TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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First Post
The would would be a complete globe with more continents and states thereon with contributions from Len Lakofka and Francois Marcela-Froideval/

This is very interesting. I wonder, would have you used the 'R" series (R3, Egg of the Pheonix, et. al. (republished as I12)) by Frank Mentzer and others to develop a continent opposite the Flanaess? My understanding is those modules were intented to have taken place in an undeveloped part of Oerth.

Also, I would like to second those above who regret you never got a chance to develop Oerth further they way you intended. There would have been some very interesting products.

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Gary Gygax
Wolv0rine said:

I think he got you, Gary. :) (Unless you got the joke, and *I* missed it, in which case...eek!)

Oh, he got me with the typo....but I think I had sufficient aplomb to note that there might be merit in his suggestion while at the same time ignoring the gaff I made;)



Gary Gygax
Hadit said:

Alas! The loss of possibility of all this Greyhawk material makes me sad. Frankly, I couldn't stand one iota of the Greyhawk stuff released after you left TSR, Gary... they just couldn't do it right. I was pleased that WotC ressurected the setting for 3E, but I don't feel they've supported it in a decent way either.
If there was some way for you to publish the stuff you've mentioned above in a generic game setting, grognard's would rejoice!
Another thing I would have jumped at greedily: a deities book for the Greyhawk pantheon.
Oh, well.

If all those who use the world setting agreed with your assessment, then it would be a sure thing, and I could write 'generic" material for the setting...

About the best prospect is that of "Zagig's Castle." Even that isn't looming large currently, as Rob Kuntz is offline and inactive now. Of course, I am still not sure I want to spend two or more years of my life on that project.



Gary Gygax
johnsemlak said:

This is very interesting. I wonder, would have you used the 'R" series (R3, Egg of the Pheonix, et. al. (republished as I12)) by Frank Mentzer and others to develop a continent opposite the Flanaess? My understanding is those modules were intented to have taken place in an undeveloped part of Oerth.

The exact form of the remainder of the globe was not settled upon. I wanted an Atlantis-like continent, and possibly a Lemirian-type one. Likely two large continents would have been added. The nearest would house cultures akin to the Indian, Burmese, Indonesian, Chinese, Tibetan, and Japanese. Another would likely have been the location of African-type cultures, including the Egyptian. A Lemurian culture would have been based off the Central and South American cultures of the Aztec-Mayay-Inca sort.

Also, I would like to second those above who regret you never got a chance to develop Oerth further they way you intended. There would have been some very interesting products.

Thanks, and I too am sorry that I never got to continue on with the WoG. Some have found that material in the EPIC OF AERTH world setting I did not the MYTHUS game has some merit. Currently, we are working on yet another world setting, LEJENDARY EARTH. However, neither is anything like the WORLD OF GREYHAWK.



Gary Gygax
Re: Q&A with Gary Gygax Pt. 3

Dinkeldog said:
Continued from here

Gary just want to echo those that appreciate you taking the time to talk to us about stuff like this.


I haven't been musy inspired in regards creative writing--been watching the telly to keep track of the war in Iraq.

Posting here is a welcome break;)



Gary Gygax
Joseph Elric Smith said:
Now we just have to hope he finds it :)
So gary did you ever have a creation myth for the world of greyhawk? explain how it came to be etc.?

Mike Mornard suggested that it was spun into existance by the Great Spoder.

I never got that far in working backwards into the history of the world--too much contemporary material that needed attention.


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