

If you happen to google Glorantha or morokanth and start down the rabbit hole of RQ lore and then wake up on the floor three days later with sudden desire to overthrow the Lunar Empire don't blame me. The setting's had more written about it than any game world outside of TSR/WotC, and I'm not sure even Forgotten Realms is actually ahead on word count.

Not a Runequest fan, I'm guessing. :)

Glorantha is the name of the game's setting, and morokantha are, well, I can't say it any better than this tumblr post does. Mild obscenity warning, but otherwise both accurate and amusing.

If you happen to google Glorantha or morokanth and start down the rabbit hole of RQ lore and then wake up on the floor three days later with sudden desire to overthrow the Lunar Empire don't blame me. The setting's had more written about it than any game world outside of TSR/WotC, and I'm not sure even Forgotten Realms is actually ahead on word count.
I have heard of Runequest, but I haven't looked through the material or played it. Currently a fan of 5e and Level Up. ;)

So the morokantha are some kind of anthropomorphic Tapir who supposedly won a bet against a group of humans and got to turn them into something more or less useful. Weird and amusing is more like it. 😋

Not my D&D, but maybe worth a reading copy as an idea mine. I like cosmology books and have a soft spot for magic world-hopping ships that I blame on TSR Spelljammer and Chaosium's Rogue Mistress in equal parts.

I do wonder how that spider is actually holding that book up with its pointy little pedipalps, though. Books made for humanoids do not seem a good match for that thing's physiology at all. :)
pretty much same for me; very much married to my love of 2e Spelljammer and prepping my next D&D campaign to take my players to the stars. This is definitely for me and idea book.

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