Proposal: Allow Character Builder summary sheets in place of EW templates

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All the attacks are currently set to make you fill you're ability and ability score already stonegod.

I can do the same for defenses. The way it is currently set you would have to change where the box is pointing. I agree with you though, we should make that manual.

I don't think damage will be hard. It's almost the same as to hit.

I've seen at least one girl of another player on LEW playing with her father because her father was a military in mission in another country and that was an activity they could both share.

We had to help the girl to understand D&D, the forum and the grandmother rules was applied severely. But it was nice to witness.

ScopiusRisk, This is an absolutely fabulous template, but I'm afraid I'm with Covaithe here. The mechanics for attack, damage, defense, etc... bonuses are so malleable depending on new feats, items, powers, etc... that it would be difficult to maintain this. Imagine, if you're getting this many requests already for this I'm afraid it will only end up making even more work for you and the judges to keep it up to date and verify. Just my opinion (sorry to be a wet rag).

I don't understand how it's any different from the way the wiki templates work quite frankly. Things are always going to change and you try to prepare for them the best you can. That's why you choose options that are maleable and have a misc of other column with room for explanation on nearly every piece of math.

I built this template mainly by myself, and mainly in the middle of the night. I asked for suggestions and for people to look for things that needed to be changed. I did not expect this version to be correct.

On the other hand, how much more difficult would it be to update the wikis? I don't think this Excel doc is any more difficult (altho I have not tried yet) and we've had several say that changing the wiki is very difficult. I think "problems will come up" is true, but it would apply to any sheet we ever made.

Edit: Ninja'd by Scorp :)

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