OSR Populated Hexes


Hex 17.22 -- the Valley of the Sunken Sun -- is now live on Drivethru. It's the last of the Lake of Abominations cluster and features maps by Aaron Schmidt and art by Denis McCarthy.

It features a goblin village in an abandoned manor house at the edge of the Lake of Abominations. A mutated carcass crawler dwells in a well at the center of the village and is worshipped as a god by the goblins. The book also contains optional combat maneuvers to customize fighting classes and provides rules for the creation of charms and fetishes -- minor magical items that lower-level characters can create.

Here's a link to the original thread in the Promotion forum with all of the earlier releases.

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Hex 16.42 -- Into the Stewpot, is another hex in the Rawhide Gang cluster. It features a family of wereboar farmers, led by a devil swine matriarch, as well as a kobold warren, along with three playable race-as-class kobold option: the regular kobold, the warrenguard, and the beguiler. With art by Carlos Castilho and cartography by Ryan Thomason.



Hex 13.39 -- the Domain of Deepwater -- is an entire cluster of seven hexes that details a small, developing domain and the surrounding hexes. It provides the small village of Deepwater, the nearby Keep, and plot hooks that a Referee can use to establish either a starting location or a settlement to place in play.

The book uses the domain rules from Into the Wild and provides concrete examples of how they're used to establish and maintain a domain.



New hex is up, first in the Populated Hexes Monthly series, aimed at producing a regular output of shorter, less densely populated hexes that can be more easily slipped into existing games. Each PHM Hex has 10 pages of new material.

The first issue features a rocky coastal desert with a dragonnes' lair and a cave system containing a node of Chaos and the forgotten godling it spawned. Includes rules for generating nodes of Chaos and introduces schools of magic and an optional system for bringing specialist magic-users into your OSR game.



Second patron-preview release in the Populated Hex Monthly. Hex 55.68 -- Entrance to the Valley of Kings, provides the broad sketches of an ancient burial site for the Crocodile Kings as well as rules for creating undead; both Referee-based random generation and player-based creation in game. Polished and edited version will be released on Drivethru at the beginning of October, in plenty of time for Halloween.


Voidrunner's Codex

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