Proposal: Allow Character Builder summary sheets in place of EW templates

Character Sheet v2.2

I'm pretty sure I managed to implement every single suggestion thus far (and a couple of my own) but here's a rundown of the update.

* Added Other to top section. I figured you could include anything you thought my be useful to see right away like "Counts as a vampire"
* Speed now has Math Section
* Passive senses now viewable has math section
* Defenses no longer auto-fill the ability mod
* Ability Scores now has a misc section
* Any reference to attributes has been replaced by Ability Scores
* Gave Languages, Resistances, Saving Throws and Immunities individual lines
* Moved Rituals to Equipment
* Added Formulas
* Added a location section to equipment
* Made Feats, Racial Features, and Class Features tables with notes
* Added damage math line to powers
* Added Image Section
* Found out how to:
- Add Hyperlink =hyperlink(, text)
- Add Image "Select the Cell you want the image to appear. Click Insert then image. It has to be hosted, somewhere on the web."
* Put the above instructions directly into the document
* Put the rest of the instructions at the top of the document
* Made sure there was a Misc section on every single line of math, so no matter what totals could be adjusted without adjusting code if need be.
* Slight wording clean up.

The only section right now that autofills Ability Modifiers is skills. I could change that as well, but oh the repetitious typing for people.

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Wow, I'm gone for a little bit and you really went to work ScorpiusRisk! Took a quick look and so far I'm impressed. I don't really have time to play around with it right now, but I'll do that later, Good job! :D

Yes, I failed to repeat that information in my last update. The cost section doesn't work correctly at this time. Weldon is going to look at that for me when he has time. I may have to work it differently or just make people fill it in.

MAN! Even better. This is really amazing. Here are some incredibly minor things:

- Health: the "class" column confused me. "At 1st level" would be better, except of course that you're doubling that column for another value. Not sure how to fix but it tripped me up. You may want to spread those out so the labels make more sense.
- Defenses: "Ability mod" is one column, but you have 2 columns below it; I think the 2nd one is basically a "why" column. It'd be nice to have both labeled if you can fit it in there, again just for confusion.
- Speed: If you're going to separate the two types of speed, you should probably separate each piece of them as well. Some feats only apply to fly speed, for example. In general, it seems like rows 16 and 17 are divided oddly; they seem like an error.
- Maybe want to add a "vulnerabilities" line under immunities? You know it will happen sometime...
- Skills: some people use the "trained" column to insert stuff like Bard bonuses and the Jack-of-All-Trade bonus. As long as it is just a sum, I think you can let the value be 0 - 5 instead of only 0 or 5.
- How do you insert new rows and copy blocks of rows? Rituals, for example, will need more rows for some characters but not for most; treasure will definitely need more eventually. Powers is another place where a wizard alone needs a TON more power slots. Maybe put instructions just above the powers section? Also, can you copy powers from other people? Only 1 person (ever) needs to write out the wizard cantrips...
- Instruction #4 at the top says "you're" instead of "your".
- At least once I got the "Cost" of my attributes to be wrong (it involved changing a 10 to an 8). However, I can't duplicate it. Just FYI.

Bigger ideas:
- Are there any ways to put pop-up "notes" on fields? Right now you get validations and things, but it'd be great if you could put pop-up notes with instructions (like "put 5 here if trained" or "to insert a row do X").
- You may want to put white lettering labels in each of the black bars to name the section below it: like Defenses, Speed, Powers, and stuff like that. It would help when others want to reference something on your sheet.

Keep it going! This looks really great!

Agreed, this sheet just keeps getting more and more fantastic!

We know the old wiki will be removed in the "near future" (including all L4W sheets) - I'm very tempted to propose this as the replacement, after the polishing, tweaking, and testing is done and ScorpiusRisk is happy with a final version.

- Skills: some people use the "trained" column to insert stuff like Bard bonuses and the Jack-of-All-Trade bonus. As long as it is just a sum, I think you can let the value be 0 - 5 instead of only 0 or 5.
This part I respectfully disagree with, however - I think Scorp's current take is fine.

Jack of All Trades is a feat and it gives a feat bonus; putting it in the Feat column seems to me a better fit than the Trained column. I also feel that miscellaneous bonuses like the bard’s Skill Versatility feature would be fine in the Misc column. All just in my opinion, of course. :)

Health: the "class" column confused me. "At 1st level" would be better, except of course that you're doubling that column for another value. Not sure how to fix but it tripped me up. You may want to spread those out so the labels make more sense.

Well if we say 1st level people might try to put their full hp with modifiers at 1st. Maybe Base HP?

Defenses: "Ability mod" is one column, but you have 2 columns below it; I think the 2nd one is basically a "why" column. It'd be nice to have both labeled if you can fit it in there, again just for confusion.

Ah no. Old heading from before when Ability filled in automatically. Fixed.

Speed: If you're going to separate the two types of speed, you should probably separate each piece of them as well. Some feats only apply to fly speed, for example. In general, it seems like rows 16 and 17 are divided oddly; they seem like an error.

They are separate. If you put a feat bonus in the blue field for one it will not apply to the other.

Slight problem with rows. Does it look correct now?

Maybe want to add a "vulnerabilities" line under immunities? You know it will happen sometime...

Thats pretty much what other is for?

Skills: some people use the "trained" column to insert stuff like Bard bonuses and the Jack-of-All-Trade bonus. As long as it is just a sum, I think you can let the value be 0 - 5 instead of only 0 or 5.

I don't think we should let people do that. Neither of those things are training. Jack of all trade would be a feat bonus, and Skill Versatility would be other.

How do you insert new rows and copy blocks of rows? Rituals, for example, will need more rows for some characters but not for most; treasure will definitely need more eventually. Powers is another place where a wizard alone needs a TON more power slots. Maybe put instructions just above the powers section? Also, can you copy powers from other people? Only 1 person (ever) needs to write out the wizard cantrips...

To insert a new row, right click on the number of a row (over on the left), select either insert 1 above or insert 1 below.

If you type more information than the cell can contain the row will automatically increase in size.

To copy a block of row, left click one row, then shift click the farthest row. You can hit file copy, or ctrl-c on windows. Its just like editing a text document.

You can copy rows from other sheets. Things may need slight adjustment upon re-entry. For the most part I mean things like background colors and cell width.

Its much simpler to copy one of your own powers, and change the information. So just rehashing the info above, you would have to create new rows, then copy and paste.

There is a help menu if people want to try anything more complex. It should not be nessecary.

Instruction #4 at the top says "you're" instead of "your".


At least once I got the "Cost" of my attributes to be wrong (it involved changing a 10 to an 8). However, I can't duplicate it. Just FYI.

If you have any stat but strength below 10 the point cost will go negative. This should produce the proper total however.

Are there any ways to put pop-up "notes" on fields? Right now you get validations and things, but it'd be great if you could put pop-up notes with instructions (like "put 5 here if trained" or "to insert a row do X").

Yes. EDIT: Yall just tell me where you think notes are needed.

You may want to put white lettering labels in each of the black bars to name the section below it: like Defenses, Speed, Powers, and stuff like that. It would help when others want to reference something on your sheet.

Didn't seem important but would be simple to do.

Again, this is some very nice work. Apparently I spent my afternoon playing around with it rather than writing up my second character's backstory. Uh, whoops.

Powers should have a trigger field. Also, does it break anything if you delete rows for properties that the power in question doesn't have? For example, most At-Wills don't need a miss field. Can I delete the miss rows from my At-Wills without screwing anything up? Or, more accurately, did I screw something up by deleting the miss rows from my At-Wills? I assumed not, but best to check.

Also, if anyone's having trouble with anything, I highly recommend using the help feature. I had about half a dozen questions before I realized it would make sense to see if someone else had already asked them. And guess what?

edit: Oh yeah, and there should be a Personality section if we want to keep the same rough format as the current sheets.
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