Portal Fantasy Idea

Here is my first run at one of the pregens: the Warrior Archetype. Note that the player who takes the character will define the "real world" information.
WARRIOR(+4)(tactics, siege, riding, camping, care of arms and armor)
CHARACTER NAME: ________________________________

Major/Vocation(+3): _________________________________________

Primary Hobby Skill(+2): ______________________________________

Conviction: __________________ Vice: _________________________

STR: +4 DEX: +1 CON: +3 INT: +0 WIS: +1 CHA: +1

Hit Points: 50 Armor Class: 20 Stress: Wounds:

Speed: 25 Initiative: +1 Perception: +4

Fort Save: +8 Ref Save: +5 Will Save: +1

Fearless: immune to non-magical fear; advantage on saves vs magical fear
Expert Tactician: at start of combat, swap initiative results with a willing ally.

Second Wind (bonus action): regain up to 25 hp total per long rest
Action Surge (free action; 1/long rest): immediately take another action
Counterstrike (reaction): when hit in melee, do 1d6+2 magical slashing to attacker

Starsteel Sword +9 to hit; 2d6+4 magic slashing damage;
Crossbow +5 to hit; 1d0+1 piercing damage; long range
Dagger +5 to hit; 1d4+4 piercing or slashing damage; short range

Starsteel Armor (reaction to reduce damage by half; heavy armor)
Starsteel Sword (double sunder damage and vs constructs)
Destrier Shield (action to summon warhorse; 1/day; lasts 8 hours)
Crossbow and ammunition; dagger; adventurer's pack; warrior tools.
I am toying with the idea of adding BG3 weapon specific bonus actions but I also want to keep it focused and clean.

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How I am doing spells: I really like the spell system in Shadowdark, so I am going to crib that (no prep; roll vs spell DC to get it off; if you fail you lose the spell for the day) except that because it is supposed to be a little more heroic and high powered, casters will have a handful of "mulligans" that they can use to not lose the spell after a failed roll (the spell still fails, though). And, like Shadowdark, the casters will have relatively few spells in their repetoire.

Two days away. Here are the rest of the pregens:
ARCHER(+4)(bowyer/fletcher, hunting, tracking, scouting, camouflage)
CHARACTER NAME: ________________________________

Major/Vocation(+3): _________________________________________

Primary Hobby Skill(+2): ______________________________________

Conviction: __________________ Vice: _________________________

STR: +0 DEX: +4 CON: +2 INT: +1 WIS: +3 CHA: +1

Hit Points: 40 Armor Class: 18 Stress: Wounds:

Speed: 30 Initiative: +4 Perception: +7

Fort Save: +6 Ref Save: +8 Will Save: +3

Ranger: cannot get lost; difficult terrain does not slow overland travel
Toxin Exposure: resistance to poison damage and advantage on saves vs poison

Herbalism (requires herbalist kit): 1 hour to create any common or uncommon potion; may make up to Wisdom bonus (3) potions at once
Rapid Shot: use bonus action to take 1 extra shot with bow
Skirmisher: use reaction to Disengage and move up to half speed

Thorn Bow +9 to hit; 1d8+4 magical piercing; restrain; long range
Hunting Knife +8 to hit; 1d6 slashing damage

Rose Armor (reaction to cause 1d6+2 damage to attacker; light armor)
Thorn Bow (Restrains; Escape DC 5 + damage dealt, -1 DC per round; restrain once per round)
Wildwood Boots (spider climb in natural surroundings)
Wildwood Clock (advantage to hide in natural surroundings)
Scout’s pack; hunting knife; herbalist kit

MAGE(+4)(esoteric knowledge, demonology, alchemy, astrology)
CHARACTER NAME: ________________________________

Major/Vocation(+3): _________________________________________

Primary Hobby Skill(+2): ______________________________________

Conviction: __________________ Vice: _________________________

STR: +0 DEX: +3 CON: +1 INT: +4 WIS: +2 CHA: +1

Hit Points: 25 Armor Class: 16 Stress: Wounds:

Speed: 30 Initiative: +3 Perception: +4

Fort Save: +1 Ref Save: +7 Will Save: +8

Eldritch Sight: Can see magical auras naturally and can identify magical effects with 1 minute study (DC varies).
Fae Friend: faeries of all sorts are automatically Friendly to you unless attacked.
Spellcasting: Int check (+8 total); Mastery: 4
Alchemy: may identify potions, powders, etc… with 1 minute of study using alchemist’s bag (DC varies).
Arcanikinetics: You can move one object you can see up to 20 feet with a wave of your wand as long as it is not fixed and weighs less than 2 pounds.

Wand of the Wizard: +9 to hit; 1d6+2 force damage; long range

Robe of Runes (Magical Armor +3 AC; advantage on saving throws versus magic)
Wand Of the Wizard (+2 to Arcane Manipulation spellcasting checks; magic missile (see attacks)
Explorer's pack; scribe tools; spellbook; alchemist’s bag

Spellcasting: Roll spellcasting check against spell DC. If the result is lower than the DC, the spell fails and the spell cannot be cast again until after a long rest. However, the character may use a Mastery point to keep the spell after a failed roll (the casting still fails).
Arcane Manipulation (DC 10): Allows you to use fine manipulation with Arcanikinetics, such as opening a potion or operating a key in a lock. May also increase the DC by 2 for each doubling of weight.
Arcane Strike (DC varies): Blast enemies with arcane energy. DC 10 does 1d6+2 energy damage to one target within medium range. DC +2 per extra 1d6+1 damage, plus 2 per additional target. Choose energy type on casting: acid, fire, lightning or thunder.
Force Weaving (DC 15+; 1 minute): Summon and shape force in a 10’ cube to create walls, cages, bridges and other non-mechanical structures; medium range. DC +2 to double size. Cannot be used to attack.

HEALER(+4)(mundane and magical medicine, religion and society)
CHARACTER NAME: ________________________________

Major/Vocation(+3): _________________________________________

Primary Hobby Skill(+2): ______________________________________

Conviction: __________________ Vice: _________________________

STR: +1 DEX: +0 CON: +1 INT: +2 WIS: +4 CHA: +3

Hit Points: 36 Armor Class: 18 Stress: Wounds:

Speed: 25 Initiative: +0 Perception: +4

Fort Save: +5 Ref Save: +0 Will Save: +8

Touched by Divinity: resistant to necrotic damage
Stalwart: remains conscious when dying with speed 5 but may act normally

Healing Hands: bonus action to cast Cure Wounds with touch range
Averawe: 1/day cast Sanctuary or Rebuke on up to 4 targets
Spellcasting: Wisdom roll (+8 total); mastery: 4

Asclepian Staff +5 to hit; 1d8+1 necrotic or radiant damage

Mithril Vestments (Reaction to negate critical hit 1/day; medium armor)
Asclepian Staff (wielder chooses necrotic or radiant damage on hit; +2 to cast Cure Wounds or Restoration)
Travelers pack, shield, healer’s kit, medical journal

Spellcasting: Roll spellcasting check against spell DC. If the result is lower than the DC, the spell fails and the spell cannot be cast again until after a long rest. However, the character may use a Mastery point to keep the spell after a failed roll (the casting still fails).
Cure Wounds (DC 10+2 per rank): heal 1 target 1d6+4 per rank; short range
Restoration (DC 15): cures one condition; touch
Sanctuary (DC 10+CR/level; 1 minute): one target cannot attack Healer; ends if Healer causes target damage; medium range
Rebuke (DC 13+CR/level; 1 minute): one target is frightened and must Dash to flee each round; undead and fiends take 4d6+4 radiant damage as well; medium range

TROUBADOUR (+4)(music, history, art, humor, myth, fairy tale)
CHARACTER NAME: ________________________________

Major/Vocation(+3): _________________________________________

Primary Hobby Skill(+2): ______________________________________

Conviction: __________________ Vice: _________________________

STR: +0 DEX: +3 CON: +1 INT: +2 WIS: +1 CHA: +4

Hit Points: 30 Armor Class: 15 Stress: Wounds:

Speed: 30ft Initiative: +7 Perception: +5

Fort Save: +1 Ref Save: +7 Will Save: +5

Artist’s Mind: Advantage on saving throws versus illusions and charms
Encouraging Presence: allies who can see and/or hear the troubadour have advantage on saving throws versus fear
Two handed style: while wielding a rapier and main gauche, troubadour may use their reaction to negate a hit or reduce a critical hit to a normal hit if the did not use a bonus action to attack with the main gauche since their last turn.
Spell Singer: Cha check (+8 total); Mastery: 4
Rapier +7 to hit; 1d6+1 piercing damage
Main Gauche +3 to hit; 1d4 piercing damage (bonus action)
Liar’s Lyre (+2 to checks using music or performance; advantage to deceive)
Cloak of Distraction (enemies have disadvantage to hit with sight based attacks)
Explorer’s pack; rapier; main gauche; fancy clothes

Spell Singing: Roll spell singing check against spell DC. If the result is lower than the DC, the spell fails and the spell cannot be cast again until after a long rest. However, the character may use a Mastery point to keep the spell after a failed roll (the casting still fails).
Song of Discord (DC 10+2 per rank; 1 minute): Enemy suffers a -1 on their next attack, skill check or saving throw, -1 per additional rank OR adds an additional enemy; medium range.
Song of Healing (DC 10+2 per rank): heal 1 target 1d4+2 per rank; short range
Song of Inspiration (DC 10+2 per rank; 1 minute): Ally gains a +1 on their next attack, skill check or saving throw, +1 per additional rank OR adds an additional ally; medium range.
Song of Truth (DC per GM): Success eliminates one illusion or one charm on a target; close range.

I am about an hour and a half away from the first session of the portal fantasy, called Beyond the Veil of Dreams.

The story is: the PCs are graduating college, enjoying their last trip together to the Fantasy Live Action New-England Gaming Experience (FLANGE) before life pulls them in all different direction. As they are exploring, a heavy fog rolls in and when it dissipates the giant paper mache monster is real.

When they head back to the game base camp they find an actual medieval town. they are waylaid by horrifying "blight men" only to be saved by a patrol, who then escort the PCs to see Valedra the Seer. She is "vizier" to the Twin Sovereigns and she explains that the Blightened King has forced the Twin Sovereigns into a cursed sleep. The PCs have been drawn into their world by the dreams of the Sovereigns to help fight the Blighted King. Valedra needs the PCs to go into the now-blighted Sovereign Forest and retrieve a fruit from the Sovereign Tree she can use to wake the Twins, who will send the PCs home.

Time constraints will determine exactly how many and what sort of encounters lie on the path (I have both some combats and some NPC interaction encounters prepped) but eventually the PCs will get to the Sovereign Tree where they will be confronted by its guardian, a trickster serpent. The serpent tells them they don't need to return the fruit to go home; they can just eat it here and wish their way home. This si true, but if the PCs do so the Twins will not wake.

This is the first of two parts, with 4 out of 5 of the players signed up for part 2, so their choices in this session will define what the second session looks like. In that, it is 30 years later and the PCs are drawn back to the Veiled Realm to finish what they started (whatever that turns out to be).

Sounds so good. I hope it goes well.
Session 1:

We spent a good bit of time defining the "realm people" characters and their relationships, as well as who they thought their characters' characters were. The transition to fantasy land happened pretty smoothly and the players did a good job of engaging with the first battle but doing it "in character."

What they discovered pretty early is that there are sharing space with their character. They found out their heroes are legendary and rest in their tombs between "summonings." what isn't quite so clear is the claim that their real world lives are just a dream, and the actual real world is fantasy lane.

The players did a wonderful job, having different feelings about and relationships between their real world character and their fantasy land character.

In the end, they ate the fruit before getting back to town so they could wake the Twin Sovereigns, so the next game (about 90 minutes from now) will start with the Blighted King having taken control of everything and the Twin Sovereigns still sleeping. Time moves concurrently in both worlds, so the NPCs that the PCs met will be 30 years older too, and probably not real happy. But, they are the only legendary heroes of the world, so when an opportunity presents itself, they summon them again.

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