TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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SInce you have already made up you mind why argue about it? You are the Dm so change the rules to fit your game but do we have to all sit back say you are brilliant? heck no. Also I am not sure what Conan tales you are reading where in full armour he is as silent as some one in no armour, as I have just finished rereading all OF REH original conan tales in there original format and do not recall a story such as that. Also except for the a few tales detailing conan going to war in a leadership position, he is almost always wearing a loin cloth and carrying just his sword or dagger.

Storm Raven said:
Some mechanics are more arbitrary than others. Dwarves get a bonus to Constitution because they are supposed to be generally tougher and hardier than other races. Elves get a bonus to Dexterity because they are generally more graceful than other races. The rules have a point built into their existence that makes sense from an internal perspective. Thus they are not wholly arbitrary.

On the other hand we have the rule "demi-humans can't advance beyond a certain level in any class other than thief" because . . . of nothing that can be expressed in internal terms. That makes the rule wholly arbitrary.
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First Post
Henry said:
I can say that a 7th/9th level fighter-thief in 1E is DEFINITELY more capable across the board than a 7th level Fighter-Rogue in 3E. He can fight better, steal better, climb walls better, etc. Whereas the 3E character can specialize and do ONE of those things well, the generalist that is the AD&D F/T can doo them ALL equally well. I know because I made one up for a Gameday recently. :)

Of course a 7th/9th-level Fighter/Thief is more powerful than his 7th-level counterpart in 3E. But the former is roughly equivalent to a 12th-level character, while the latter is exactly equivalent (in theory) to any other 7th-level character. Would you say that a Fighter 6/Rogue 6 is a comparable character?

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.


First Post
Col_Pladoh said:
Yes, but the best way to decide your question is for you to look at the map that is furnished, and also consider the suggestion of adding terriroty around its verges to expand the playing area. I believe those modules would best be located to the east (KotB) and northwest (CoC) in an extension of the hills.

Sorry not to be able to be more specific.

No, that's fine. I gather that by actually reading the module (Yggsburgh, I mean) I will get some idea of where the 'wilder' areas are in which I might place the Keep and the Caves.

Thanks. :)


First Post
Gray Mouser said:
... Man, next thing you know Demogorgon will have his twin heads on some shrink's couch looking for some catharsis. I have news for you Demo: you are evil and your lot is to be set upon by every two-bit PC party that can make their way to the Abyss! Die! Die! Die!

Heh, sorry ;)...

We eat analysts for breakfast. They just don't seem to understand us very well.

We once walked into a psychiatrist's office with a pancake on our heads, fried eggs on each shoulder, and a strip of bacon over each of our ears.

The shrink, (thinking he was humoring us), asked: "What seems to be the problem?"

We answered, "Doc, we're worried about our brother."

OK, We can do better:

Psychiatrist: What's your problem?
Demogorgon: We think we are a lizard.
Psychiatrist: How long has this been going on?
Demogorgon: Ever since we were an egg.

Speaking of shrinks, why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

Thanks you, we'll be here all millenium!

PLEASE NOTE: We'll be publishing our new abyssal address soon. Please plan a visit when you think you are sufficiently leveled up!


First Post
On the other hand, if you are playing a game, the players should be well aware of the paramaters of the character classes and races before they create a PC with which they will PLAY A GAME.

If they want to tell stories, they might try hanging out somewhere where such people come to hear them, or else take up a career as authors of same.


For my group, the only story telling comes after the game.... "Man, do you remember when we fought those Frost Giants? I can't believe you fired a ballista at them." ;)

Actually by Exp a 7/9 fighter rogue has the same exp as an 8th level single class warrior, if I recall the table correctly for AD&D so actually they are not really a 12th level charter, but an 8th level character going by exp

dcas said:
Of course a 7th/9th-level Fighter/Thief is more powerful than his 7th-level counterpart in 3E. But the former is roughly equivalent to a 12th-level character, while the latter is exactly equivalent (in theory) to any other 7th-level character. Would you say that a Fighter 6/Rogue 6 is a comparable character?

Now back to our regularly scheduled program.


Gary Gygax
Davelozzi said:
Hi Gary,
Just a quick note to thank you for a lifetime worth of entertainment and inspiration

...and more immediately, for putting an end to that ridiculous argument. ;)
Welcome, and as I am want to say, it is surely a lot of fun "working" thus :cool:

As for drawing a line to halt the particular discussion, it seemed the thing to do because of the growing contentiousness. My being humorous in replies wasn't effective, so...



Gary Gygax
dcas said:
No, that's fine. I gather that by actually reading the module (Yggsburgh, I mean) I will get some idea of where the 'wilder' areas are in which I might place the Keep and the Caves.

Thanks. :)


Yggsburgh was a pain in the rump to write because I wanted to include as much detail as possible for the GM interested in using it as a campaign base. So there are sections on history, costume, monetray system and economy of the area, and complete descriptions of the town, its main locations, and the outstanding geographical areas all with encounters or suggestions for same.

Yes, I was most delighted wheni finished it :confused:



Col_Pladoh said:
Yes, I was most delighted wheni finished it :confused:

And I'll be delighted when I finally get it in my greedy paws... :D

What is the progress on the other books in the Zagyg series, Colonel?

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