Proposal: Allow Character Builder summary sheets in place of EW templates


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Yeah, I'll have an example soon, but the math and summary sheets will be mixed together, like on a paper character sheet. You'll be able to see all the math, even if the Player doesn't do it all himself.

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Ok I have everything working but the cost of attributes. I'd love it of some people tried to use to give feedback and help uncover possible mistakes.

Character Sheet

Bell Jabson As a example, filled out.

Remember, Blue Squares are for numbers only
White Squares can be number and/or text
Green and Gray Squares should be left alone
You can leave squares blank


I think you have to download the sheet, fill it out, and then re-upload it. You don't fill it out online; Scorp's copy is the "master" file and then you upload your own files. Please correct me if I'm wrong, tho.

Scorp, this is really amazing. I mean, that's a ton of work and it looks great and it seems really easy to follow. You should get like 10 DM credits or something.

I haven't tried filling it out just yet, but I have a couple of quick suggestions:

- You may want to add a "class" column for attributes. Yeah, I know, we'll never get to epic destinies, but it won't hurt (and make it more future-proof).

- I'd also suggest a "speed" area, where you can show calculations for speed. For example: Racial Base + Feat + Equip + Other = Speed You can probably just leave a simple fill-in area for "other" speeds, tho (altho there's a dragonmark that adds to fly speed...).

- I suggest making feats and class/racial features into areas with a box for each one, and another space for a short description. You could divide up that section into thirds, maybe? Each third is two columns... Maybe not... Feats will be MUCH longer than racial, and class will be long, too... But I think we need more than just a "list them all" situation, even if those listed link to the Compendium, because some folks just won't know what those things do. Each one of those things could stand a short description, similar to the way the Character Builder lists something on character sheets.

- Can we include links? I haven't tried it, but we should probably encourage that, too, when possible.

- I'd move rituals to right underneath equipment. Also, you could put another line below that for those alchemical things... I can't remember what those things an Artificer uses are called...

- Personally, I still think we need damage calculations for powers as well, but that's me...

Again: this is amazing.


First Post
I agree, that is absolutely fantastic work! :)

In fact, the only offhand suggestion I can think of, is renaming Attributes as Abilities (since D&D terms can easily get mixed up).

EDIT: Oh yeah, any way to keep your portrait attached to the sheet?
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First Post
Ok, so first things first. I clearly forgot a really important part of the instructions. So let's try again.

1. Go and sign in. You can create an account for free.
2. Open the Character Sheet in a new tab, to ensure that you stay signed into google docs.
3. On the character sheet, select File, Make a Copy. This will save an editable copy to your personal docs.
4. Fill out blue squares with numbers. Fill out the white squares with text or numbers as needed. Do not fill fill out the green or grey squares.
5. Select share, in the top right to get the link to show others.

Weldon, my goal was that you fill put the initial column and the cost would appear. If you fill out the initial column now you'll the final score and modifiers change automatically.

- You may want to add a "class" column for attributes. Yeah, I know, we'll never get to epic destinies, but it won't hurt (and make it more future-proof).

Yeah, or at least an other column.

- I'd also suggest a "speed" area, where you can show calculations for speed. For example: Racial Base + Feat + Equip + Other = Speed You can probably just leave a simple fill-in area for "other" speeds, tho (altho there's a dragonmark that adds to fly speed...).

That makes sense.

- I suggest making feats and class/racial features into areas with a box for each one, and another space for a short description. You could divide up that section into thirds, maybe? Each third is two columns... Maybe not... Feats will be MUCH longer than racial, and class will be long, too... But I think we need more than just a "list them all" situation, even if those listed link to the Compendium, because some folks just won't know what those things do. Each one of those things could stand a short description, similar to the way the Character Builder lists something on character sheets.

That would be easy enough. Will do. The nice thing about that is its easy to add extra lines to the sheet. You just right click the the row and select add 1 below. People can't run out of room that way.

Can we include links? I haven't tried it, but we should probably encourage that, too, when possible.

Um. . .yes? I haven't tried to make a hyperlink yet. Considering its a google product I would be shocked an appallled if we couldn't. I'll look into it.

I'd move rituals to right underneath equipment. Also, you could put another line below that for those alchemical things... I can't remember what those things an Artificer uses are called...

If we itemize the feats a features this makes perfect sense.

Personally, I still think we need damage calculations for powers as well, but that's me...

This would not be hard. The only reason why I did not do so was because we weren't asking for it now.

Oh yeah, any way to keep your portrait attached to the sheet?

I was actually thinking of you when I got down to the fluff. I don't know, but I'll look.


Awesome. Yeah, damage can be hard - but I don't think it'd be much harder than attacks... That's still my opinion, tho. I think it's going to be one of those features that no one minds at level one but once we really start to level up and get some items/feats it's going to be necessary. Still, as long as it's just a "fill in the blanks" with a sum, it shouldn't be too bad, right? You could use the Character Builder with a high-level guy as an example of what all could be added.

If images don't work but links do, you could always just put a link to an image.


First Post
The Google Docs of this look awesome! I was playing around with it and loading my newest characters stats into it just for fun and ran into something. Is there a way to change the ability score that the AC draws its modifier from? Being a Warden, I get to use my Con instead of Dex or Int to influence his AC. Any way to change that out?

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