Populated Hexes new update

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Hex 14.23 -- The Basilisk Knights, is live on Drivethru. It features the human settlement of Liwil, home to the Basilisk Knights, a half-dryad race as class and an alternate knight class, both for OSE, as well as rules for animal companions and how to level them up in OSE. Hex 14.23 -- The Basilisk Knights - Third Kingdom Games | DriveThruRPG.com.

Additionally, the Filling in the Blanks Kickstarter has four days left and is closing in on 5,000.00 and a final hex stretch goal: Filling in the Blanks -- A Guide to Populating Hexes


The first stretch goal for Filling in the Blanks has been uploaded to Drivethru. Hex 07.36 -- Slow Waters features a small marsh created by an ancient and abandoned magitech device designed to distill a valuable alchemical compound. The marsh is now inhabited by a clan of froglings. The hex features a small dungeon containing the device, the frogling village, and two race-as-class frogling variants. Hex 07.36 -- Slow Waters - Third Kingdom Games | DriveThruRPG.com

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