TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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I just finished re-reading Descent into the Depths of the Earth. One thing I really like about GG modules is the unbelievable attention to the treasure. Not sure if you customised each one or if its all random, but I love the little touches. Instead of saying 1 Diamond and 400pp we get 143pp, 29gp and a delicate brooch shaped like a small spider.

Did you do this on purpose or was it random?

I also liked how even some of the random encounters and "grunt" patrols all had unique spells or items and small stories ("the female and male patrols are competitive").

Its this kind of attention to detail you don’t see so often in modern modules anymore.

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First Post
Col_Pladoh said:
Welcome Melkor:)

If you want to give the LA system a test, go on over to www.lejendary.com and download the free pdf that is available there, "LA Quickstart Rules." It is a complete product, with instructions, rules, six pre-generated Avatar characters, and a good adventure for the Lejend master to run.

Now back to pipulating an underground lake;)


Last time i checked there where only 4 pregen characters.


Gary Gygax
Whitey said:
Happy GM's day.

If anybody should get special kind wishes today, it's you - and if there's anybody who can really answer this question, it's you.
Beyond 'everybody has a good time', what would you say are the five most important elements of a dungeon/campaign/quest? You should answer that as broadly or specifically as you like.
It'll give us something to think about here while we're waiting on Castle Zagyg.

Hi Whitey,

Rather than have you wait for about three years, the likely toime the last part of Castle Zagyg will be published, I'll take a stab at the five elements that make a game session enjoyable:

1. Good personal relationships between all the participants.
2. Subject matter that interests the whole group.
3. Able GMing, including animated participationby that one.
4. Able play, role-assumption, and roleplaying by the players.
5. A sense of danger from the environment, but knowledge that clever play will likely overcome all hazards,
6. In-game reward for characters played successfully in the scenario,
7. Shared recounting of the adventure at its conclusion.
8. A conclusion that opens the portal to yet more exciting possibilities for play.

There, I went you three better:)

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Gary Gygax
solomanii said:
I just finished re-reading Descent into the Depths of the Earth. One thing I really like about GG modules is the unbelievable attention to the treasure. Not sure if you customised each one or if its all random, but I love the little touches. Instead of saying 1 Diamond and 400pp we get 143pp, 29gp and a delicate brooch shaped like a small spider.

Did you do this on purpose or was it random?

I also liked how even some of the random encounters and "grunt" patrols all had unique spells or items and small stories ("the female and male patrols are competitive").

Its this kind of attention to detail you don’t see so often in modern modules anymore.

Greetings Solomanii,

To cut to the chase, I decide upon the treasure found in an encounter as I write it. Nothing more random involved than my mental processes.

At times I skimp on that part of things because my attention is centered on description of the area, the creatures or traps therein, what will happen to PCs when they interact with those things. In many cases, though, O'll go back and polish an important encounter area, and at that point detail things sich as, "There is a small coffer of tortoise shell hidden in the secret compartment. The box is bound in gold and set with carved red coral clasped in a center mounting of that metal. this carving depicting a curled Oriental dragon, the pearl it holds in its five-taloned claw an actual black seed pearl."



Gary Gygax
mistere29 said:
Last time i checked there where only 4 pregen characters.

Right you are, and my bad;)

I was thinking of an introductory module I had written that had six pre-generated Avatars in it.

Four ain't shabby, though,as two of them are activators--spell-casters.



First Post
Mr. Gygax, it is an honor and a pleasure to speak with you.

Do you prefer "high" or "low" magic campaigns?

What is your favorite character class to play?

Do you keep up with what Wizards of the Coast is doing with Dungeons and Dragons?

After all this time, do you have a favorite monster you enjoy pitting your PCs against?

Thank you.


Gary Gygax
VirgilCaine said:
Mr. Gygax, it is an honor and a pleasure to speak with you.

Do you prefer "high" or "low" magic campaigns?


Depends on the campaign, but i generally have magic available somewhere in the middle, and as PCs get higherin level, amke it more available to them as they face more challenging opponents.

What is your favorite character class to play?

I mainly play a skill-based system these days, but when playing a class-based one I don't ming any of the main classes--fighter, mage, illusionist, cleric, druid, thief, ranger, or some combination of those if playing a demi-human. The last new PC I created was a gnome illusionist thief.

Do you keep up with what Wizards of the Coast is doing with Dungeons and Dragons?


After all this time, do you have a favorite monster you enjoy pitting your PCs against?

Heh, the one i am pitting against the group playing is my favorite of the moment, or else one I am making up to surprise everybody;)


Thank you.[/QUOTE]


First Post
Greetings Colonel, I have a follow up to the spell casting and initiative question you answered above. When attacking a spell caster, the DMG gives two methods for determing if the attack or the spell occur first, either the segment indicated by the initiative roll, or a method based on speed factor. What about in situations where the attacker has multiple attack routines, like an archer, or a fighter with two attacks? Will the first attack occur first regardless of casting time, or does the spell caster have the normal chance of getting his spell off before the first attack occurs?

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