TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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First Post
Gary a quick follow up....

Hate to to keep dredging up the past...

When Don passed away, you were equal partners with Brian Blume, and assumedly Don's wife now held the 3rd share... Whose idea was it to get Brian's father involved? Why not some other investor, or let Don's widow see the profits if they came along...

I'm guessing that at this piont, Brian still seemed like a reasonable business partner?

Thanks again.

Pat E

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Gary Gygax
Beckett said:

I can see this quote getting a lot of mileage.
"Gary Gygax misses first GenCon ever!"
"EGG boycotts GCI!"
"Lejendary Gamer Unhappy with New Location and New System!"
"WOTC stock plummets!"

Best birthday wishes to you, and many more!


As if...

The main reason is that I don't want to go to Indy, especially on my 65th birthday anniversary. I am expecting all of my children and grandchildren to be here at my place on Saturday, in fact :eek:



Gary Gygax
BOZ said:
... does that mean you're not going to gencon anymore, or just this time? :eek:

As the Bible says, "Let each day's evil be sufficient unto itself." I'll make up my mind about going to GenCon 2004 sometime next year. there's no hurry, eh? As it now stands I am commited to three local cons next year beginning in January and running through April--assuming they come off. One never knows about such things, although CodCon in April is likely to happen.



Gary Gygax
PatEllis15 said:
Gary a quick follow up....

Hate to to keep dredging up the past...

When Don passed away, you were equal partners with Brian Blume, and assumedly Don's wife now held the 3rd share... Whose idea was it to get Brian's father involved? Why not some other investor, or let Don's widow see the profits if they came along...

I'm guessing that at this piont, Brian still seemed like a reasonable business partner?

Thanks again.

Pat E

Okay, and I can understand your interest.

To put it delicately, Don's wife was less than personable. That even Don would have said to anyone whom he knew well enough. After Don died she dumped all the Tactical Studies Rules materials off on my front porch. It would have been impossible to manage a business with her involved as a partner. We had to buy her out. There was no one interested in investing the money needed to effect a buy-out and closing of the partnership. Unfortunately the agreement did not cover death of a partner as it should have.

Brian approached his father, and he was the only person willing to put up any cash to close the partnership and establish a new corporation that owned its assets and liabilities.

Indeed at the time Brian was an amiable and helpful business partner.



First Post
Col_Pladoh said:

So about eight o'clock my opponent showed up and we begin playing. At around 11 PM my ex-wife said loudly, "Do you know that neither one of you has said a word in over an hour?!" Grunted responses were all that was forthcoming, so she went off to bed, and we finished the game around 7 AM that morning. We all had breakfast together, then my opponent went home to get some sleep.
In short, she can come along to see the game if that's desired :D


Sounds like way too many of my chess games in various venues.

You still playing much chess, Gary? Think you'll have time for a blitz game at the Gamefest? ;)


Registered User
Amazing thread, and great that you are so accessable!

When did you publish Legendary Adventure, and is it still available?

Also, I got to doing a Google search looking for information and noted that www.gygax.com is no longer a valid site, are there plans to launch your own personal site soon?


First Post
Bears and Hobbits

Hello Gary,

Long time no post from me but I'm glad I've found a part IV thread here in ENWorld.

Just wanted to ask:

- What were the circumstances on the hobbit race being removed from the original game? Was a letter from Tolkien properties sent to TSR threatening legal action? or was it a more friendly phone call to remove the buggers from the game?

- Whats your one favorite meal. and your one favorite drink?

- Ok, what are the Chicago Bears going to do this year? You think maybe that offense might score a bit more?

Thanks and happy 65!


First Post
Man I love my wife.. :)

*Me, trying to be sly* "Oh hun, today Gary extended us an invitation to visit him should we ever be in Lake Geneva."

*Her, not biting* "Oh. That's nice."

"Yeah, I thought it was pretty darn cool of him."


*Long pause*

"It's Gary Gygax, hun."

*Finally I picked her interest!* "Really? Wow! How did -that happen"

*Explanation, followed by discussion on how unlikely it would be in the foreseeable future, but how neat it would be.*

"Well, next time you talk to him, tell him that I think it's a very, very nice thing to do, and that if we ever go I'll insist on making my homemade pizza while you guys play around"

And her homemade pizza is her specialty, one she doesn't offer to do for just anyone.. And then finally the explanation.

"Man, that would really make Chas go bananas!"

Chas being her ex, which used to play a -lot- of D&D back in the old days, and a huge fan of yours, therefore the reason she knows you... Aren't women spiteful when pushed too far? :)

And now, to stop the complete personal derailing of the thread by myself.. A question. :)

-There's a pretty darn huge shift in the way of developing 3e compared to D&D back in the old days, which we discussed last night in my gaming group. Back then, once the core books were out, it seems to me that modules were the focus of development, with actual "supplements" seeming almost little more then an afterthought. Today, obviously, at least as far as WotC is concerned, it's supplements first, with modules left to 3rd party publishers. We know that this is probably, at least in today's market, a sound business decision. But do you think it hurts the game itself in some ways?

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