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I forgot all about these friends-only threads!

No problem. I am so slow anyway!

Yeah, I though about emailing you but decided it was worth bumping the friends-only up the forum.

Perhaps we should seek out a few more participants for these conversion threads? It's taking ages with just the two of us.


Extradimensional Explorer
If you know where to find more monster afficionados, please feel free to recruit. ;) Work just doesn't give me as much time as it did when I first started with the CC.


If you know where to find more monster afficionados, please feel free to recruit. ;) Work just doesn't give me as much time as it did when I first started with the CC.

Unfortunately I don't know any such a person (apart from your good self). The few local people I still take RPGs with aren't much interested in that kind of thing.

I guess we could post on Enworld's Older D&D Editions forum to ask if there's anyone interested in pitching in.


Extradimensional Explorer
Well, I was just starting to get almost caught up, then I had a (very minor, luckily) concussion 10 days ago. And with some lost time then needing to make up work, I haven't been back since. I will have to see if I can get caught up again! I'm planning to take about a week and a half of vacation starting Weds or Thurs since I haven't had any yet this year; just staying at home, so I might be able to post a bit.


Well, I was just starting to get almost caught up, then I had a (very minor, luckily) concussion 10 days ago. And with some lost time then needing to make up work, I haven't been back since. I will have to see if I can get caught up again! I'm planning to take about a week and a half of vacation starting Weds or Thurs since I haven't had any yet this year; just staying at home, so I might be able to post a bit.

Glad to hear it wasn't serious. I'm taking Wednesdays off work for a while so will be having more free time on my hands than usual for a few months.


Extradimensional Explorer
Didn't have much time to post the last couple of weeks. Our cat passed away two weeks ago (a month short of 19 years with us, somewhere between 19-1/2 and 20 y.o.), and things have just been upset at home and consequently tighter at work since.


Didn't have much time to post the last couple of weeks. Our cat passed away two weeks ago (a month short of 19 years with us, somewhere between 19-1/2 and 20 y.o.), and things have just been upset at home and consequently tighter at work since.

I'm sorry to hear your cat Anna's passed away.

She had a good run. None of our family's cats made it to nineteen years plus.

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