OSR Populated Hexes

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I'm experimenting with a new model for the longer hexes and am trying a "Quickstarter" (a Kickstarter with a short duration) for each new hex. I've just set up the preview page for the first one, the sixth hex in the Rawhide Gang cluster. It will be going live at the beginning of November and running for two weeks. It has three mini-dungeons, a valley inhabited by rock baboons, rules for turning magic weapons into legendary items that get more powerful along with their wielders, setting up wizard laboratories, a monk class for OSE, and several new monsters and magic items.

Coming soon: Hex 15.41 -- The Valley of the Rock Baboons


I have uploaded the draft version of Hex 55.68 -- the Entrance to the Valley of Kings (pt. 2) -- to Patreon for supporters.

I've uploaded the draft version of the second part of this hex, detailing a dungeon built by the Crocodile Kings to serve as a giant magical machine to preserve their dead and animate them as zombies. The current master of the Machine is a necromancer who seeks to learn its secrets for their own use. Includes several new necromantic spells to add to your OSE or old-school game.



Part 2 of the Entrance to the Valley of Kings is live on Drivethru, just in time for Halloween. Features an ancient underground embalming complex currently controlled by a necromancer and his undead army.
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Wrote a blog post breaking down the Populated Hex series into hexes by terrain, lairs, and extra stuff, so that folks new to the series can see what they're getting into.



Issue #5 of Populated Hexes Monthly is out in pdf, featuring an ice cave inhabited by yetis, rules for exploring in extreme cold, new equipment, a new monster, and some cold themed spells. You can get the pdf at Drivethrurpg (PHM Issue #5 -- Hex 35.06 The Cave of the Yeti - Third Kingdom Games | DriveThruRPG.com) or my website. I'm also pleased to announce that I've added some titles from other publishers to my webstore. I currently carry print products by Trail of Dice Games and Planar Compass: Products | Third Kingdom Games

Voidrunner's Codex

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