Private Discussions


Extradimensional Explorer
I'm sorry to hear your cat Anna's passed away.

She had a good run. None of our family's cats made it to nineteen years plus.

Thanks. It's definitely a bit lonely around the house these days. She certainly did have a good, long life, like you say. So we find some comfort in that.

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Thanks. It's definitely a bit lonely around the house these days. She certainly did have a good, long life, like you say. So we find some comfort in that.

Yes, hopefully remembering the good times you and she had together will help.


Extradimensional Explorer
It does. But the house just felt quite empty, so we went and adopted a new kitty from the local Humane Society last night. Two-year-old beige tabby, does nothing half-speed, very affectionate. We're calling her Dorabella, which is a character from a Mozart opera but really just a cute cat name with various nickname possibilities. We are still sad, but she is already helping brighten up the place.


Extradimensional Explorer
Yes! It seems amazing since she was actually a stray (and probably for quite a while). The shelter does feline personality typing, and she is very much a "leader of the band" type. So very adaptable. I'll have to email pictures sometime.


Yes! It seems amazing since she was actually a stray (and probably for quite a while). The shelter does feline personality typing, and she is very much a "leader of the band" type. So very adaptable. I'll have to email pictures sometime.

It does seem remarkable. Maggie, the stripey one of my current cats took months before she was relaxed around me.

I'd like to see pictures of your new overlord.


Extradimensional Explorer
Sorry I haven't been here in a while. Had a busy month and an even busier week last week (personal on top of work). The worst of it should be over tomorrow, but I am on a work trip this week, so who knows how much I'll be able to post. I want to get caught up at some point, though!


Sorry I haven't been here in a while. Had a busy month and an even busier week last week (personal on top of work). The worst of it should be over tomorrow, but I am on a work trip this week, so who knows how much I'll be able to post. I want to get caught up at some point, though!

No worries. I've been quite busy with work myself recently.


Extradimensional Explorer
And then it happened again! Just as I was starting to get almost caught up here, too. Hopefully the rest of the summer is a bit more reasonable.


And then it happened again! Just as I was starting to get almost caught up here, too. Hopefully the rest of the summer is a bit more reasonable.

Yeah I've been piled with work recently too…

And now I've got a cat pawing me in the face demanding to be fed so I'd better either take a break or call it a day.

I'm going to see the new Godzilla film tomorrow after work and was planning on visiting someone, but if I can squeeze in the time I'll do a bit more catching up on Enworld.

Voidrunner's Codex

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