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Prediction of a gaming boom/ Edition discussion


In 50 years' time, it will be the norm for characters to outlive their players. :)

And Crothian will be up to his millionth post - at least. :p

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That's Latin for "cool"
Zander said:
And Crothian will be up to his millionth post - at least

You piqued my curiosity so I whipped out the calculator. With ~26.5 posts a day He "only" does a little under 10,000 posts a year. So he'll just be up to a half million.


First Post
BiggusGeekus said:
You piqued my curiosity so I whipped out the calculator. With ~26.5 posts a day He "only" does a little under 10,000 posts a year. So he'll just be up to a half million.
Far sooner than that, we will have A.I. dedicated to posting on our behalf just for the sake of increasing our postcounts. As such, you can expect postcounts well over the million to be a mundane sight... (I believe that Frukathka will be the first one to order such an A.I. :p )


Cribbed and altered from a looong time ago....

Scene: Sunny Pines Assisted living center
Time: 50 years hence

Eric: All right, you old pirate, roll to hit the beholder!
Piratecat (with oxygen mask on): An 18! Hot crap on a stick! *wheeze*
Eric: You lucky geezer!
Darkness: He's pretty hot with those dice tonight, isn't he? Look at the wild spin he gives 'em before they land! Old boy must be cheating or something!
Henry: Oh, he's just been doing that ever since the palsy set in.
Piratecat: All right, that's a hit with my my fal- my fal- whatever you call the thing, my Big curved sword! For (rolls) 11 points of damage! All right! *wheeeeeze*
Eric: All right, you wounded him pretty badly - let's see - confound it, I can't read the hit-point totals - left muh bi-focals on the canasta table...
Henry: That's 43 damage total, Eric.
Darkness: Right. It is - (checks init) my action, and I want to - use a domain spell!
Eric: you Forgetful Nelly, they REMOVED Domain spells in 36th edition!
Darkness: *sadly* Oh. Yeah.
Eric: Henry?
Henry: I'm gonna call it a night, Eric. My back is acting up again, and I've actually got a date with that hottie who only has the mild bursitis! If our hips hold out, We're going to go cruising the game stores and feeding the pigeons!
Eric: Oh, fine then. Piratecat, old man, it's your turn again.
Piratecat: I rear up, *wheeze* I raise my Falchion, *wheeeeze*and I say... *wheeeeeeze*


Henry: Kev, you all right?
Darkness: (checks for breathing) Aaaand he's dead. That last dice roll must have done him in.
Eric: Oh, well.... Oh, Crap! Where am I going to find a new player now to take over his character?
Darkness: I hear Dinkeldog is available - as long as he changes his oxygen tank every couple of hours, he's still a spunky puppy!
Eric: Great! I'll call him tomorrow! Now we got to call an orderly about Piratecat. One thing - could somebody help me pry the dice from his fingers? Those are some perfectly good dice...


Liquid Awesome
Henry said:
Piratecat: I rear up, *wheeze* I raise my Falchion, *wheeeeze*and I say... *wheeeeeeze*


Nah. I figure that Piratecat will die in his sleep. It's the only appropriate end for someone in his profession.

And fellas, the thing that's going to mess up our retirements of non-stop gaming is this damn Viagra. Instead of being able to abandon the womenfolk, sex is still going to be competing for our attention when we're way past 80.

Rel: "What?! Henry blew off the game again so he could go 'get some'?! Well that's just friggin' great!"

As the saying goes, "Idle, old Gamers with Viagra are the Devil's playthings."

Voidrunner's Codex

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