TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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First Post
Col_Pladoh said:
Well, I'll usually invite Jack Daniels to join me...

That was one of my favorite tunes of the 80s, of course :uhoh:


I see Skoal, and think of chewing tobacco. Tried it once. Decided being ill
wasn't very fun and went about my business. :heh:

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Col_Pladoh said:
Good thing I managed to get that done before the health problems struck, as the module is a very thorough one that took a lot of work to complete. I do hope you enjoy it. with a capable GM the contents should keep a group happily engaged in adventuring for many, many months.

I am one person who will be thrilled to see its fruition realized. :cool:

That was a awhile back indeed...

Too true. Because of a transfer, a layoff, and a shattered clavicle (ice hockey injury!), my online life diminished for a few years there. Now, I feel like it has been turned from stone to flesh!

What with the aid of o coule of stalwarts and the TLG staff, and a little after-creation checking from me, things have indeed improved in regards editing. another set of eyes is always good, though, and you might want to contact Hekaforge and the trolls.

Thanks, Gary. I will do that.

Ah well, I believe they are missing out on the real FRPG experience, that like the OA/D&D one, but no one can argue with preference in gaming. If tyou are ever in the Lake Geneva area be sure and let me know, stop by and we'll play some LA...although currently the group is engaged in pure OD&D action :eek:

You bet! I'll look you up if ever I come out that way. Too bad my closest relative to your area moved to Kansas years ago. That would have been great -- free room and board!

Maybe as our group gets older, we'll get better. The GOOD news is I have a 2 year old son and I think the rules-light LA would be a great way to get him into role-playing games in a few years. Besides, he plays with my plastic collection of D&D minis and calls them his "men". He's very fond of the mummy, the frost giant, and the executioner. :uhoh:

I can use all the prayers offered on my behalf, and I thank you kindly!

You got it. Too many of us Christians talk the talk, but I think a lot of us have to "bring it" if we really want to change the world. (small tangent/parable) That reminds me of a preacher I heard say that a woman complained that Christianity doesn't work because of the suffering and discord in the world. He replied that soap must have failed because there's still plenty of b.o. in the world. Her response was, "No, you have to use it." His answer? So it is with Christianity. We have to use it. :D (end tangent)

Don't hold your breath in regards to a return of the original game, as it's most improbable. the C&C system from the Trolls is about as close as is ever likely to come to the original material.

Being a realist, I agree with you there. It makes me want to kick Ms. Williams in the shins. Well, her and a few other people! :] Anyway, my 1st edition books at home tell me that 1st edition is as alive as I want it to be. Maybe I'll get my group to try that someday (especially if my brother, a former 1e player, helps negotiate). I'll probably need a lot of goodies to hand out to win them over (copious amounts of potions, scrolls, beer). I think 3E has spoiled their sweet tooths (sweet teeth?).

Well Michael... (snipped) So much for plans.

I agree. Thank you for the answer. At least knowing now what you have disclosed, I can set about putting those plans into place in my own Greyhawk assured that I will have captured the outline, if not the exact form, of your plans for Oerth. Well, that gives me more work to do as a DM when I have finished running my current campaign. Currently we're 95% of the way through G1. I had a blast DM-ing that incredible series in the 1980's and I am ready to do it again (with a replacement [truer] ending for Q1!).

Take care of yourself, Gary, and keep putting out that great fantasy material. I love it. And thank you for making yourself so available to us fans of your creations.

Oh yeah -- any chance we'll see a reprint of the Gord books? I know the graphic novels were shelved, but I was hoping to see Gord re-printed. If not, I plan on finishing my collection through ebay and Amazon sources.

Michael / Zudrak


First Post
Gary, how much of a skeptic are you regarding paranormal stuff (ghosts, psychic powers, astrology, the occult, etc)?

I for one am a complete skeptic. Reality is one thing, and FRPGs are another. The only ghosts, spells, telepathy, etc. I've ever encountered have been in fantasy games. If such things were real, why doesn't someone cast even the equivalent of a mere first-level spell (not to speak of ninth-level spells)? A ring of invisibility would come in handy as well. :lol:

(Of course, I'm not asking about religious beliefs here.)

Gray Mouser

First Post
Col_Pladoh said:

All right!


As the father of six children i confess to really liking yinglings. I am very happy I made the lad's day and gave him something fun to both play and talk about :D

You know Gary, the more I learn about you the more it becomes obvious that you are a real class act. Sincerely.

Gray Mouser

Gray Mouser

First Post
Col_Pladoh said:
I realy enjoy the country pubs, and a pub lunch is a great time for me.

For all who can go, try the Old fire Station in ely for dinner :cool:

For those in the Santa Monica, CA ares, try the king's Head Pub for both a black & tan and some pub food.


I have been to England a couple of times and did enjoy the pub food quite a bit. I was just wondering if you'd ever been to the Eagle and Child (aka "the Bird and the Babe")? It's the pub where C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and their friends used to hang out. Over in Oxford, IIRC.

Gray Mouser

Gray Mouser

First Post
Hey Gary, I was just wondering something about the adventure ideas that you included in the Greyhawk boxed set (Werewolves of Menowood, the Mist Golem, Jungle of Lost Ships, etc.). Were any these scenarios ever played in your campaign? (They seem like a great bunch, imho, and I have been thinking of adapting a couple for my online game.)

Gray Mouser


Gary Gygax
MrFilthyIke said:
I see Skoal, and think of chewing tobacco. Tried it once. Decided being ill
wasn't very fun and went about my business. :heh:
Wehn I was about 12 I got the idea that football linemen chewed tobacco, so when I was playing left tackle I took a chaw and got hit really hard. Of course I swallowed the damn stuff and was sick for three days. Ever since the thought of chewing tobacco turns my stomach :eek:


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