Predator Gnomes!!


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It seems to me that gnomes have finally become ... gnomes. I will be including them in my homebrew for the first time since I realized I didn't have to make room for everything in the PHB (around 1980).

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lutecius said:
So a nasty power is all it takes to make gnomes cool?
Fluff wise it's not that different from the eladrin's fey step or the woodsy wild elves, but still a lot more inspiring than lucky river rat halflings.

Considering they have never really had a very good place in the game, this gives them SOMETHING to be based on, which is an improvement. Kinda dwarfish, kinda halfling, all friends of badgers did nothing for me in the past ;) The thing isn't that it's a nasty power, it's the implication that gnomes are no longer the friendly, jolly jokers they've been perceived to be. If they are still pranksters, it's more serious ones that have "oops, you broke both arms...but the LOOK on your face was TOO GOOD!" kinda tones to it. Maybe I'm just building something fun onto what I'm seeing, but it makes me actually want to think about them now.


First Post
I... I can't believe it...

I always made fun of gnomes.... What... WHAT IS HAPPENING?

Now... I... am a gnomefan?

*one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us*

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