Here is my first run at one of the pregens: the Warrior Archetype. Note that the player who takes the character will define the "real world" information.
WARRIOR(+4)(tactics, siege, riding, camping, care of arms and armor)
CHARACTER NAME: ________________________________
Major/Vocation(+3): _________________________________________
Primary Hobby Skill(+2): ______________________________________
Conviction: __________________ Vice: _________________________
STR: +4 DEX: +1 CON: +3 INT: +0 WIS: +1 CHA: +1
Hit Points: 50 Armor Class: 20 Stress: Wounds:
Speed: 25 Initiative: +1 Perception: +4
Fort Save: +8 Ref Save: +5 Will Save: +1
Fearless: immune to non-magical fear; advantage on saves vs magical fear
Expert Tactician: at start of combat, swap initiative results with a willing ally.
Second Wind (bonus action): regain up to 25 hp total per long rest
Action Surge (free action; 1/long rest): immediately take another action
Counterstrike (reaction): when hit in melee, do 1d6+2 magical slashing to attacker
Starsteel Sword +9 to hit; 2d6+4 magic slashing damage;
Crossbow +5 to hit; 1d0+1 piercing damage; long range
Dagger +5 to hit; 1d4+4 piercing or slashing damage; short range
Starsteel Armor (reaction to reduce damage by half; heavy armor)
Starsteel Sword (double sunder damage and vs constructs)
Destrier Shield (action to summon warhorse; 1/day; lasts 8 hours)
Crossbow and ammunition; dagger; adventurer's pack; warrior tools.
I am toying with the idea of adding BG3 weapon specific bonus actions but I also want to keep it focused and clean.
WARRIOR(+4)(tactics, siege, riding, camping, care of arms and armor)
CHARACTER NAME: ________________________________
Major/Vocation(+3): _________________________________________
Primary Hobby Skill(+2): ______________________________________
Conviction: __________________ Vice: _________________________
STR: +4 DEX: +1 CON: +3 INT: +0 WIS: +1 CHA: +1
Hit Points: 50 Armor Class: 20 Stress: Wounds:
Speed: 25 Initiative: +1 Perception: +4
Fort Save: +8 Ref Save: +5 Will Save: +1
Fearless: immune to non-magical fear; advantage on saves vs magical fear
Expert Tactician: at start of combat, swap initiative results with a willing ally.
Second Wind (bonus action): regain up to 25 hp total per long rest
Action Surge (free action; 1/long rest): immediately take another action
Counterstrike (reaction): when hit in melee, do 1d6+2 magical slashing to attacker
Starsteel Sword +9 to hit; 2d6+4 magic slashing damage;
Crossbow +5 to hit; 1d0+1 piercing damage; long range
Dagger +5 to hit; 1d4+4 piercing or slashing damage; short range
Starsteel Armor (reaction to reduce damage by half; heavy armor)
Starsteel Sword (double sunder damage and vs constructs)
Destrier Shield (action to summon warhorse; 1/day; lasts 8 hours)
Crossbow and ammunition; dagger; adventurer's pack; warrior tools.
I am toying with the idea of adding BG3 weapon specific bonus actions but I also want to keep it focused and clean.