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Post-Catastrophe Plotting- High Level


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Here's the lowdown.

In my campaign, an online game run in mIRC, the players have just completed a catastrophic, horridly depressing plot twist in where they were whisked away to Ravenloft (from FR). There, one of the characters (Drim Soigrim, a halfling rogue, played by an amazing roleplayer) met the woman he thought would be the love of his life (Chloe, a fellow halfling). They had a short tryst, interrupted by the party's finding of a way out.

They confronted a deranged vampire who held an artifact that would allow entry into the Near Ethereal, thus providing them an increased chance of escape.

While fighting the vampire, Pyotr, Chloe was brutally murdered after Pyotr mutated into a disgusting monster, courtesy of the artifact. Drim saw the whole thing.

Thing is, Drim's life has been less than roses lately. He's recently lost several good friends, and he had just gotten back to his easygoing self when this tragedy happened.

Now, the party is on the Ethereal Plane, about to step through a Curtain that will take them to the Upper Plane of Arborea, where I plan to take a few sessions of pure character interaction, to sort of put closure on the recent events and provide some long-awaited pleasant contrast to the darkness and depression of Ravenloft. The characters have just cleared 10th level (thanks to Pyotr), and the party's cleric, Solomon, has decided to try casting Plane Shift to get them back.

I didn't really want this, and thus pulled the material component restriction on him. He needs to get the appropriate fork for the Prime Material, more specifically, for Faerun. So that handles that problem. I plan to include a beeline to Sigil to deal with this, and probably throw in a side plot with finding the appropriate metal for the fork.

Essentially, what I'm here for is the following:

Has anyone here ever gone a few sessions with nothing but player dialogue? If so, how did you urge the players in this direction? (I don't think I'll have to urge them, they love stuff like this, but you never know). Moreover, what should I have them do while on Arborea besides talk? How should I lead up to the journey to Sigil? Any suggestions for other neat little pit stops on the planes?

Here's a brief character rundown:

Drim Soigrim (Male Halfling Rog9/Guild Thief 2, CN)- A typically jovial, freewheeling scoundrel whose life has been shaken greatly in the last three years. He now has a dark, violent streak, enhanced even further by Chloe's death.

Solomon Danner (Male Human Clr10 of Azuth, LN)- A confused youth going through somewhat of an identity crisis. An unlikely prophet, he recieves visions and dreams from Azuth, and he doesn't really know why. Stubborn, but generally good hearted.

Kantral Searthan (Male Human Wiz11, CN)- A brooding man with a strong sense of loyalty, Kantral is the technical leader of the group, being the sole original survivor. However, he tends to shirk this duty, leaving it often to Drim's natural charisma and Arundel's solid, intelligent planning. Kantral has a deep bond with Arundel and Harami, and likes Drim, but tends to stay out of things.

Arundel Berethani (Male Sun Elf Wiz11, N)- An inquisitive and complex man who recently recovered from an identity crisis from his own, where he almost let his lust for power get the best of him. The brains behind the group, Del is an outspoken, loyal, and honorable young elf with an idealistic streak.

Harami al-Rashid Abdullah Faqid (Male Human Mnk11, LN)- Harami is the backbone of the group, the constant figure who always acts as everyone's rock. Calm, cool and collected to a fault, Harami has a difficult time expressing himself beyond his incredible control of mind, body, and spirit. Harami, however, is terrified of his own humanity, and fights a constant inner battle against his animal instincts. On several occaisions, he has found himself enjoying battle and savoring revenge.

Garinol Andover (Male Human Ftr11, N)- Essentially a hardened bastard, Garinol is the newest addition to the group, a mercenary who defected to the gang's side after they captured him serving the Shade Arcanist Septalan. Little is known about Garinol as of this point, but he believes in individual responsibility to the point where he almost refuses to help people in any situation. He believes strongly in the credo that "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." He is, however, haunted by his violent and harsh past, consisting of the murder of his family at a young age and subsequent enlistment with the murderers.

Whoo. Longer than I thought it would be. So, any ideas? Comments? Opinions? (I've been thinking of starting a Story Hour, if I could find the time. Maybe I'll compile the character's journals. We'll see).

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That is one cool plotline! In answer to your question, my group would never deal with that much "dialogue." Your party may be different, though. Bottom line is; if the characters want to talk for that long, they will. If they don't, they won't. I would be prepared to let the plotline and action advance. Maybe throw in some (semi)random encounters to keep the combat enthusiasts happy. It's your game, though and you know the group best.


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Maybe you could throw in some flashbacks, or nightmares maybe? A lookalike of a dead person could turn up.

A character they once knew could accompany them. He could get them talking.


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dialogue sessions in my experience have to be player caused, or the players get verry frustrated/bored. all you can do as a dm is not cause conflict, if the players are not in a gung ho mood, they will RP but if they want a fight, they will find it no matter where they are. on the planes, there are few places where both a CN and a LN character will find acceptance for long. you could tempt the distraught halfling in sigil, if you so desire with the "evil" if he broods enough, depending on your vision for the campaing

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