TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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Golden Procrastinator
Col_Pladoh said:
All I can do is speculate, but knowing Lorrane williams, I would tend to go with the spate of wretched WoG material being done as retalitory ;)

More my way of saying that since T$R had killed the setting with trash releases, it was time to wipe out the shame by obliterating the setting. Of course, I left a means of restoring it hidden within in the Gord story saga...


could you expound on those hidden means?

Thanks! :D


First Post
Col_Pladoh said:
No 3E play here as I personally very much dislike the system.


Wow. I won't bore you by going on and on about how much joy I've gotten from D&D, but I do want to say thanks. It's affected my life in some great ways, including better confidence in speaking, quick-thinking, responding to interpersonal situations - in other words, it's been great not just while I'm playing but has indirectly but meaningfully improved the quality of my life. So, err, thanks :).

Anyway, this statement above grabbed my attention. The reasons might be widely known, so my apologies if I'm asking you to explain something for the 10th time. I've been playing since the early 80s, and to me 3E seemed such a clear improvement - standardized task resolution, clarified magic item creation processes, manageable skill ratings, ability to take character skill development in unexpected directions via new classes, linear attribute bonuses, etc. - that I wonder what it is that you dislike so strongly. Of course, maybe those are the same things you hate and it's simply a matter of taste? I've heard so many people talk about 'flavor' in denigrating 3E, but it's something I've never understood, as to me the DM has always been the determinant of that largely independent of the system - is this a part of your thought process?

Please be clear that I'm not putting early versions down, I've loved 'em all. Any additional color on your above point would be greatly appreciated. As always, best wishes in future endeavors and on your continuing health and prosperity.
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Is the Colonel still checking this thread, or is he too busy working on Castle Zagyg? If so, please continue good sir!
(Wipes drool from face at the thought of it finally being published.)


Gary Gygax
Frost said:
Mr. Gygax,

I just wanted to say hello and thanks for giving us such a wonderful game. I'm greatly looking forward to the Hall of Many Panes. Any teasers you can toss out about that one?

Take care,


First of a string of replies I will post here;)

Not getting email notice of posts is definately a hinderance! By way of explanation, since my various health incidents, my energy level is very low, and I tire out after about an hour of work--likely from the several midications I must take twice daily. Thus, I am not as active online, or anywhere else, as I was last spring.

The Hall of Many Panes is in final layout, and I am told Darlene is working on it. Likely it will be released in the spring. The delay is because of the changes required to meet the current D20 license.

As for hints, I can only say that the adventure is set up so as to place the party in the location of the panes, pretty well for the duration--with a couple of outs possible at intervals, but they are obviously not desirable. Otherwise, the team will be isolated for the duration of the quest, and the many places they must go to and win through to continue on. My group played for a year, and they were quite skillful in their handling of all but a few of the dozens of scenarios they had to face.

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Gary Gygax
T. Foster said:
Hi Gary,

I've got another OD&D (1974) related question for you. Looking at TSR's original D&D character record sheets from 1975-76 (as posted at The Acaeum) I see that there's no space on the sheet to record the character's hit points. Is this just an error/oversight on those sheets, or is it evidence that (as some people have suggested) character hit points in those days weren't a permanent cumulative number like they are in later editions but were instead periodically re-rolled (either at every new level or every session or perhaps even every combat)? And if hit points weren't a transient number and were cumulative (like they are now) then how were anomalies like the fact that fighters go from 1+1 hit dice at Veteran (1st level) to 2 hit dice at Warrior (2nd level) resolved? Did the player roll 1d6-1 or what?


Short answer. The lack of a place for recording HPs was an oversight in composition. Everyone I know of kept hit points as rolled. the additional points rolled by fighters were just a d6 with no reduction. why take away a bonus? The 2 HD indicated don't say that there must be no addition...

And the edit is a case of my haste making waste:(

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