TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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Gary Gygax
Piratecat said:
Gary, it's wonderful to see you back. I'm going to give you Community Supporter status here - that'll give you a custom title (customizeable through "my account"), let you search (more useful in 2 months when the new server is up and running), and a few other things. Please consider it a small thank you from all of us for your kindness in answering a slew of questions. :D

Thank you kindly, Piratecat!

what i do wish would hapen is that the automated notice of poste being made to this thread would hit my inbox. I searched for the threat on a hunch, and sure enough, unanswered messages.

Sorry, and I have no idea what is causing the problem. I even turned my SPAM filter off.

Christmas cheer,

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Gary Gygax
BradfordFerguson said:

1) If you could REMOVE one thing about the 3rd Edition D&D rules, what would you strip out and why?

2) Eventually, down the road we will see a 4th Edition of D&D, if you could recommend one thing to WotC, what would you recommend and why?

3) How did Castles and Crusades work out when your group played it.

Howdy Bradford,

As someone not intimately familiar with new D&D, I do not feel qualified to comment. If I was overseeing a new version, I would surely alter the XP system, replace it with something a bit more contemporary, and thieves would surely gain points from treasure taken ;)

We played the C&C material for about two months and the crew had a blast. We stopped because I wanted them to get into my old D&D dungeon levels, so that's what we are playing now. After they have penetrated to the 5th level, the bottom of the abbrieviated maze, we will return to the Lejendary Adventure system.

Christmas best,

Col_Pladoh said:
Thank you kindly, Piratecat!

what i do wish would hapen is that the automated notice of poste being made to this thread would hit my inbox. I searched for the threat on a hunch, and sure enough, unanswered messages.

Sorry, and I have no idea what is causing the problem. I even turned my SPAM filter off.

Christmas cheer,
I can field that one. E-mail notification has been turned off until the new server. Its supposed to be back once we get the new one, though. :)

And I don't have a question, just wanted to say thanks for doing these threads! I've followed them all and love it!

Thanks for doing all this!


Gary Gygax
warlord said:
Gary, all I want to say is thank you for giving the world D&D and RPGs in general.

Thank you,

Nick Tschida, D&D gamer for life, age:16


Welcome of course. You know that I had a whole lot of fun writing all that game material and related yarns. I still love the work, but old age creeping up has slowed me down to only a tithe of what I could formerly do.

Happy Christmas,


Gary Gygax
Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
I can field that one. E-mail notification has been turned off until the new server. Its supposed to be back once we get the new one, though. :)

And I don't have a question, just wanted to say thanks for doing these threads! I've followed them all and love it!

Thanks for doing all this!


Well, I will take my complaint directly to the giant turtle then, so expect trouble there on diskworld :eek:

Heh, and Christmas best,

Michael Morris

First Post
Col_Pladoh said:
Thank you kindly, Piratecat!

what i do wish would hapen is that the automated notice of poste being made to this thread would hit my inbox. I searched for the threat on a hunch, and sure enough, unanswered messages.

Sorry, and I have no idea what is causing the problem. I even turned my SPAM filter off.

Christmas cheer,

The old server is straining to carry us one more month - and to keep the girl moving we turned the email functions off. They are slated to be turned back on after the upgrade.


First Post

Mr. Gygax,

I just wanted to say hello and thanks for giving us such a wonderful game. I'm greatly looking forward to the Hall of Many Panes. Any teasers you can toss out about that one?

Take care,

T. Foster

First Post
Hi Gary,

I've got another OD&D (1974) related question for you. Looking at TSR's original D&D character record sheets from 1975-76 (as posted at The Acaeum) I see that there's no space on the sheet to record the character's hit points. Is this just an error/oversight on those sheets, or is it evidence that (as some people have suggested) character hit points in those days weren't a permanent cumulative number like they are in later editions but were instead periodically re-rolled (either at every new level or every session or perhaps even every combat)? And if hit points weren't a transient number and were cumulative (like they are now) then how were anomalies like the fact that fighters go from 1+1 hit dice at Veteran (1st level) to 2 hit dice at Warrior (2nd level) resolved? Did the player roll 1d6-1 or what?



What? Me Worry?
Hi Gary -

Here's a question I haven't seen yet, but perhaps it's been asked and I haven't seen it. Is there a comprehensive bibliography of your work out there somewhere? It'd be great to see a fully updated list of your output.


First Post
A question about the 1st ed AD&D or OAD&D Sleep spell


In early 1980's when my group started playing 1st ed AD&D or as you say OAD&D, we had the following question come up based on the way the sleep spell is worded. We were unsure of how the spell was intended to work. We scoured the Players Hand Book and the note in DMG on page 45. Most of us assumed this note meant the caster did not get to specifically pick which of the possible multiple targets were effected, that this would be determined by level/HD and baring that randomly. Others insisted the caster could pick and choose who was or wasn't effected as the caster desired mixing and matching among of the levels or hit dice involved as long as the total wasn't exceeded.

Say a sleep spell is cast at a group of ten characters, say four fighters all 1st level, two clerics both 2nd level, two magic users both 2nd level and two thieves both 1st level. The dice indicate a total of 6 one HD creatures or levels can be effected. All of the targets are with very close together and with in range and area of effect.

Can the caster specifically select the six creatures or six levels he or she wants to be effected?

Can the caster specifically designate: one wizard the one to the right, one cleric the one of the left, two fighters in the front rank he wants effect but declare the spell will not effect the two fighters in the rear rank, the wizard on the left, the cleric on the right, and two thieves?

Or would who is effected be determined by lowest level/HD first in the group until all of the levels effected were used up?

Allowing the caster to pick and choose who was and wasn't effect with in a group seemed too powerful for a 1st level spell to some of us (DM's) and about right to some of the others (players).

How do you resolve the effects of the sleep spell in the above circumstanse?

Thank You, and thank for 20+ years of gaming fun with 1st ed AD&D. Thank you for GreyHawk. My version of GreyHawk is nicknamed "the Celene Campagin" as my players tend toward playing elves. It was active between 1980-1995 and is back in full swing again now in 2004.

Looking forward to your new works with Troll Lords and adapting them to the campagin.
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