D&D 5E Preview Witchlight's New Rabbit People

You can take a look at the harengons, a rabbit-themed race in the upcoming Wild Beyond the Witchlight, over at D&D Beyond. Harengons are medium or small humanoids with a bonus to initiative, Dexterity saving throws, and a 'rabbit hop' which lets them jump up to five times their proficiency bonus without provoking opportunity attacks. Creature Type. You are a Humanoid. Size. You are...

You can take a look at the harengons, a rabbit-themed race in the upcoming Wild Beyond the Witchlight, over at D&D Beyond.


Harengons are medium or small humanoids with a bonus to initiative, Dexterity saving throws, and a 'rabbit hop' which lets them jump up to five times their proficiency bonus without provoking opportunity attacks.

Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.

Size. You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race.

Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.

Hare-Trigger. You can add your proficiency bonus to your initiative rolls.

Leporine Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.

Lucky Footwork. When you fail a Dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction to roll a d4 and add it to the save, potentially turning the failure into a success. You can’t use this reaction if you’re prone or your speed is 0.

Rabbit Hop. As a bonus action, you can jump a number of feet equal to five times your proficiency bonus, without provoking opportunity attacks. You can use this trait only if your speed is greater than 0. You can use it a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

When you create a harengon or fairy using the rules from The Wild Beyond the Witchlight, you can choose to increase one ability score by 2 and another by 1, or choose to increase three different scores by 1. Further, you know Common and will choose one other language to learn.

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I second, that thw fairy is way more resteicted:
Spells need mental stats, flight needs light armor...
So dex + one mental stat is more or less given.
Although of course, a strength based fairy can still doff heavy armor and fly... but that is less useful.

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I second, that thw fairy is way more resteicted:
Spells need mental stats, flight needs light armor...
So dex + one mental stat is more or less given.
Although of course, a strength based fairy can still doff heavy armor and fly... but that is less useful.
I don't like giving out spells as racial features for flavor/build reasons and the fairy highlights one of the mechanical reasons why I don't like them. I want less pigeonholing in my races, not more.


I second, that thw fairy is way more resteicted:
Spells need mental stats, flight needs light armor...
So dex + one mental stat is more or less given.
Although of course, a strength based fairy can still doff heavy armor and fly... but that is less useful.
You can thank the DMs who freak out when flying PCs have an AC higher than 16. That said, it only hurts full strength fighters, paladins, and clerics. Most other can operate fine with light armor.


Legendary NPC villain: General Woundwort.
As much as we may kid, Watership Down is influential enough to have a (past & current) RPG...I certainly wouldn't be against a haregon-based campaign in the Feywild that mimics the an epic-style trek from the book.



Could the werehare be canon in 5th Ed again?




Let's rembember most of humanoid races from D&D can be potential "waifus" (girlfriends) and this means selling merchandiscing products.

It is easy to explain how the hanregon can be added to a previous setting. The are "aliens" from other home world across the feywild. In the right hands they can be very useful in a horror story about a monster predator, in the same way "happy tree friends" isn't for children at all.
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Ooof, that'd be terrifying!

Legendary NPC villain: General Woundwort.

Watership Down's movie adaptation, with its ambush darkness, made an impact on so many of us, but yeah, the book is deep and full of worldbuilding and language to rival any fantasy novel.

As much as we may kid, Watership Down is influential enough to have a (past & current) RPG...I certainly wouldn't be against a haregon-based campaign in the Feywild that mimics the an epic-style trek from the book.

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As much as we may kid, Watership Down is influential enough to have a (past & current) RPG...I certainly wouldn't be against a haregon-based campaign in the Feywild that mimics the an epic-style trek from the book.
I wasn't actually kidding. If I were going to use haregon in a campaign, I would certainly have an NPC modeled on General Woundwort, even if I didn't use that exact name.

Woundwort is such a fascinating character--the rabbit who rebels against the cruel lot of rabbitkind, who successfully turns the tables on the "thousand enemies," but in the process becomes a brutal tyrant. He's a villain who needs only a small shift in perspective to make him a hero.

If I feel the urge to play Bugs Bunny, Roger Rabbit or Peter Cottontail now I can. And why is the one in the picture carrying a red hot branding iron, going to take revenge on Jay & Silent Bob for beating up the mall Easter Bunny? If I played a harengon I'm pretty sure I'd be dead in about 15 minutes from annoying everyone else at the table. As a DM I don't think I could take them seriously, but it seems thats kind of the point if the book is aiming for a whimsical feel to the adventure.
Maybe we can imagine some Coyote people or Daffy duck people.
With trait like
Sore looser : Whenever you roll a 20 you reroll the dice until you have something else than 20.
Always late: you have disadvantage on initiative roll.

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