TSR Q&A with Gary Gygax

This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.

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This is the multi-year Q&A sessions held by D&D co-creator Gary Gygax here at EN World, beginning in 2002 and running up until his sad pasing in 2008. Gary's username in the thread below is Col_Pladoh, and his first post in this long thread is Post #39.


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Gary Gygax

I had the most fun writing the short stories in NIGHT ARRANT--as the punning name likely demonstrates. It sold the least, as collections of short stories are want.

Now time to bail from the computer, open a Sam Adams ale, and watch the Superbowl. I am likely to root for the Bucs, but the team that plays best winning will be fine as far as I'm concerned.


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Col_Pladoh said:
Now time to bail from the computer, open a Sam Adams ale, and watch the Superbowl. I am likely to root for the Bucs, but the team that plays best winning will be fine as far as I'm concerned.

When gaming becomes more chic, perhaps you'll be able to parlay that affinity for Sammy's into a commercial endorsement... ;)

Go Bucs!


Gary Gygax
Samuel Adams Brewery has restored the repute of American beer, and thankfuly there are now lots of mincr-breweries also purveying something better that the tastless near-water that passes for beer in the eyes of most folks here.

I am concerned about Sam Adams making a light beer, though. Ugh!

The Bucs spanked the Raiders, didn't they...



Col_Pladoh said:
Samuel Adams Brewery has restored the repute of American beer, and thankfuly there are now lots of mincr-breweries also purveying something better that the tastless near-water that passes for beer in the eyes of most folks here.

I am concerned about Sam Adams making a light beer, though. Ugh!

The Bucs spanked the Raiders, didn't they...

No doubt, on all counts.

While we're on the subject, and before someone else steps up with a gaming related question, what passes for Super Bowl fare in the G-hold? Is it a major buffet deal with each person refilling their plates from a variety of dishes or is the cuisine themed, perhaps, to reflect the ocassion and spread all at once on the grand table? Would a guest be resigned to chips, dips and finger foods? Just curious... :)

*edit* Oh, and I suppose we can bring it back round to gaming by asking if you ever do anything special food-wise for game nights? :) *end edit*
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Gary Gygax
Hi Mark,

Heh, and a major event for the airing of the Superbowl is likely only if the Bears are playing--although my buddies who are Packer fans might force me to host a "special" for that event is Green Bay is in the game. As it looks now, there'll be no big Superbowl parties here for some time to come...

Typically only some popcorn get's made for gaming night here on Thursday, as the team brings a host of their own drinks and snacks along. However, if I have been cooking I offer samples to the players. Last time I did that was when I made a delightful (if I do say so myself) fresh mushroom soup with sherry and sour cream. Before that it was some very spicy chili--bound to bring out the Tums at bedtime :eek:

Anyway, we wanted to have a holidays party but it got postponed, and maybe we'll host a small shindig for the group around Valentines Day, the wife informs me. I am urging 1 April as the most appropriate date.

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First Post
Ahh the immortal Gary Gygax has just made the depth of my worship for him deepen with his bears remark.I live in the sw burbs of chicago and I am a chi town fan through and through,even to the point of loving the cubs and hating the sox.
Just knowing that you are also a bears fan gives me a great feeling of well being.....if the great Gary Gygax roots for the monsters of the midway then surely the universe has a sense of justice.

I will not bother you with the tons of questions I have for you,as to tell the truth I really don't know where to start. So lets just pretend I asked them all and you answered as I thought you would answer.

One last thing.....I would very much like to thank you for your gift of dnd,it has been of innumerable import to my life and has brought me alot of happiness and great friends.I salute you sir!


Gary Gygax
Mystras' Chosen,

Not a few Bears fans think I am daft because I don't hate the Packers...

As for your kind words of thanks, I appreciate them a lot. Gaming is a really great hobby, and as you point out it provides more than just short-term entertainment. I feel very privileged in being given the ability to create the material I have, and that so many others have enjoyed it, had fun as I have;)



You Aint Seen Nuthin' Yet

Wait tll the full Gygax Fantasy Worlds line is out. If you thought the charts, lists, and tables at the back of the first edition DMG were comprehensive...

The next time somebody asks what trees grow on that boreal ridge line, or need advice on the important things a kingdom needs, you'll have the advice at your finger tips.

A thought just occured to me. How many people here would be interested in a DVD compilation of the GFW line, once the books are out?

Formatting in HTML so you could view it in your favorite browser, with a printing option for those pages you might need at your game.

And a note for the Col:

Expect the manuscript March 1st. Lots of gaming goodness in the popular Mythusmage style.:)


Eternal Optimist
Re: You Aint Seen Nuthin' Yet

mythusmage said:
Wait tll the full Gygax Fantasy Worlds line is out. If you thought the charts, lists, and tables at the back of the first edition DMG were comprehensive...

The next time somebody asks what trees grow on that boreal ridge line, or need advice on the important things a kingdom needs, you'll have the advice at your finger tips.

A thought just occured to me. How many people here would be interested in a DVD compilation of the GFW line, once the books are out?

I'd be very interested in a CD-ROM compilation. I very much doubt there's enough material there for a DVD, and most people still don't have DVD players in their computers.



Gary Gygax
Re: You Aint Seen Nuthin' Yet

mythusmage said:
And a note for the Col:

Expect the manuscript March 1st. Lots of gaming goodness in the popular Mythusmage style.:)

Have you received a copy of the final ms. for LIVING FANTASY from the Trolls? There's likely material therein that you'll want to refer to for your project, Alan ;)


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