Private Discussions


Extradimensional Explorer
I don't even want to discuss the past couple of weeks in terms of business. I will get somewhat caught up someday...

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I don't even want to discuss the past couple of weeks in terms of business. I will get somewhat caught up someday...

No worries. I have plenty of other amusements to distract myself with while you catch up.

Like going to the movies! Fortunately I wasn't disappointed with Godzilla: King of the Monsters. I reckon it's better than Legendary's first Godzilla (2014) but prefer their Kong: Skull Island, which has as good or better monster action and spectacle and the story and characters are more interesting.


Extradimensional Explorer
Well, I've done a little catching up, but of course I have an important work deadline coming up in 2 weeks, and that's going to keep me rather occupied. So I may not be around much. OTOH, sometimes being busy at work gives me some short breaks to post since other stuff can't tear me away quite as easily. We'll see. Just a warning that I might be MIA until August.


Well, I've done a little catching up, but of course I have an important work deadline coming up in 2 weeks, and that's going to keep me rather occupied. So I may not be around much. OTOH, sometimes being busy at work gives me some short breaks to post since other stuff can't tear me away quite as easily. We'll see. Just a warning that I might be MIA until August.

I'm going on holiday in August from the 8th to the 14th which might help you catch up a bit.


Well I'm back from my holiday.

Now I'm taking a few days holiday to recover from the holiday. It'll be at home though, so I can keep up with the CC forums if anything actually happens here!


Extradimensional Explorer
At some point! Most of my time to catch up while you were on holiday was eaten by the forum software upgrade!

And now that I see all the threads in General Monster Talk with most recent posts going back to 2016 or so, it doesn't look like enough. I hope they haven't been lost!


Extradimensional Explorer
Yup, this is right. I just saw that the Kraken Variants thread is in a D&D forum, not here in CC. But at least it exists! We are probably going to have to track down a lot and ask for them to be moved.


Yup, this is right. I just saw that the Kraken Variants thread is in a D&D forum, not here in CC. But at least it exists! We are probably going to have to track down a lot and ask for them to be moved.

We don't need to dredge through our memories to figure out whether any threads have got misplaced. Since the last time Enworld lost them I've been saving copies of all active threads to my computer so I just need to go through my archive and figure out what's missing.

That said, we're still short a lot of threads from before the "Great Enworld Hiccup" that I haven't got archived. If we remember any of them we might as well add those to the "please restore these threads to General Monster Talk" list.

More importantly, we've lost Monster Homebrews, Homebrews Graveyard and the Creature Catalog itself!

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