Proposal: Acquire DM Credits


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It's going to be a while before TURTLEDOME! wraps up. (Two battles to go.) However, Tonk's latest adventure is on the last fight. Can I redeem some time for DM credits, so I can boost my boy when he's done?


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First Post
Yeah, you don't need a proposal, just calculate the DM credits from start (or from last awards) to now then get judge-y to approve.


First Post
Typically that is the case, but "As there are some long-running adventures in L4W, the DMs of these can petition the judge to award credits during the course of the adventure, typically at the same time as XP is given to the players." so I would assume the "judge" they are talking about in this case is your judge.


We've done it by proposal in the past, but I don't have any problem with the request going by PM to the adventure's judge. So long as there's a public post somewhere that can be linked to, where the actual credits are awarded.

Voidrunner's Codex

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