Private Discussions


I thought it makes sense to start a friends-only thread for Creature Catalog matters that don't concern the general Enworld crowd.

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Extradimensional Explorer

As for getting the threads cleaned up, I suppose I could try sending Umbran another PM, but he seems to have forgotten completely or else gotten busy.



As for getting the threads cleaned up, I suppose I could try sending Umbran another PM, but he seems to have forgotten completely or else gotten busy.

Yes, I have a feeling we're a bit of a forgotten corner of Enworld.

Still, it wouldn't hurt to remind a moderator it's a bit of a mess here.


I did, but no luck yet!

Give it time!

In the meantime, do you think it'd be alright to post the background info on Sheneya in the Lycanthrope thread. It felt a bit off adding all the non-mechanical stuff to the Sheneya Original Stats post.

Sheneya’s parents, Jandi and Alleya, were entertainers who traveled the sands of Zakhara in search of adventure and gold. Theirs was a stormy relationship, and they were known to quarrel loudly with some regularity.

During their travels, the couple met a mysterious nomad who offered them magical secrets for charming snakes. He gave his name as Hister but would say nothing of his past. Hister was, in fact, an agent of the almost mythical Grand Snakemaster (See “Snakes” in the MONSTROUS MANUAL tome), who had taken the guise of a man. In exchange for his secrets, Hister asked that Alleya bear his child. He explained that he was growing old and wanted to leave the world some offspring.

The deal completed, the disguised serpent went on its way. Sheneya’s parents made good use of the powers they had gained, and their act became renown throughout the land. The couple’s fame and fortune—like the child in Alleya’s womb, Sheneya—grew with each each passing month.

When the time came for Alleya to deliver, however, trouble arose. As the entered labor, a terrible fever wracked her body. Minutes after Sheneya was born, Alleya died.

An examination of the body revealed that Alleya had been poisoned. Knowing that the couple was prone to loud arguments, the authorities grew suspicious. Investigating further, they learned that the child was not Jandi’s. This, they thought, was certainly motive enough for a man to attempt murder of both his wife and a bastard child. They eventually beheaded Jandi for Alleya’s death, although he protested his innocence to the last.

As no one else appeared to claim her, Sheneya was placed in the care of a man who professed to be her uncle. Thus it was that she was reunited with the sinister creature who had sired her. Hister explained to Sheneya that she was a unique creature, one who would do the bidding of the Grand Snakemaster in the world of men. In time, she would be rewarded for her loyalty and efforts with power over men and serpents alike.

Current Sketch
Sheneya believes she has a great destiny to fulfill, although exactly what it is she does not know. She is convinced, however, that one day both men and serpents will be hers to command. Most of her life is now spent researching ancient lore and learning secrets of mankind. She is especially interested in human stories involving serpents in general and the Grand Snakemaster in particular. When the day comes for that creature’s plans come about, Sheneya intends to be ready.

Sheneya is a cold and cunning woman, utterly emotionless and without compassion. She has no respect for life other than her own, and anyone who crosses her is likely to wind up poisoned in the night. Although the years have brought her a greater understanding of human society, she is still uncomfortable when dealing with people. Most notice there is something odd about her manner and speech.


By the way, I'm going on holiday next month from August 2nd to 7th so don't be concerned if I post even slower than normal that week.

Voidrunner's Codex

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