• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Project: Daedalus (Issue #1)


Round Seven

Initiative: Screaming Eagle: 22, Strafe: 22, Mimic: 18, Sandstone: 18, Jersey Devil: 17, Cheetah: 16, Random: 16, Shimmering Samurai: 14, Tyroc: 13, Steven: 13, Minotaur: 12, Neutron: 9, Sarah: 3

Condition: Elementor: 2 Stun, 4 Lethal, Dying; Sarah: 1 Lethal; Tyroc: 2 Lethal; Mimic: 1 Lethal; Jaya: 1 Stun, 1 Lethal, Dying; Sandstone: 2 Lethal, Disabled; Random: 1 Stun, Invisible; Screaming Eagle: 1 Lethal, Fatigued.
HPs used: Shim. Samurai: (1), Minotaur: (1), Sarah (4), Tyroc (3), Elementor (3), Mimic (1) and I've used 6 VPs.

Screaming Eagle rises, anger on her face. She plants her foot in Samantha's sternum and pushes back, sending Sam flying off the side of the roof. Sam tucks and rolls, landing on her feet on the ground. Eagle then turns to Miguel and emits a high-pitched scream that hits him like a brick wall.

SE uses a VP to remove the Stunned condition. She bull rushes Sam, opposed Str check 13 vs 12, success. Sam's Acrobatics check 20, no damage from the fall. Heroic Surge used to attack Miguel, hits with a 31. Damage save roll 8, reroll?

Miguel leaps back forward, trying to grab onto Eagle, but she ducks the attack.

Misses with an 11.
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Agamon said:
Round Seven
SE uses a VP to remove the Stunned condition. She bull rushes Sam, opposed Str check 13 vs 12, success. Sam's Acrobatics check 20, no damage from the fall. Heroic Surge used to attack Miguel, hits with a 31. Damage save roll 8, reroll?

OOC: hits with a 31? what the heck? How many pluses can one person get? Yes I will re-roll that damage save.

Assuming that my innards aren't vibrated into mush, I will attempt to grapple Screaming Eagle.


Round Seven

Initiative: Screaming Eagle: 22, Strafe: 22, Mimic: 18, Sandstone: 18, Jersey Devil: 17, Cheetah: 16, Random: 16, Shimmering Samurai: 14, Tyroc: 13, Steven: 13, Minotaur: 12, Neutron: 9, Sarah: 3

Condition: Elementor: 2 Stun, 4 Lethal, Dying; Sarah: 1 Lethal; Tyroc: 2 Lethal; Mimic: 1 Lethal; Jaya: 1 Stun, 1 Lethal, Dying; Sandstone: 2 Lethal, Disabled; Random: 1 Stun, Invisible; Screaming Eagle: 1 Lethal, Fatigued.
HPs used: Shim. Samurai: (1), Minotaur: (1), Sarah (4), Tyroc (3), Elementor (3), Mimic (1) and I've used 6 VPs.

Strafe drops his AK-47 and pulls the MP5 off of his back. "Look, the kid's dead now, or close to it. Why dontcha just do yourselves a favor and listen to the pretty winged lady and surrender?" he says to the group in front of him, aiming his gun at Sarah and awating an answer.

Sandstone, in an attempt to get off the roof, stretches out to the ground where she slowly slithers forward for a couple feet before coming to rest.

Jersey Devil looks back at Minotaur. "Dammit, Neutron, take care of him, will you?" He moves forward, looking to Kiro. "Now, look, junior, we don't want to hurt you, but we will if we have to. Now, put the sword away and we can discuss this rationally on our flight to Dallas, what do you say?" he says, taking a defensive stance.

Samantha, claws extended, emits a low growl at Strife, but does nothing yet...

Samurai is up


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"You don't get it, do you man? We aint going back. None of us'll be put back into that torture chamber again!" Tyroc drops his concentration on the truck, letting it fall, though Strafe is safely away from the plumetting vehicle, and races around the side of the house, blowing by Steven, a desperate plan forming in his mind. If I can get up to the roof where Sandstone is, maybe two can pla...

He comes around the corner and spots the wounded mercenary and slides to a halt, just as he was about to raise himself into the air. Looks like you are having as crappy a day as I am. He pauses briefly and for a moment, indecision flashes across his face. But it lasts just an instant, and he removes his sunglasses and tosses them onto the prone woman to get her attention, flattening himself against the house and pointing a hand at her. "Sorry, lady. But I aint goin' back. Time to see how much your boss values your life."

"Hey, Strafe! Random! How important is Sandstone to you?" Tyroc shouts.

OOC: Just for the record, Elementor and I talked about this very encounter, and this is just the thing I was planning on doing, only I didn't expect it would only take potentially one round to attempt. I was originally planning on coming up the back side of the house to avoid Screaming Eagle, then flying up to land on Sandstone. This worked out much better!

POWERS: No longer sustaining kinetic control on the truck; still sustaining my force field. Hero point for Double movement (140) which should put me just around the back-right corner of the house. Ready an energy blast attack (lethal) on Sandstone, to be released if Random, Strafe or Eagle present themselves to attack me.

Editted for what I emailed about... /punt boards
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Kiro lets his blade crackle out of existense and stares JD in the eye, "I do not wish to fight you any more then you wish to fight me Gaijin... But I will not go back to that infernal laboratory to let doctors payed by your own corrupted government to pump me full of nameless and untested drugs... run tests and god knows what else on me simply because I'm not normal... simply because I'm like you!" Kiro's eyes flare for a moment as he lowers a finger on JD, "Discuss this rationally? I have no qualms... but I am not setting foot in that aerodyne wilst I still breath... I will not go peacefully to hell and I doubt you would either"

The Minotaur

First Post
After freeing himself from the cement, the Minotaur lifts his head with gusts of wind blowing out of his nose. "That was not smart human," says the Minotaur as he shuffles his feet along the ground and pointing at Neutron. He then begins to run head first towards Neutron standing a few feet infront of him.

Attack: Charge Neutron with Natural Weapons (horns) +3 stunt: Penetrating Attack (x3)


Round Seven, con't

Initiative: Screaming Eagle: 22, Strafe: 22, Mimic: 18, Sandstone: 18, Jersey Devil: 17, Cheetah: 16, Random: 16, Shimmering Samurai: 14, Tyroc: 13, Steven: 13, Minotaur: 12, Sarah: 3

Condition: Elementor: 2 Stun, 4 Lethal, Dying; Sarah: 1 Lethal; Tyroc: 2 Lethal; Mimic: 1 Lethal; Jaya: 1 Stun, 1 Lethal, Dying; Sandstone: 2 Lethal, Dying; Random: 1 Stun, Invisible; Screaming Eagle: 1 Lethal, Fatigued, Neutron, 1 Lethal, Dying.
HPs used: Shim. Samurai: (1), Minotaur: (1), Sarah (4), Tyroc (3), Elementor (3), Mimic (1) and I've used 6 VPs.

Jersey Devil gives Kiro a funny look. "Laboratory? What laboratory? I don't know what they do to incarcerated elites in Japan, but no one's going to be running tests on you at the D.E.C.F.* I'm fairly certain. And I don't know what you've heard about that place, but it's not Hell, I can assure you. So, rationally speaking, if you're innocent of the terrorism charge, then you have nothing to worry about. If you are...well, I guess we're wasting our breath here, right?"

*Dallas Elite Correctional Facility

Tyroc, flying around the building, throws his sunglasses at Sandstone, but she doesn't respond, the strain of moving from the roof apparently causing her to pass out.

Strafe, unaware of her condition, laughs. "Yeah, you go ahead and try and hurt Sandy," he yells out. "She's been blown apart by a speeding half-ton and laughed about it, I think she can handle herself. Which is more than I can say about Miss Edwards, here," he adds with a smirk.

Steven drops the camcorder and, ignoring the potentially dangerous standoff, rushes to Jaya's side. "Jaya? Jaya, are okay? She's hurt! Somebody help!" he cries out.

Minotaur charges at Neutron, smashing right through the fence. "Oh, crap..." Neutron mutters as he quickly tuns the air before him into a metal wall. Minotaur smashes into that, bashing it and himself right into Neutron, who is sent sailing dozens of feet backwards, where he lands crumpled on the ground.

Well, I initially missed some fine print on Deflection...Minotaur's attack hits and Neutron's Damage save fails badly.

Sarah's up...


First Post
Agamon said:
Strafe, unaware of her condition, laughs. "Yeah, you go ahead and try and hurt Sandy," he yells out. "She's been blown apart by a speeding half-ton and laughed about it, I think she can handle herself. Which is more than I can say about Miss Edwards, here," he adds with a smirk.

Steven drops the camcorder and, ignoring the potentially dangerous standoff, rushes to Jaya's side. "Jaya? Jaya, are okay? She's hurt! Somebody help!" he cries out.

"Shut-up Steven," Sarah says to the farmer without looking away from the elite in front of her. She holds her hands out at her side, palms facing Strafe, showing him that she is unnarmed.

"Looks like you have the upper hand, what with you having the weapons and knowing about us. A little unfair if you ask me, so what you say we make this a little more even?" Her lips curl up into a smirk that mirrors Strafe's. "Let's see how you like playing without your little toys."

POWERS: Maintain Force/Mental Shield; Telekinesis
ACTIONS: Sarah will attept to pull his weapon from his hands, and if she succeeds will turn it on him.


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eighth round action

Another one down. Not good, not good at all

Miguel thinks as he runs to the northwest corner of the roof and drops down to the ground within sight of Sandstone, he will attempt to mimic the unconcious merc.
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Round Seven, con't

Initiative: Screaming Eagle: 22, Mimic: 18, Jersey Devil: 17, Shimmering Samurai: 14, Tyroc: 13, Steven: 13, Minotaur: 12, Strafe: 3, Cheetah: 3, Random: 3, Sarah: 3

Condition: Elementor: 2 Stun, 4 Lethal, Dying; Sarah: 2 Lethal, Dying; Tyroc: 2 Lethal; Mimic: 1 Lethal; Samantha: 1 Stun, Stunned; Jaya: 1 Stun, 1 Lethal, Dying; Sandstone: 2 Lethal, Dying; Random: 1 Stun, Invisible; Screaming Eagle: 1 Lethal, Fatigued, Neutron, 1 Lethal, Dying.
HPs used: Shim. Samurai: (1), Minotaur: (1), Sarah (4), Tyroc (4), Elementor (3), Mimic (1) and I've used 6 VPs.

As soon as Sarah begins to make her threat, Strafe wastes no time opening fire. He manages to get off a short burst before his weapon begins to try to tug away from him. Two glowing bullets penetrate her force field and hit her in the abdomen, drawing a lot of blood and casuing a great deal of pain.

Strafe, using a readied action, fires at Sarah and hits. Sarah gets a 12 for her Damage save, she takes a lethal hit and is Disabled.

As soon as the gun fires, Samantha races at Strafe to tear at him with her claws. Strafe ducks the wild attack, still trying to hold onto his gun.

As soon as Sam reaches Strafe, Random appears near the house and hits Samantha with his mental attack. Images blur forcefully through her mind and she screams in pain, clutching her head.

Sam takes a Stun hit and is Stunned

Sarah uses all of what is left of her strength to tear the submachine gun from Strafe's hands and it the green glow disappears. She pulls the gun back to her, but before she can grab it, she succumbs to her injuries, falling to the ground.

Sarah's hits Strafe with a 25; Sarah's Telekinesis check 21 vs Strafe's Str check 15, success. You can't attack twice in one round, so I'm assuming you pull the gun towards you. If you want to do somehting else with it, you may. Sarah is now Dying, Con check vs death: 21 vs 10, success.
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