Power Card Template Creation


First Post
Hello all,

I've been trying to find out how to make my own templates for power cards with MSE, but have been unable to find a tutorial on how to do so. I tried looking through the 'Making Your Own Power Card' thread, but haven't found any how-to's...just a bunch of other people's stuff.

Can anyone help me make my own?

Thanks in advance!!


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First Post
I just downloaded Ander00's set and started playing with it. I figured out what worked and what didn't. Save often.

I even changed the code to add the pics to the menu and other menu options. You really just need to play with it.


First Post
I just downloaded Ander00's set and started playing with it. I figured out what worked and what didn't. Save often.

I even changed the code to add the pics to the menu and other menu options. You really just need to play with it.

My problem is that I don't know how to "play with it." That's why I'm asking, I really don't have any programming experience to speak of. I was just hoping that y'all could help me to edit the ones that I like so they're more what I want.



First Post
My problem is that I don't know how to "play with it." That's why I'm asking, I really don't have any programming experience to speak of. I was just hoping that y'all could help me to edit the ones that I like so they're more what I want.


Your best bet is to grab a set you like and modify the background pics with GIMP or Photoslop.

If you're not a programmer, I don't suggest you mess around with the actual set information.

-- Hirahito


First Post
Your best bet is to grab a set you like and modify the background pics with GIMP or Photoslop.

If you're not a programmer, I don't suggest you mess around with the actual set information.

-- Hirahito

Ironically enough, I'm trying to fiddle with your cards. Sent you an email a few days ago, but haven't gotten a reply yet. So I figured I'd ask around, see if someone else could help me.

I adore your cards, but I can't seem to fill in any of the fields on the right side of the screen--level, class/race, source, etc. I was hoping that someone here could help me find where in the code those variables are, so I can input them.

But since you took an interest, could you help me out? :D




First Post
Ironically enough, I'm trying to fiddle with your cards. Sent you an email a few days ago, but haven't gotten a reply yet. So I figured I'd ask around, see if someone else could help me.

I adore your cards, but I can't seem to fill in any of the fields on the right side of the screen--level, class/race, source, etc. I was hoping that someone here could help me find where in the code those variables are, so I can input them.

But since you took an interest, could you help me out? :D



I saw your e-mail, but, due to business, didn't answer it (my apologies).

I've worked with another MSE set developer (Black Plauge) and he and I think we have found out a fix to the problem you described.

I will be putting this fix into the 4.3 release, or possibly the 4.4 release if I have problems getting it to work.

I recognize filling in the invisible fields (at this point) is an impossible task.

Since I don't fill them out manually (I have a custom C# program that fills out all the MSE sets based on a flat-file that I put together); I've never run into these issues.

If you like, you can do the following to edit these values directly until the new release comes out:

1) Save the original MSE-SET file and make it something like 'Copy of Hirahito's set'.
2) Make sure you have winzip or, better, 7-zip installed. You can google for these if you don't have them.
3) Right click on the MSE-SET file and select 'EXTRACT HERE...'
4) If you're looking in the directory, you should see a file appear called 'set'.
5) Right click on this file and open it using Wordpad. DON'T use notepad (it's too big) and DON'T use WORD (word messes with the format). If you have a programming editor such as Visual Studio or similar, I suggest using that.
6) Examine all of the cards in their guey goodness and add new cards to the end as much as you like.
7) Once your done with poking your eyes out with an icepick... I mean editing the raw SET file, save the file (the filename MUST remain 'set') and then right-click on it and select 'Add to SET.ZIP'. This will make a SET.ZIP file in the same directory.
8) Open up MSE and select 'Open new set' and then click the bottom and select 'Show all files (*.*)'. You're SET.ZIP file will show up in the file dialog. Click on it and open it. Your new files will be the highest numbered cards in the set.

(And yes, this is why I wrote a program to do all of this - the set file is a pain in the ass.)

-- Hirahito
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First Post
I saw your e-mail, but, due to business, didn't answer it (my apologies).

I've worked with another MSE set developer (Black Plauge) and he and I think we have found out a fix to the problem you described.

I will be putting this fix into the 4.3 release, or possibly the 4.4 release if I have problems getting it to work.

I recognize filling in the invisible fields (at this point) is an impossible task.

Since I don't fill them out manually (I have a custom C# program that fills out all the MSE sets based on a flat-file that I put together); I've never run into these issues.

If you like, you can do the following to edit these values directly until the new release comes out:

1) Save the original MSE-SET file and make it something like 'Copy of Hirahito's set'.
2) Make sure you have winzip or, better, 7-zip installed. You can google for these if you don't have them.
3) Right click on the MSE-SET file and select 'EXTRACT HERE...'
4) If you're looking in the directory, you should see a file appear called 'set'.
5) Right click on this file and open it using Wordpad. DON'T use notepad (it's too big) and DON'T use WORD (word messes with the format). If you have a programming editor such as Visual Studio or similar, I suggest using that.
6) Examine all of the cards in their guey goodness and add new cards to the end as much as you like.
7) Once your done with poking your eyes out with an icepick... I mean editing the raw SET file, save the file (the filename MUST remain 'set') and then right-click on it and select 'Add to SET.ZIP'. This will make a SET.ZIP file in the same directory.
8) Open up MSE and select 'Open new set' and then click the bottom and select 'Show all files (*.*)'. You're SET.ZIP file will show up in the file dialog. Click on it and open it. Your new files will be the highest numbered cards in the set.

(And yes, this is why I wrote a program to do all of this - the set file is a pain in the ass.)

-- Hirahito

Thanks for the tips! I look forward to seeing what you cook up to make it easier!

Again, keep up the good work!


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